I'm Not Insane

19 of 22

"I'M AL-FUCKING-RIGHT!," I growled and stormed outside.
*Valencia's POV*
I ran straight up the stairs and into my room, slamming the door behind me. I walked over to my ipod dock and hit shuffle. Sticky Sweet by Motley Crue came on and I turned it up as loud as it could go. Sighing, I hit the wall. I turned around and started pacing, trying to get rid of the pissed off feeling that hung around me. I mean sure it’s great that they care but I hate being asked constantly if I’m alright. I sighed and picked up my phone. My fingers flew as I sent a quick text out to Tyler:

*To Tyler XD:
Hey, want to train/
hang out today?

I waited a few minutes and soon received a text back:

From Tyler XD:
Sure, text me your
address and i'll be
there soon.

My fingers flew across the keyboard as I sent Tyler my address. He replied back with a simple okay. I quickly changed into something more comfortable to train in.

Metallica soon came on and began blasting through my room as I lay on my bed, waiting. I was starting to fall asleep when something started to vibrate. Groaning, I reached towards my nightstand. I started moving my hand around.

Nope that's a lamp.
No, that's an alarm clock.
Hmm,drumsticks, still not it.

I finally grabbed my phone from my nightstand. My screen soon lit up, blinding me, to let me know I had a text. It was a text from Tyler, telling me he was here. I hopped off my bed , stretched, and ran downstairs. Flinging the door open, I saw him standing there. His arms quickly engulfed me in a hug.

I heard someone clear their throat. I saw all the guys standing there.

Of course, Jimmy being Jimmy asked,"Who in the hell are you?"

Tyler just laughed and I answered,"That's no way to treat a guest." Jimmy sent a pointed look and I said,"Tyler this is my family, Family this is Tyler, my friend."

Tyler waved slightly at them and then looked at me. I smirked and grabbed his hand. I pulled him down the long hallway to a door.Pulling the key off of the top of the door way, I unlocked the door. He gave me a questioning look to which I answered,"What I like privacy."

We continued down the stairs to my home gym type thingy.

Tyler nodded and replied,"This is way better then what I got." I looked at him questioning and he answered laughing,"I basically have a mat and a heavy bag."

"Ohhh." was all I replied. Tyler nodded and took off his shirt and we started warming up and stretching.

I started laughing when Tyler, claiming that he is oh so flexible, started to try and putt his leg behind his head. It resulted in him rolling around the ground as I started laughing at him. He fake glared at me, stood up and tackled me.

I fell to a ground. He straddled my waist and pinned my hands above my head with one hand. He smirked and said,"If I wasn't gay I would be enjoying this right now."

I just laughed and flipped him over. When I heard someone "cough" me and Tyler immediately stood up laughing. I looked and saw it was Andy. I smirked and asked,"What's up?"

"Did I interrupt something?"he asked, he kinda looked jealous.

"Yes I was just about to kick Tyler's ass but you stopped me,"I said fake pouting.

Tyler just laughed and stated,"I'm gay don't worry."

Andy blushed and mumbled an "Oh".

I just laughed and replied,"Yes Andy he is gay, I wouldn't let a straight guy do that to me when I've only known him for a few weeks."

Andy just turned around and walked away as me and Tyler continued to laugh.
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Comment what you liked, disliked and/or what I could've done better.