I'm Not Insane

20 of 22

Stupid School.

Stupid Pep Rally.

Stupid People.

Stupid gym.

So today's the day of the big pep rally. Basically we sit on uncomfortable bleachers and do nothing. School is only okay when we don't have a pep rally, I didn't forget about a test or homework and when I actually want to be here. So it's rarely ever okay. Pep rallies are never okay nor are they ever fun because we are stuck in a gym, that smells like gym socks and B.O., for about an hour.

I sat, surrounded by my friends, in the top right area of the uncomfortable plastic gym bleachers. I twirled my new tongue piercing around in my mouth as I scanned through all the kids still piling in. The stereotypical jocks and sluts, the supposed emo's/freaks, the nerds, and then people like me and my friends. We weren't classified as emo's or goth's even though we wear a lot of black clothing. We were like the new age burn outs. The burn outs that really don't smoke weed. I mean like my brother, Johnny and a few other smoke, but the others stick to smoking cigarettes, same with me(but that's only on occasion).

I leaned back and pulled my hat down and leaned against Jimmy. Right when I was about to put my feet up onto the bleachers in front of me, the most popular, preppiest, and sluttiest girl sat down with her friend. Her friend was ,shockingly, slightly actually quite like us, just not as much. Their "boy toys" joined them soon. I just scoffed and curled my legs underneath me.

The, I guess you could say, queen bitch of the school said sneered at me,"What are you scoffing at freak?"

"Oh nothing," I sighed,"besides your painfully obvious boob and nose job."

She gasped,"I'll have you know, they are 100 percent real."

"As real as a 3 dollar bill,"I replied which earned a laugh from all of my group. Shockingly her friend gave out a small giggle. As soon as she heard her friend let out that giggle she huffed, grabbed her boy toy’s arm and walked to the other end of the bleachers, ranting. Hearing her giggle made us all stop.

Ashley of course being his natural flirty self leaned forward and asked,"So darlin', what's your name?"

I let out a scoff/laugh and replied, before she could answer,"Oh Ash first of all don't scare her off, and second you're not southern but good job on tryin'." I continued,"So what is your name."

"Faye,"she replied shyly.

"Well, I'm jealous," I said.

"Why?" she asked.

"Cause your name is awesome," I replied.

"Thanks," Faye said blushing.

I just laughed,"So now that we know who you are, do you know who we are?"

"Umm, I've heard of you guys," she replied semi-embarrassed.

Andy butted in,"So our reputation is that profound."

"You are?" she asked.

His face grew red and I butted in,"So to not further Pandy's embarrassment, who is your boyfriend?"

Both her and the guy blushed and she quickly said,"That's not my boyfriend, that's my cousin."

"Hmm," I said in a fake horribly attempt at a British accent," well then you my dear are very attractive, if I do say so myself." He blushed and looked down. I smiled,"Ah we got us a blusher." He blushed even more and Faye let out another giggle, which caused me to let out a giggle and say,"You my friend are very adorable."

"Thanks," she said with a slight lisp.

"AH," I exclaimed silently,"she has a lisp too, the adorableness never ends." I asked ,"So, who is your friend?

"Caleb," he answered.

"So Faye, Caleb,"Nikki said and asked,"why do you hang out with that bitch?"

"Well she's dating my brother," Faye answered.

"Who's your brother?" I asked.

"Jake," she replied.

"Wait, Jake who?" Brian questioned.

"Jake Todd," Faye said.

"Well a dick with a bitch, I'm not surprised," I mumbled and leaned back.

"Huh?"she asked.

"I dated your brother and he cheated on me,"I answered.

"Oh," she said and then asked,"how come I never got to meet you?"

"Cause I probably don't fit normal criteria,"I sighed,"you know church going, goody girl in front of parents but a complete bitch with friends, I'm not like that."

"Well then what are you like?"Caleb asked.

"I'm the complete opposite," I replied,"I hate church, mostly because I don't believe and I'm the same way with whoever I'm with and parents really don't like me."

"Wow my brother's a dick," she laughed.

"You got that right,"I said.

The pep rally fest thingy ended like an hour later. We talked and laughed and I now made new friends YAY. My mommy will be so proud, if she wasn't a bitch.
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Comment what you liked, disliked and/or what I could've done better.