Status: Coming back very soon!

Just The Way You Are

Chapter Two: Yellow

Class got out five minutes as to which the entire class was very excited. This professor never let us out early, let alone on time. I decided to head into the Starbucks across the street to get a Mocha. I had a few friends that still worked there, so it was always good to catch up with them while waiting for my next class to start. Thankfully, there wasn't much of a line at 9am. If I would have went before class, it would have been a whole other story.

"Hey Nat!"

"Hey girl! How have you been? Do you want your usual?"

"I'm great! My usual sounds excellent! Jord got the go for skating!" I said with the slight jump in the air.

"Mar! That is so good! I bet you two are super excited!" Natalie said finishing up my drink.

"We are!! Hey we're heading to Cheesecake factory tonight, you should come!" I said as I swiped my credit card to pay.

"That would be great if I didn't have this damn night class tonight." she said handing me my drink. "How about this weekend?"

"Yeah sure! I'll give you a call later this week."

"Alright see ya later! Have fun in class."

"Oh I'm sure I will. Later girl!" I said making my way to the door. As I was sipping my drink I checked my phone since I noticed it blinking.

1 New Picture Message from Kris.

There Jordan was sitting on the bench with a shit eating grin on his face, lacing up his skates. I couldn't help but smile. I quickly saved the photo onto my phone. Underneath Kris had typed: STAALSY IS BACKKKKKKKKKKK!I decided to text him back and thank him.

Thanks for the great pic!He looks like a kid in a candy store! Please tell me he's taking it easy...........

Walking all the way across campus really sucked, especially since it looked like it was ready to pour. I was almost into class when I got a text back from Kris.

No worries, Mar! They're just letting him skate around. They've been watching him like a hawk.

I texted him back before I shut off my cell for this lecture.
Goodie! I know he'll be whining about it later lol. Thanks bud, see ya tonight.

Lecture for two hours felt like complete death both physically and mentally. Over-fry of the brain and my hands were sore as hell from all the note taking. I couldn't wait to get home to Jordan and make a late lunch for us. The team still had Jordan going to therapy for his foot. Sometimes it was short, others were more vigorous and time consuming. All of his hard work was finally paying off. I was getting ready to start my car when my phone started going off.

Incoming call: Jordan <3

"Hey babe!" He answered sounding like a sugar high kid.

"So how was it?!" I almost yelled out.

"It felt so good!! A little painful, but that's to be expected. Tanger stopped by to watch!"

"I know, the goober sent me a picture! I can't wait to hear all about it at home babe!"

"I can't wait either! The trainers have me doing all these monitored activities to see how my foot held up from skating. I'm not really sure how long I'll be there. Sorry baby, I'll be home as soon as I can."

"Jord, it's fine. I'll go over to Kels' to study and eat. I hope everything goes well! I love you!"

"I love you more beautiful!"

"Bye Jord!"

"Bye Mar! I'll call on my way home."

"Alright, bye!"

I shut the phone and turned my keys in the ignition. Kels was done at class an hour ago. Luckily, her apartment was about ten minutes from campus. Her and Kris were still living apart, but had been house hunting since we came back from Thunder Bay. I pulled into her complex and parked my car. I got into the elevator and made my way up to her floor. There it was 304. I did our secret sister door knock to let her know I was there. We started doing it when we both first started living there.


"KELS! It's finally happening!" I said giving her a huge hug. I fought the urge to just start bursting with tears.

"I told you it would! It just takes a lot of time, well in Jordo's case a string of bad luck." she said hold her arms across to my shoulders. "But look, you two are the strongest people I know. Things can only get better!"

I quickly gave her a hug to show her appreciation. "Thanks sis. Now feed me cause I'm starving." I said starting to laugh.

"Well dig in! I picked up some fruit and sandwiches after class."

"So how was class?" I asked as we sat at the kitchen island digging in the bowl of fruit.

"Crappy. This stupid professor gave us a huge paper that's due right before the team Halloween party."

"That's lame! Holy hell, that's next week!"

"You're telling me! I haven't found a costume for that yet!" Kelsey said pulling out two water bottles from the refrigerator.

"Sucks for youuuuuuu" I said laughing as she whacked me with the bottle.

"Alrighty smarty pants, what are you going as?"

"Top secret." I said making a zipper motion across my lips.

"I bet Jordy knows!!"

"Nope! Completely hidden in the closet. He has no idea."

"Well, I'm thinking we should find something for me like uhhhhh right now."

"I'm game! Lets go! Jord has all these test things this afternoon."

"Yay for us!!! Lets get going!"

We put everything back in the refrigerator and made our way out of the apartment. Hopefully we would find something. Kelsey and I got into her Jeep Liberty. Mall at Robinson was usually our go-to mall so we decided to go there. The parking lot was completely packed. Who knew everyone wanted to pile into the mall in the middle of the afternoon.

"We got our workout for the day!" I said laughing as we finally made it into the mall.

"Yeah cause Jordan doesn't give you one every day" Kels said with a smirk on her face.

"Oh please!" I said giving her a little push. "I don't need to hear about you and Kristopher!" I said sticking out my tongue.

"You wish!!" she said laughing as we walked into a new little shop.

We both looked around the shop as we grabbed a few outfits for her to try on. About eight outfits later, Kels finally decided to try them on. Waiting outside of the dressing room I was getting anxious to see if she found anything she liked on her.

"Any luck Kels??" I yelled out for her to hear. No response. What the hell was she up to?

Before I could yell her name again she opened the door with a cute yellow mini dress with a black ribbon around it.

"Aww a cute little bumble bee!"

"Tah dahhhh!" Kelsey said giving a little spin.

"You have to get that!"

"I'm thinking so too! Alright, I'm going to change back into my clothes real quick."

While waiting for her I spotted these bright yellow and black striped socks. They would go absolutely perfect with the dress.


"Here I found some socks for it!"

"Those are amazing!!! Thanks sis!"

We walked up to the counter to pay for Kelsey's outfit. As soon as she paid we managed to wonder around the mall for awhile and picked up a few outfits for fall. Mall had died down significantly since we first arrived, probably since it decided to down pour outside. I decided to make a run for it with Kels' keys to bring the car around for her. There was no way I was going to let her run with that new dress. That would be crazy. Drenched I got into the car and drove up to the entrance where she was waiting. Kels ran into the car as quickly as she could. I turned up the radio as we drove back to Kels' apartment. By the time we got back to her apartment it was going on 5 o'clock.

"Thanks for the fun trip!" I said getting out of her car and giving her a hug.

"No thank you! I finally got my outfit!"

"Alright, I'll see you in a couple hours girl!" I said making my way to my car with my bags.

I drove off and was finally on my way home. Jordan should definitely be home by now. I was super excited to get some cheesecake. One of my absolute favorite desserts ever. It was also where we had our first date. As I pulled into our driveway I saw Jordan's Escalade. I couldn't wait to run in and see him! I quickly parked my car and ran inside not even bothering to shut the doors to the car and house.


"In here babe!"

I ran back the hallway to find him in the kitchen with a huge smile on his face.

"Congratulations boo!" I said wrapping my arms around him for a big hug.

"Thanks Mar. I couldn't have done it without you." he said giving me a kiss and picking me up. Jordan then lifted me up onto the kitchen island he was standing behind.

"I love you" I said putting my hands around his face.

"I love you more, Marlee Hughes" he said starting to kiss me again. Jordan then leaned in more so that my back was now flat against the kitchen island. My god could that man kiss. Then I heard it. Barking.

"Jord, did you let Colb out when you got home?" I asked continuing to kiss him.

"Shit. I'll go get him. He's probably dieing to get out of his cage." he said getting up off of me.

"Here, I'll make us some smoothies while you go get him from downstairs."

"Thanks babe!" as I received a quick kiss on the forehead as he ran down the stairs.
I jumped off the island and headed towards the refrigerator. I grabbed some ice, strawberries, blueberries, and peach yogurt. I threw them into the blender and turned it on. I could hear Colby running up the stairs and into the kitchen.

"There's mommy's baby!" I said grabbing him into a hold. "I missed you so much!" I earned a sloppy lick on the cheek after that.

"Colby, you're such a mommy's boyyyy!" Jordan said putting his bowl of water down and rubbed his one year old head.

"And you're not?" I said laughing.

"Hey, whats wrong with that?!" Jordan said making a puppy face beside Colby.

"Absolutely nothing" I said giving him a quick kiss. I quickly washed my hands and walked over to the blender. I grabbed two glasses out of the cupboard for the smoothies. I turned off the blender and poured it into the glasses for us.

"Here you are babe" I said handing the glass to Jordan.

"You're the best boo" he said starting to drink it. "I think this is your best yet!"

"Oh please you say that every time!"

"Well it's true! I'm a very lucky guy!"

"And I'm a very lucky girl! Lets go get changed, I'm sure Kels and Kris will be calling soon."

"Because god forbid we're a few minutes late, they'll think we're having a quickie!"

"Hey I didn't say it, you did! And besides Kris is the one who ALWAYS says it."

"Good! That way we can get there early before them."

"Payback!" I said giving him a hard high five. We ran upstairs to start digging in our closets. Jordan picked out a black t-shirt with some khaki shorts to match. I had just thrown on a green tank with a pair of jeans.

"I picked something up for you today."

"Oh yeah? What is it?"

"Here open it!" Jordan said handing me a box. I quickly opened it up to discover a faded yellow t-shirt with a terrier on it.

"Jord!! It looks just like Colby! I love it so much!" I said giving him a big hug.

"I'm glad you love it. I'm sure it'll look great on you." he said giving me a kiss.

"Here, take this." I said stripping out of my tank. "I have to wear this." I said putting my new shirt on. I then turned on my hair straightener to touch up on my hair. Jordan grabbed a hat from his dresser to put on.

"I'll take Colb out for a quick walk, then we'll get going."

"Sounds great babe!" I said fixing my hair. Fifteen minutes later, Jordan and Colby were back and I was finishing up with my makeup.

"Ready, Mar?"

"Yep, are you?"

"Oh yes, I need some cheesecake. Real bad." I couldn't help but laugh.

"Alright you hungry man." I grabbed my purse and we were on our way downstairs. I poured a bowl of food for Colby and we were on our way. Jordan and I got into his car and made our way to South Side. He about flew there so that we would beat Kelsey and Kris.

"Jordan, if we get pulled over, I'm going to beat you."

"Oh are you?" he said with a big grin on his face.

"I'm not kidding!"

"Whatever you say, Mar." he said laughing. About fifteen minutes later we pulled up to the valet for parking. We walked in to be greeted by the hostess. She was very sweet and set us up remotely far from the rest of the people at the restaurant.

1 New text message from Kelsey
Hey we're running late! Order some food for you two!

I told Jordan the news as we decided to order some fried zucchini. As soon as our zucchini came in, so did Kels and Kris.

"Hey sorry we're late!I had a huge headache."

"Are you okay? Have some food!" I offered.

"Yeah I'm feeling somewhat better"

"Quickie cough cough" Jordan whipered.

"Did I ever tell you how funny you're boyfriend is, Mar?" Kelsey said rolling her eyes.

"Don't remind me" I said giving Jordan an elbow to the stomach.

Our waitress came back just in time to get Kelsey and Kris' drinks along with our orders. Kris and Jordan decided on steak while Kelsey and I went with our favorite of crusted chicken romano.

"Hey, I'll be back. I just need to use the restroom." Kelsey said getting up out her seat. She started stumbling to get out.

"Are you alright Kels?" Kris asked.

"Yeah yeah. I'm" before she could finish her words she fell onto the floor. We all jumped up to go help her. I frantically starting shaking her.

"Kelsey! Are you okay? Did you take your medicine today?" I started yelling out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oufits! :)
Marlee's dinner outfit:

Kelsey's outfit:

Kelsey's dinner outfit:

Yes, this story is finally back and kicking!
Musical inspiration: Coldplay-Yellow