I'm Not Insane

4 of 22

Once I got home I sprinted to the front door of the house. I unlocked the door and threw it open. I took the stairs two at a time until I reached to the top of the staircase and I sprinted to my bedroom. I kicked off my sandals, shimmied off my shorts, and ripped my swim suit off. I grabbed underwear and quickly slid them on so I wouldn't be naked in case a member of the staff walked in. I went to the back of my closet where I keep my fighting stuff.

I grabbed my shorts and sports bra and pulled them on quickly. ‘Shit’ I thought as I ran back into my room to grab my forgotten shoes and bags. I ran outside and grabbed my skate board. The fight was local so I didn’t see the point of starting my car again and driving there.
Dante decided to text me again.

From Dante:
Hey love, where are

I texted back.

To Dante:
Not that far I had to
take my skate board.
The wind rushed through my hair as I rode down the hill. I had to cut short since the bar where I fight was at the end of the road. As soon as I reached it I took out my phone and sent a text to Dante telling him I was there. He didn't reply so that meant he was already down in the basement.

I walked through the bar and to the back to where 2 scary bouncer looking dudes stood. As they saw me coming they cracked a small smile. "Vee,"they said together as I walked up.

"Hey Cain,"I said,"MIKY YOUR BACK!!!," then I jumped into his arms.

He chuckled,"Yeah it was a family emergency."

"Is the person ok,"I asked.

He replied,"Yeah I guess."

"I can't believe you left me," I pouted and flipped out of his arms.

He said,"But I had to."

"I know you did but since you were gone so was Cain and we had a creepy guy here and he grabbed my ass and I snapped his wrist in half," I said,"and the other guy said I should run along home and play with my barbies and I kicked him in the nuts."

They both laughed and Cain said,"V, what are we gonna do with you?"

"Let me go down the steps and get to the fight before Dante gets in a pissy mood cause I'm not down there yet," I said.

They hugged me and wished me luck and let me through the door. I walked down at least 40-fucking stairs. As soon as I got down there I was tackled by one of my besties.

"NICOLE I THOUGHT YOU WEREN'T GONNA BE HERE!" I yelled over the music. I swear the venue was more like a club with the drinking, dancing. and music the had down there.


"YAY!" I yelled. I felt to arms wrap around my stomach and pull me back against a strong chest. I looked up and saw Dante's jade green eyes. We stared for a while when Nikki broke it by yelling like a maniac.



"YA AND I WON!!!!"she yelled and began doing a celebratory dance. Rule one:Never ever EVER bet against Nikki cause she always wins.



"OKAY," I shouted.

It sucks cause I couldn't watch Nikki fight but I could tell by the way they yelled her name she won. I finished taping my fists when Nikki came in with a few cuts on her face but nothing major. We didn't say anything I got up and hugged her.

Since we all get a song to come out to I decided it was a day for Inside the Fire by Disturbed. As I walked out I heard barely any boo's as I made my way to the "ring". The "ring" is basically a giant slab of concrete in the middle and ropes on either side of the slab. The only good thing is it's easier to clean the blood off of.

I ducked in between two the ropes that housed the slab. I sauntered to the middle where the other fighter already was. The guy was of course brand new so I felt kinda bad that he was going against me since I've been fighting for about 12 years. No not street fighting but I used to do MMA so I had an unfair advantage. We tapped our knuckles to signal the beginning of the fight.

We stepped back and began circling each other. He struck first a right hook to my kidney. I blocked and struck my left fist into the side of his head. He backed off shaking his head. We continued to circle. When someone yelled,"KICK HER ASS," and he shouted,"I DON'T HIT GIRLS." I gave him a psychotic smile and said,"You better start now." I did the usual combo left, right, left, upper cut, kick. I landed each blow bringing him down to the ground. I got on top and just start wailing on him. As soon as he was bloody and knocked out, not dead but knocked out, I got off. I stood up and raised my hands as they all started to chant.

I jumped out of the ring and ran to the bar to collect the bets placed on me. I got about 50 grand tonight. I walked over to where Dante and Nikki were sitting and the congratulated me. I walked back to the room where we get ready and I changed into the clothes I brought with me. I took out my contacts put them in their container and and grabbed my glasses. Grabbing my board, I walked out of the room. I walked to where Dante and Nikki were sitting and talking. I hugged Nikki tightly and I kissed Dante lightly, then I left after saying bye to them.

I walked up the steps and hugged Cain and Miky and I left. As soon as I got out of the bar I grabbed my gun, making sure it was clicked to safety, and I tucked into the waistband of my shorts. On the way home a car came about a good 3 inches close to hitting me causing me to flip out and crash. I felt the skin rip clean off my bicep. I got back up and looked closer at my arm. Making sure I got most of the bigger rocks out, I took off on my board.

I snuck into my room by the window since I have a lattice by my window. I walked to my bathroom and started to clean the gash in my arm. I heard my window slide back up. I stopped and grabbed my gun. Cocking the gun, I aimed it as soon as the person walked in. I looked up and saw it was Val shaking her head in disappointment.

"What I was skateboarding and almost got hit by an asshole that doesn't know how to remove his or her head from their ass and drive," I said.

She replied,"Oh okay let me help you." She cleaned up my cut and wrapped it up in gauze,"Change the gauze when you wake up and when you go to sleep tomorrow."

I said,"Yes, Mommy."

She rolled her eyes and said,"OK I gotta go and you better be in school tomorrow, but wear a long sleeve shirt so no one asks or gets suspicious." We said our goodbyes and she left through the window. I dropped onto my back on my bed and just laid there. Without noticing, I passed out.
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got sick of finding song titles.

comment what you liked, disliked and/or what I could've done better