I'm Not Insane

7 of 22

Okay so it's been about another 4-5 weeks and everything is just fan-fucking-tastic. Not really, I mean Brian's still dating a whore, Jimmy almost found out what I do, and it seems like Dante has been distancing himself. GR! stupid ass high school drama.

**************************BACK TO THE STORY*****************************************************

I was laid out on my roof just listening to a little bit of Motley Crue when my phone started vibrating. I figured it was my brother calling probably, so I grabbed it quickly. It was just a text, though. You ask who from, It was from Dante and it read:

From Dante:
Meet me down @
the beach we got
2 tlk

I was confused but still texted back quickly:

To Dante:
Ok be there soon.

I swung down through my window, grabbed my stuff and threw on a quick outfit. I skipped down the steps, twirling my keys. Walking out to my car, I tried to whistle. I failed miserably. I opened the door and slid in. Pushing the key into the ignition, I started the car up. Taking in a deep breath, I left the house. I manoeuvred through all the streets and around cars. Spotting the beach, I pulled into the parking area. I walked out and looked around seeing if I could spot him. I did he was right under the pier, pacing back and forth

I walked over quickly and he flashed me a small smile. The thoughts running through my head were ‘either he's just nervous and he wants to ask me something or something I fear’. He takes a deep breath and went to talk but stopped. He did that a couple times but finally said,"I'm sorry but it's over." As those words left his lips my heart felt like it shattered.

"Why? What did I do?"I asked,"why is it over?"

"It's over because I'm moving again,"he sighed.

I questioned,"Why do you have to move?"

He sighed and answered,"I have to move because my parents found out that I’ve been fighting and they think that its my friends fault but they just don't understand it's to get away from them.”

"Oh, so it's really over?"I asked and he answered me with a nod. I nodded my head as a form of goodbye and ran the other way, back to my car. When I got home I was crying my eyes out. Running through my house sobbing, I could barely see straight as I tried to get up the steps. Jimmy heard me tried to grab me but I got away from him. I threw my bedroom door open and ran into it. I ran and jumped onto my bed. I buried my face in the pillow and just let my tears soak into the fabric. My room was completely silent and dark, when something happened.

There was a knock on the door and a familiar warm voice...
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment what you liked, disliked and/or what I could've done better