Status: I've let this story slack, I shall fix that asap - deangirl22

A Perfect Lie

Life at a new place is always difficult to adjust to, but when you throw in mysterious twins with a clouded past in your attic, a crazy split personality artist in your basement and an annoying Noname jerk with a pest for a pet cat as the owner's son, it makes it all that much more of a pain. But things are about to get a whole lot more complictated here at the Pink Palace when old skeletons come back to haunt the new tenants of the condo. Will you be able to band together the people of the Pink Palace to stand against the Other Mother once again? Or maybe there's something more to the button-eyed witch then anyone could have thought. Who is it that has created this perfect lie?
{summary by OrbEater}

This is a reader insert story. ~~~~~~~~~ & ___________ represent your name. (I use ~~~~~~~, co-author Elora uses __________)
  1. Welcome To Pink Palace
  2. Noname
  3. Fiona's Flat
  4. A doll of two
  5. Watched
  6. Hardly Boys
    *I shall add a bit so this runs smoother with El's.
  7. Dinner