I'm Not Insane

9 of 22

Their band practice was pretty awesome. I also learned that not only could Andy sing but he could also play guitar. So after the band practice I went to my brothers band gig. Found out they might be getting signed and Val is their manager type thingy-ma-bob. That is all that happened that I could've drug on and on and bored you to death (and me) by writing but no. So back to the story.


I woke up the next morning and it was Monday YAY. Not really. Anyway I woke up and walked downstairs in my pajamas which was pretty much boyshorts, a tank top. I walked into the kitchen and flipped on the radio. Hello Fascination came blaring from the speakers. A smile made it’s way onto my face as I grabbed a banana. I started dancing around and singing into said banana. Feeling eyes on me, I turned around. Brian, Matt, Zacky, Johnny, Jimmy, Sandra, and Nikki were all standing there staring at me like I was a science experiment.

After a few seconds of staring Jimmy and Nikki start dancing and singing along with me to Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne. I stopped and stared behind them. A smile appeared on my face and they all groaned. Me and Nikki started laughing and Sandra looked at us weird.

Johnny explained,"Whenever Vee gets a smile like that she has a plan and it usually spells trouble."

"Oh,"Sandra said now getting it.

"Who ever wants to skip school follow me cause I'm going to Target and having fun," I laughed and ran out of the room. Nikki and Sandra agreed to come with me but surprisingly Jimmy said no. So Nikki called Tom and Bill and asked if any of them wanted to come. Only Bill could so we agreed to meet him there and we left. Target wasn’t that far so we all decided to walk. Once we arrived an even bigger smile found its way to my face

We all took off skipping into the store singing Barbie Girl at the top of our lungs. I started doing cartwheels down the aisle. It was fun till I hit Bill, he wasn’t too happy about. He started chasing me around the store. I finally lost him when I saw a familiar head of black hair. I smirked and took off running.

"KOALA!"I shouted as I ran at him. He looked up with his piercing blue eyes as I jumped on him. We fell with me straddling him. He looked up at me and blushed. I giggled and said,"Fancy meeting you here, huh Andy."

He chuckled deeply and said, slightly confused,"Ya I guess."

-Nikki's POV-

Me, Bill, and Sandra were walking around when we saw a girl sitting down with her head in her hands. Being curious I walked over and asked,"What's wrong?"

She looked up and said,"Practically everything."

"Oh, do you want to come with us?" I asked.

"If you don't mind," she said cracking a small smile.

"If I did would I have asked you?" I asked.

She replied,"No but, I am Poppy Isicson, but just call me Poppy."

"Okay," I said.

A few seconds later I heard someone, of course it was Valencia, yelling something like koala. I looked at Bill and Sandra and they also looked confused. We decided to go look.

We walked down a few aisles to see Vee straddling Andy in the middle of the isle.

-back to Valencia's POV-

I paused as I heard laughing coming from behind me. Whipping my head back to look, I saw Nikki, Bill and Sandra laughing at us. I looked down at Andy and pecked his nose. I stood up and helped him up from where he still lie on his back.

Nikki quit laughing and asked,"So how did you find him?"

"I sort of just ran into him," I smirked.

"More like jumped onto," Andy mumbled, brushing the ‘dirt’ off of him.

"Yup practically," I laughed.

"Oh by the way we found someone," Nikki said.

"YAY NEW PEOPLE!!" I shouted.

"Don't scare her or get us kicked out again." Nikki scolded.

"Fine," I mumbled defeated.

The girl walked out from behind Nikki and smiled shyly and said,"Hi I’m Poppy."

"I am Valencia or call me V or Captain Awesome either one works and the person I was sitting on was Andy," I said smiling.

"Why couldn't I introduce myself?" Andy asked, pouting.

"Don't pout at me," I said looking away," and I didn't let you cause I'm awesometabulous at introducing people."

"You guys are cute together," Poppy said.

Me and Andy looked at each other blushing, and pointed to each other and asked,"Us?"

"Duh," she answered.

"Oh we aren't dating," We both said quickly.

"It seems like you two are," She replied.

We just stood there blushing not saying anything while they started laughing, when a brilliant idea hit me,"We should have a shopping cart jousting tournament."

"Hell yeah," everyone but Bill said, so we grabbed carts and mailing tubes. I had Poppy and Andy push me and Nikki down the aisle standing on the carts. She hit me causing me to fall out backwards and hit the ground. The breath rushed out of my lungs, causing me to lay there gasping and laughing. Everyone rushed over to me besides Nikki who was laughing like a maniac.

Andy scooped me in his arms and began asking if I was okay over and over again. I looked at him and laughed,"Yup it takes more than that to hurt me even ask Nikki."

"Yup trust me she walked around with a broken ankle for....... wasn't it like a month?" she asked.

"Yurp," I said.

"Holy shit," Sandra mumbled with wide eyes and looking over my shoulder. I looked and saw a pretty girl with red hair and I looked at Andy, he also had wide eyes but they weren’t filled with shock, but sadness. I poked him in the cheek and he looked down. I looked at him questioningly and he mouthed 'later'. I nodded and the girl was walking over to us.

She walked up to Andy and kissed him. He pushed her off and growled,"What the hell, Scout?"

"Andy, I'm so so sorry," she apologized.

"And I don't care you did that and didn't care at all," Andy retorted, his voice full of heartbreak and some anger.

I stepped in and said kindly,"Maybe you should leave."

"Bitch, who in the hell do you think you are?" she asked snottily.

"I'm someone you don't want to fuck with right now," I snarled in the most calmest manner I could.

"Why cause you're gonna kick my ass or steal Andy because he is mine and a skank like you doesn't deserve him," she said haughtily.

"You shouldn't push it," Nikki said.

"Why cause your skanky ass-" I stopped what she was about to say in the most politest way I could think of. By slamming my fist into her nose which snapped her head back and following up with a hit to the side of her chin causing her to go unconscious.

"Why did you do that?" Andy asked astounded.

I looked at Nikki telling her with my eyes to explain. She sighed and began,"A While ago Vee was with an asshole who called her stuff like a skank and shit like that and would beat her so when she broke up with him he came after her twin, Jimmy, and put him in the Intensive Care Unit," she took a breath," and while he was in there he did things to Vee that would have got him killed if Jimmy was out and in the end Jimmy had him arrested for about 20 years and whenever she hears shit that reminds her or of him she either cries or beats the shit out of the person or goes completely comatose." By the end me and Nikki had slight tears in our eyes. Andy walked up and wrapped me in his arms and I began sobbing.He rocked me side to side and held me close. After a while we were asked to leave by management, so we left for my house.
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Comment what you liked, disliked, and/or what I could've done better