I'm Not Insane

14 of 22

It's been a few weeks since I have been to a fight, and a few weeks since Dante left. I knew I had to go back there but something was stopping me. I couldn't figure out what was stopping me. Finally, I decided to suck it up and go and fight

I told Nikki my plans, to which she sighed and said that she was joining me. I quickly got ready in my usual outfit. On the way out I grabbed my DC hat and my skateboard. Nikki soon caught up with me, as I made it about halfway to the fight. The way there was complete silence but it wasn't awkward. Okay maybe it kind of was but what ever. As soon we got there it was pretty much routine. Talk to the bouncers for a little while. We finally headed down the stairs, signed up for the fights and taped our knuckles while we sat waiting. It took about an hour till my fight was finally called. I stripped my sweatshirt off and walked out there.

It was a simple fight. We walked out and this guy actually tapped gloves with me. Fighters down here usually don’t show that much respect to others because they they think they’re better than everyone. The fight started a few seconds later. I landed two solid kicks into his side. He staggered backwards and I quickly brought the fight to the ground. We grappled and rolled on the ground for awhile. I couldn't get seem to gain in control as he sent a few fists flying into my ribcage. I pulled away from his ground embrace and stood up. This by far was one of the more tougher fights, I thought to myself. He threw a few punches a dodged all but one which struck me in the eye. I backed up and shook it off. I soon just started letting my fists fly. A few actually hit but a lot where off target. I tried to land a few kicks but some. I got sick of this so I let a right hook fly and it landed on his jaw. He wasn't out for too long when he came to, I helped him up off of the ground. I walked to back to where Nikki stood. She was the next fight. She sighed and loosened up her shoulders as her name was called. She walked to the ring and ducked through the rings. The fight began. She came in strong with a few kicks and punches. Then they started grappling. Her guy tried to bring the fighting to the ground. When Nikki realized that she broke the hold she had on him and backed up. They went at each other again. They fought like savages. Nikki eventually came out on top with a swift kick to the guys head.

Once Nikki walked back, we went to the bar to collect our money we won from the fights. We won about 2 grand a fight if we won and if there were a lot of bets. Tonight we each both took home about 1.5 grand.

As we began walking out when someone grabbed my arm. I grabbed the hand and twisted their arm around. I saw it was the guy from the fight. He didn't look mad or that he wanted to hurt me so I let his arm go warily. "Well I just wanted to say congrats on the win and hey,"he said.

"Hey, and what is your name?"I replied.

"Oh yeah, my name is Tyler,"He answered.

"Oh okay mine is Vee, and thanks," I said,"so why else did you stop me."

"Well-"he started but of course Nikki going into the whole protective bestfriend, mode cut him off.

She said,"She has a boyfriend."

"Okay and so do I,"He replied, laughing.

"Oh,"Nikki replied kind of embarrassed.

My face lit up like Christmas came early."You are now my new best friend,”I squealed.

"Okay but why?" he asked warily.

"I really don't know, but I always wanted a gay best friend and you seem awesome so..?"I replied.

"Okay, I will be your best friend,"He laughed.

Nikki asked,"Hey what about me?"

"Nikki don't worry he is my BGF,"I replied as it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"A what?” Tyler asked.

I laughed and explained,"It means a best gay friend."

"Oh,"he replied dragging it out.

I looked at my watch and groaned in frustration as the hands neared 12. Nikki understood the groan and she grabbed both of our bags. Tyler looked confused at our actions. I explained,"My brother doesn't know about me fighting and he will kill me if he finds out about it,"I grabbed my sharpie and wrote my number on his hand,"call or text anytime, BYE."

We both hugged Tyler and left quickly. I met Nikki outside she handed me my bag while swinging hers over her back. We didn't have time to change so I was still in my fight shorts and sports bra. I hopped on my skateboard as Nikki hopped onto hers, and we quickly left.


As we got to my house, I noticed all the lights were off, ‘That’s was a good sign’ I thought. It was only good cause that meant everyone was asleep. I opened the door and slipped in with Nikki behind me. We made it as far as the stair when the living room lights flicked on. Nikki and I turned around and waved at the group sitting in the living room. I gulped and said,"Hey."

"Where have you been and how did you get a black eye?"Jimmy asked standing up and walking over to me.

" is a good explanation, right Nikki,"I replied.

She looked at me in shock that I would do this. She stuttered,"Well there is this one thing, that has to do with another thing, that involves other people."

People shouted out random answers because they thought they knew what we did. I heard,"Stripper". "mobster" and I heard from Andy's girlfriend since she just had to be there,"Whore". I was taken back on that one.

I let out a sharp whistle. Once I got there attention I yelled,"I do none of that,"I looked directly at Jamie and spat,"especially not a whore." I calmed down and said,"Well let's see um..." I looked at Nikki and Val for help but they shook their head basically saying I was on my own. I huffed in annoyance. “Thanks guys,”I mumbled. I looked around a little bit, stalling. "Well, If everyone has to know,"I paused and mumbled,"I street fight."

"What did you say?"Jimmy asked, clearly not hearing me.

I sighed and repeated a bit louder,"I street fight okay, it's not as bad as movies make it seem." They all looked at me completely shocked.

"Okay I also street fight and so did Dante," Nikki said," and she is right it's not bad as long as you don't fuck with the wrong people."

"The same Dante you dated?"Jimmy asked lowly.

"Yup,"I said.

"Well.. I can't stop you or tell you what to do,"Jimmy sighed and quickly switched to the protective side,"but, I want to see one of your fights though." He thought that would scare me away but I just smiled.

"Okay I'll tell you my next fight week but only a few can come, okay?" I asked.

They all grumbled some sort of yes and I replied yawning,"Good thing you guys agreed quickly cause I have to go to bed cause I am tired." I started heading up the stairs and down the hallway when I felt two arms wrap around me. It of course was Jake.

"You thought you were gonna get away without saying hi to me,"he whispered.

I chuckled and asked,"Nothing gets past you does it?"

"No of course not," He replied with me still pulled tightly to his chest.

I laughed,"Okay I appreciate the whole hug and what not but I probably smell and need to take a shower," I paused," are you still sleeping in my room?"

"If you don't mind,"He replied.

"If I minded would I ask?” I asked.

"Just go take your shower," Jake laughed.

"What do I smell that bad?”I asked rhetorically just as miss-i-am-better-than-you-cause-I'm-a-size-0 strolled by and scoffed. I looked at her, sighed and asked,"What the hell do you want?"

"Oh nothing but you might want to take that shower cause I could smell from down stairs," she said.

I chuckled,"Oh while we are giving advice here is a small piece,"I paused smirking," you might want to get a new plastic surgeon cause I can tell your nose and boobs are fake from outside, at night, in a tunnel, behind a brick wall, and with a blindfold on."

I chose a bad and a good time to say it. It was good cause since everyone was walking up the stairs so the all heard it but it was a bad time to say it cause of course Andy was there. Which resulted in Jamie whining. It was pretty much 'Andy aren't you gonna say something' or 'Andy aren't you gonna stick up for me' or my favorite one ,cause it cause me to hit her, 'Andy are you gonna let the fat, filthy, smelly tramp talk about me like that'.

I pulled away from Jake and got right into her face and growled,"Listen here Ms.Botox lips, this is my house, and when you’re in my house and under my roof you respect me and my brother, got it?"

"Why the hell would I do that?"she said.

"Because of this.." I said as I drove my fist straight into her nose causing it to let out a satisfactory snap. I smirked and walked to the bathroom. I took a fast shower. I got ready, grabbed my glasses and headed to my room with my puppy on my heels.

I walked into my bedroom humming a random song. I put my dog tags away and turned to my bed. I jumped a foot in the air cause I forgot Jake was sleeping in my room. He began laughing at me and I just pushed him over on the bed. I walked over and pulled my covers down and slid in. Jake pulled me into his chest and rested his forehead on the top of my head. Rocky jumped up and curled up in front of my knees which were slightly bent as were Jake’s. I listened to his heart for a little bit. His breathing soon evened out and that was when I knew he had fallen asleep. I soon drifted off to.
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Comment what you liked, disliked and/or what I could've done better.