Status: In process. Kind of slow but getting there. :D

I Was Always a Biter

27. You Got My Stomach Tied In Knots

Ashley's POV

I woke up the next morning laying on a bed, I couldn't recall what happened after William had led me into the garden, which wasn't completely a bad thing. I felt safe with him, he would protect me from Gabe. I was happy.

I sat up as my eyes wandered around the room. It wasn't the one I was in before. The window was open, leaving a cool breeze in the room. The air was cold, with or without the breeze. It was also too dark, maybe around nine or ten. The air was foggy. I must've slept for a while, it felt like the next day. I soon went over to the window and shut it quickly.

I felt something breath against my shoulder and whipped around fast. Gabe was staring down at me, "You know, William can't save you."

I backed away at the sound of his voice, it was hoarse and raspy. I jumped as my back hit the wall. I was cornered, "William will get you, just leave for your own good."

Gabe laughed, backing up to give me some space, then looked straight at me, "William only wants you because he's lonely."

"And why then would you want me?"

"Oh, I'm lonely too, dear. Just not in the same way." Gabe pressed his body against mine as I screamed, pushing my hands in-front of me to keep him away, which didn't work well. He bit into my neck hard as I felt the blood trickle down my neck, he was taking everything he could, still moving himself against me with one hand on the wall. The other to hold the back of my head.

I sat up once again to the sound of me screaming. I looked around the room quickly to realize it was a dream. I was in William's room, he was standing to the left of me with a concerned look on his face, "Gabe's infiltrating your dreams, isn't he?"

I nodded slowly, looking away in disgust. I couldn't imagine what I had looked like while I was dreaming. Or what I had even said. William looked at me once again, "Don't be embarrassed. He does it to many people, it's his form of torture."

I couldn't respond to that. I didn't know what was going to happen, I once felt safe with William, but Gabe could still get to me. I sighed to myself, swinging my legs off the bed to stand up. He watched me curiously, "I don't remember you coming up here to sleep."

I shrugged, "I don't remember either, to be honest. Must've been tired, it happens with humans."


Jess's POV


"Yeah, Jess?"

I walked over to him, while grabbing his arm, taking him to a different room, "Can you tell me more about, you know, The Dandies?"

He shrugged while looking at me, "There truly isn't much to tell. I'm William's right hand man, always have been, but William hasn't always been the leader."

I looked at him, curiously, "Who was before him?"

"A man named Dallon."

"What happened to him?"

Brendon sighed and sat in the chair, waving for me to sit in the one across from him, so I sat down. It looked like it was going to be a long explanation through a rough past.

"Dallon created the Dandies, whether or not William likes to believe it. I was just turned a vampire then and William was Dallon's right hand man", he shuffled his feet then placed his one leg over the other, "William never liked Dallon, he didn't like how he ruled over us, or told us what we needed to do and how it needed to be done."

I nodded slowly, this was new information. Gabe would be happy. I sighed as I thought about Gabe, he really did mean something to me, but I never meant a thing to him. He kept trying to push into my thoughts to talk to me. It hurt like Hell, I tried to ignore it as much as possible as Brendon continued to speak.

"Dallon knew about Ashley and he told William. I don't know how he does this, but he just knows. He knew before she was alive, obviously. William was young then and would do anything to have a girl like her, or how Dallon explained her. But now that I think about it, he explained her right."

I shook my head in disbelief, "Dallon could see things before they could happen?"

"Yes, and he knows how this will all turn out, he's the key to everything. But there's one pro-"

I interjected, knowing what he was going to say, "The problem is no one knows where he is, correct?"

"Exactly that. He and William fought over leadership and William eventually gained it. Dallon stayed in the clan for many years, until he disappeared."

I cringed as Gabe pushed into my thoughts harder, he had been listening all along and I was too focused to notice.

Brendon moved his eyes towards me and watched me closely, "You've got to stop letting Gabe in."

"I know Brendon, I try, okay?"

His voice got harsh, "Try harder."

I looked away as I began to concentrate on pushing Gabe out, after a few minutes the pain had stopped. I turned my attention to Brendon, who still had his eyes on me, "Do you want me to help you? Or not?"

"Help me with what?"

"Getting away from Gabe."
♠ ♠ ♠
Another great update from Ashley :D Please comment and subscribe to show your love for the story.
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