I'm Not Insane

11 of 22 (half way there, YAY)

Andy had finally asked all of them if they wanted to move in. They all replied yes but only if it was okay with their parents. It must of been because they all moved in about a week after that.


After they moved in I got a text from my parents telling me my aunt was in the hospital because of cancer. I began freaking because I thought it was my mom’s sister but it was my step-dads. Now don’t get me wrong, I love her too but my other aunts hold a bigger place in my heart. The funny thing is I didn't know she ever had cancer. That’s the best part of being the outcasts, we are told nothing. The text was basically saying that we had to come and visit. Oh, I forgot to mention they moved all the way to Maine. I mean come on, who wants to live in Maine. So me and Jimmy left later that week and went to see my aunt.

Once we arrived we were immediately criticized by everyone, especially my mom and stepdad, from the clothes we wore to the piercings we had. Our grandparents were the only ones that didn't care, but they are dead. So we were asked to change into to [url= clothes[/url] our parents bought for us. And mine were pink. Not a dark pink but a bright bubbly pink. Jimmy ended up clothes from Aeropostale or American Eagle, but he also got to wear black, so he was much more luckier than I was. We also couldn't wear our piercings or any piece of jewelry that wasn't approved by the parents.

I basically, in a way, looked like a whore that would go to my school and Jimmy looked like a prep which made him mad and not even want to leave his room. We were rushed out of the house after we slipped on the last article of clothing. It was about an hour to an hour and a half of driving, and not good driving. It drove me and Jimmy insane cause they were going about five miles under the speed mile which was already 55 and they didn’t play any good music. The music was mostly today’s rap and hip hop or horrible oldies. Once we got there Jimmy raced out of the car and I trailed close behind him. Everyone else took their sweet time getting out of the car and up to the entrance. When they got there they scolded us because we acted like ‘little kids’ for running through the parking lot. We followed behind everyone else as we walked through hospital corridors.

We finally got up to the room our aunt was in. Her eyes widened out of shock, she was amazed to see me and Jimmy standing there. Jimmy and I talked to her for a little bit but were quickly pushed aside by my mom. I also got hit on by my cousins friend who was like 2 years younger than me. Once we finished visiting, we went and got something to eat. We were dragged to a sushi restaurant, probably because they knew about my hate of fish. So me and Jimmy ventured off and went to Burger King. He crawled around in the play thingy, which got us kicked out once he got stuck and needed help. Once we got back I made a break to my room and pulled out my phone. I quickly called Sandra cause Nikki was probably busy. It rang a couple times and she finally picked. "Hello?"she asked.

"YELLOW!!" I shouted in response.

She laughed,"Okay Vee, now calm down."

"Okay,”I sighed,” and by the way I look like a whore right now.”

"Why?"she asked, stifling a laugh.

"Because my parents don't approve of what I wear and I also was forced to take my piercings out," I sighed.

“Who forced you?”she laughed.

“Mother dearest,”I growled.

"Wow and you went why?" Sandra asked.

"Cause it was either that or get criticized and shunned for the rest of our life,"I sighed,"which sounds better cause I was getting hit on by my cousins friend, who was like two years younger then I am."

"Wow,so when are you coming home?"she asked.

"Maybe tomorrow we might leave, but we will probably have to wait a little bit," I sighed disappointed.

"That sucks,"Sandra replied. In the background I heard Jinxx yell something about a nerf gun, a potato, Andy's ass, and a water balloon.

“I don’t want to know,”I laughed.

“You don’t, trust me,”Sandra said and quickly muffled the phone to try and get them quiet. I heard wrestling around and was soon met by a different voice.

"Vee!" the voice said.

"JAKE!"I replied.

"So what’s up?"he asked.

"Nothing but I look like a whore that would go to my school," I sighed.

"How?" he asked again.

"I'll send you a picture on your phone,"I replied.

"Okay,"He said. I heard his ring tone for when he receives any kind of message. He looked at it and started laughing. When he calmed down he replied,"You don't look that bad its just too much pink."

"What ever," I said and then asked,"so what's new on your side of the country?"

"Nothing really but Andy's acting weird like he's hiding something,"he replied slightly confused,"do you know?"

I sighed,"No i haven't talked to him since I left, but I guess I'll see when I get back."

"Okay well I gotta go so BYE," he yelled and hung up.

I smiled and fell back into my bed with a sigh and fell straight to sleep.

*next morning*

I woke up and stretched. I pulled my fuzzy boots on over my pajama pants. I soon found out me and Jimmy were leaving today. Something about how we embarrassed them just because me and Jimmy threw sushi at the waiter and demanded chicken. I mean come on. I wanted chicken not something from the dirty water that has fish poop and pee coating it

So on the way back to California, I texted Sandra telling her I would be home around 9 tonight. She texted back and Okay as I was getting on the plane. I grabbed my i-pod, my big skull candy headphones, and my book. During the flight, I grabbed my Pixy Sticks and started to eat them. Jimmy soon noticed and started stealing them. I began fending him off which turned into a full fight until we were asked by one of the flight attendants to be quiet because people were sleeping. We apologized and sat there quiet I fell asleep listening to Calling Dr.Love by Kiss. I didn't dream of anything but a white room where my grandparents were. Every time I called out to them they didn't hear me. I started screaming and screaming. Still no answer. I soon felt as if I was being shook.

My eyes snapped open to see Jimmy shaking me awake. I pulled off my headphones and rubbed my eyes. I stretched and noticed the plane had safely and finally landed. I stood up gathered my stuff and headed out. Matt was waiting for us and picked me up and swung me in a circle.

"I'm so happy to see you, and you too Jimmy," He said.

I yawned and replied," I missed you guys to, trust me those 2-3 days were hell."

"Well it's time to get you home at least," he said and grabbed my bags. Jimmy pulled his diva act when Matt refused to take his bags. Needless to say, Jimmy ended up with a threat to make him carry them up his ass or use his hands, from Matt. He quit complaining as we walked to Matt’s SUV. I flung the passenger door open and slid in. I sighed and leaned my head back. I started dozing off and fell asleep. I soon woke up to us pulling into the driveway.

Nothing really happened but a whole bunch of hugs and I missed you guys. I did notice, however, there was something wrong with Andy. He seemed more jumpy which was odd. I fell asleep remembering the few days I was away and how bad it sucked, from the clothes to my cousin's friend who kept flirting with me. It was kind of creepy but what ever.

-next day-

I followed my routine by grabbing my outfit, a rockstar and a poptart and leaving.

As soon as I got to school I began looking for Andy. I finally found him and we began talking when a pretty brunette girl run and jump onto Andy's back and kiss him on the side of his neck. I looked at him questioningly. He smiled a small smile and said,"Vee this my girlfriend Jamie, Jamie this is my best friend V."

She hopped off his back said with a high voice, that resembled nails on a chalkboard, "Pleased to meet you."

"Yeah, you too," I replied. I grabbed Andy’s hand and pulled him away. I looked around and asked,"So this is why you were acting weird?"

"Um yeah,"he replied while rubbing his neck, slightly embarrassed.

"Don't be embarrassed, but next time don't hide stuff from me," I sighed and walked off.

He walked after me and grabbed me by the shoulders and said,"I'm sorry."

"If you were sorry you wouldn't have done it," I replied dryly.

"Why in the hell are you so angry?" Andy asked.

"Because my last relationship and friendship ended with lies," I answered and started walking away. Again Andy stopped me but didn't say anything. He crashed his lips to mine. I immediately pulled away and slapped him. I scolded,"Last time I checked you had a girlfriend, I would know because I just met her."

This time when I turned I took off running, he didn’t even bother chasing after me. I ran straight into Jake Pitts (not my asshole ex) and he steadied me as I was about to fall over. For some reason I began to cry. He pulled me into a hug and I cried into his chest. He picked me up like he was carrying a small child and walked me over to a bench. He sat down with me still on his lap.

After a few minutes of my crying he asked,"Why are you so sad?"

"Andy didn't tell me he had a girlfriend,"I answered.

"Then why so sad,"He asked again.

I sighed and explained,"One we are like best friends, and best friends tell each other everything, and next I think I’m jealous."

Jake sighed and pulled me tighter,"It's gonna be okay."

I sighed and looked up into his hazel eyes and got lost in them. I didn't even notice our faces were inching closer till our lips met. Once I realized what happened, I didn’t pull away though, I sat up even a little more, slid my hands into his hair, and kept the kiss going. We heard a "cough" from behind us. We looked back, still flushed, to see Sandra smirking at us. I blushed even more as Jake began fixing his hair.

Sandra motioned me to come with her. I got up and began following her. She pulled me around the back of the school. She looked around the corner and then asked,"So you and Jake, huh?"

I blushed a darker red, if that's even possible, and replied,"I'm not sure."

"Well, for one I know he likes you because of the way he looks at you,"she said,"but do you like him?"

I sighed frustrated. I ran my hands through my hair repeatedly and thought. I replied after a few seconds,"I don't know, I mean if he asked me out I wouldn't turn him down but I mean he is one of Andy's friends."

"So I mean it doesn't matter, it's not like you and Andy were dating,"she said.

"You're right," I smirked,"I'll ask Jake what’s going on between us, during lunch today"

"Good job, and then you have to tell me," Sandra said.

"Fine," I sighed.
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Comment what you liked, disliked, and/or what I could've done better.