I'm Not Insane

10 of 22

I sat with Andy in the back on the way to back to my house. He kept me pulled against his side as I whimpered. All my tears were basically gone, so I was only making sobbing noises. When we got back, Andy scooped me up into his arms and brought me up to my room. He put me gently down onto the bed. He leaned down and gave me a hug, and kissed my nose. He left, closing the door gently, as if not to disturb me.

I changed and got ready for bed. Crawling under the covers, I soon drifted off to bed. That night I had a dream of my past, but it was more of a memory at some parts. It was the most frightening one in years. It was the one where my ex boyfriend came back and killed everyone that I loved and cared about. He then beat me almost to death and raped me. I woke up screaming and crying. Once I caught my breath I reached and grabbed my phone. I sent a text to Andy quickly, not paying attention to the time

To Andy:
R u busy?

He replied back almost immediately:

From Andy:
No why?

I sent back quickly:

To Andy:
Cause I can’t sleep,
I need you.

His reply came back quickly:

From Andy:
Ok be there in a
little bit

I sat there in silence waiting for Andy to get here. I sent him a text to tell him where the hidden key was, to the back door. Making sure, I also gave him simple directions to my room. It wasn't too long till I heard a small knock on my door and I opened it.

-Andy's POV-

I was halfway to sleep when my phone rang, alerting me that I had a message. It was from Vee. She asked me if I was busy, and I replied back no and asked why and she answered that she needed me. So I got up and texted her that I would be there in a little bit. Pulling on pajama pants, I left my house through the window.

I got to her house in about 10-15 minutes grabbed the spare key from the top of the door and entered quietly. I took the steps 2 at a time. I ran quietly to her bedroom door that was covered in stickers of gir and caution tape. I knocked on the door quietly. I heard her walking over and she opened the door. I looked at what she was wearing. I stared for a little bit because she was only in a pair of boyshorts.

I gulped as she asked,"Is there something wrong?"

"No,"I choked out kind of happy I wasn't wearing skinny jeans, if you understand what I’m getting at.

-Valencia's POV-

I could tell that wearing just boy-shorts wasn't the smartest idea. Cause even though Andy wasn't wearing his regular skinny jeans, I could still tell that it bothered him. I walked over to my bed and Andy followed. I wrapped myself in my Nightmare Before Christmas blanket. Andy sighed in relief and sat down and pulled me onto his lap. I just that there as he held me in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence it was a peaceful one.

After a while he asked,"Why did you need me?"

"I had a nightmare that involved my ex breaking out and killing everyone I care for and love,"I whispered the last part,"then beating me and raping me."

He held me tighter and rocked me side to side telling me it was never gonna happen. No tears slipped from my eyes, which I was happy about. After a while of just sitting there we decided to put in a movie. I threw in my favorite movie, which happened to be Nightmare Before Christmas. Once Andy figured it out he chuckled sending chills through my body.

Andy settled back into the headboard and soon we both fell asleep.

-the next morning-

I heard silent snoring coming from in front of me. I pulled away just to be pulled back, which resulted in me being pulled back into the person’s chest. I then remembered both me and Andy fell asleep last night. I tried to wiggle out which caused him to let out a slight moan. I giggled and thought of a great plan to torture him. I flipped him over so I was straddling him and ground my hips into his causing his eyes to snap open then close cause of the moan/yawn that took over him. I felt his "problem" and slid off onto the side of the bed he wasn't occupying.

I laughed,"Bathroom is 3rd door on the right if you need it." He got up and ran to the bathroom.

I was walking by the bathroom after putting on my shorts and heard him moan my name LOUDLY. He did that right when Jimmy also walked by the door. He glared at the door and asked,"What happened."

"Nothing Jimbo, I haven't done anything with him...Yet,"I smirked.

He shook his head and walked away. Andy walked out and glared at me. I grinned, then turned and ran. I ran into the barn and hid in my horse's stall. I had my phone and saw the time and sighed. I stood up and Andy tackled me.

"Get off, I have to go to dance," I said.

He got off of me and asked,"You dance?"

"Ya, for about 15 years and if I don't get there in about a hour then Gabriel will get mad at me," I sighed, got up ran into the house. I ran up to my room and quickly changed. I ran down stairs and Andy stared and his jaw dropped. I laughed and asked,"You trying to catch flies?"

He gulped and shook his head. I began rummaging in my fridge for my drink when he asked,"Can I come and watch?"

"Sure but if you get jealous don't do something stupid,"I laughed and we left.

I walked in and was swept up and off the ground by my friend/dance partner Gabriel or Gabe for short. He swung me around in a complete circle and set me down on my feet. I started falling and he caught me. I was laughing when Andy cleared his throat. I calmed down and said,"Andy this is Gabe and Gabe this is Andy."

They both said hi to each other and I was immediately forced into the dance studio. I slipped on my shoes and hit play on the CD player. The dance wasn't too complicated just a few jumps, leaps, and turns. We ended with Gabe dipping me and looking into my eyes. I heard clapping and looked up. I was slightly shocked with whom it was. It was Nikki.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked standing up.

"I asked Andy where you were and he told me you were here,"she replied smirking at me and glancing between me and Gabe.

"Nikki this is Gabe, Gabe this is Nikki who is my best friend," I said.

Andy whined,"Hey what am I, chopped liver?"

"No you are Steak, because steak is very very very nummy," I laughed, smirking at him.

He smirked back at me and raised his eyebrows. I felt my cheeks heat up as I looked away. Gabe whispered to me,"Go for him, cause it's obvious that you like him and he likes you so if you don't soon, some one else will."

"Okay I will ask him out then, is that fine with you?" I asked.

"YAY!!!!!" Gabe and Nikki shouted, causing Andy to look at us weird. I just laughed and waved him off. A few tiring hours later and it was time to leave. I hugged Gabe and we left. Andy ended up giving me a ride home.

He sighed in frustration and I asked him,"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just my parents are kicking me out cause they can't stand me cause I'm too depressing for them," he replied sadly.

"Ohhh,"I said and thought for a second,"well do you want to move in, I'm sure Jimmy wouldn't mind?"

"If it's okay I will, but what will I do about the band and school?" he asked, confused.

"They can all move in, because space is not an issue and then y’all can transfer over to my school if you want too," I replied.

His face lit up,"I would love that," his face fell,"but I don't want to intrude on you and Jimmy-"

He was saying but I cut him off,"If I didn't want you guys to I wouldn't have suggested it and plus you will be staying on my side of the house so it won't matter and it’s not like we don’t have enough space."

He sighed in defeat,"Okay, I’ll text you tomorrow." He pecked me on the corner of mouth as I got out of the car. I turned and waved at him as he left. Walking in, I met Jimmy at the door. I told him about Andy moving in and Jimmy said he didn't care. We ordered dinner later that night and watched Sweeney Todd before going to bed.
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Comment what you liked, disliked, and/or what I could've done better