Status: I've let this story slack, I shall fix that asap - deangirl22

A Perfect Lie

Hardly Boys

The sound of windchimes and annoyed muttering caused your eyes to flutter. "Why does she have windchimes in her room?" you heard one of the twins ask.
"Got me." Nonam replied causing you to open your eyes and glance over your shoulder. "Well hello!" he greeted.
"Good evening." Cade & Claude added in a slightly creepy tone.
"I'm impressed ~~~~~, I can actually walk in here now." Nonam said taking emphasized strides to the otherside of your room.
You sat up,sliding to the base of your bed, your back-muscles flexing in an ache. "What are you guys doing here?" you blurted.
"I swear that's becoming her catchphrase." Nonam told the twins. His dark eyes darted to yours. "You like being alone ~~~~?"
"..I like to know when I'm having visitors, especially when they're a set of dumb boys." you responded, getting to your feet.
"Why did you look at us when you said that?" Cade & Claude demanded, each pointing a thumb at their chest.
"Did I? I'm sorry, I mainly meant Noname." you responded.
"Oooo I'm so surprised!" Nonam said, crossing his arms. "Your father happened to invite us to dinner. Fiona too."
"Speaking of Fiona," you began, glancing at the twins.
"Oooo you're a lil tattletale aint ya?" Claude mused circling you.
"Planning to tell big bag Nonam that we broke into her apartment huh?" Cade put in, as he sat down on your bed.
"Too bad he's in on it." they said together with identical grins.
You blinked, your gaze darting to Nonam. "In on what?" you asked.
"I...may have relocked Fiona's door." Nonam answered with a shrug.
"Wha...why?" you stammered.
"Bros before hoes." the twins replied.
You frowned at them. "Excuse you." you said dryly.
"Oh you're too kind." / "I love ya ~~~~~~." they responded flopping down on your bed.
"Hey..oh I dont care." you mumbled, moving towards your door. "But I'm telling Fiona that the Hardly Boys, are working together to be bothersome and odd."
"Hardly Boys." the twins echoed with laughs. "We're older than you."
"By like a year or two!" you called down the hallway then froze, turning around. You were about to leave three mischievous boys in your bedroom unattended? Hanging your head with a groan you marched back inside your room to see Nonam snooping around your dresser. "Hey!" He glanced at you innocently. "Can we go eat dinner already?"
"Can we?" the twins hummed. You glanced at them blankly - Cade had his arms folded behind his head while Claude had his hands clasped over his stomach, both were studying the ceiling.
"They'll repsond to 'may we' not 'can we'." Nonam explained.
You stared at each of them in turn. ".....May you all go to hell?" you responded.
"Oh I dont think dinner is gonna be hell ~~~~~~." Cade said sitting up.
"Yeah what would make you think that?" Claude added following his brother through your door.
You rolled your eyes, blinking a bit when you saw Nonam staring at you. "...What?" you murmured.
"...Dont bring up the break-in." he finally said.
"Why not?" you asked.
Nonam uncrossed his arms stepping towards you. "Because I said so." he answered.
"Is that all?"
"Yeah! Unless you want outta Pink Palace..."
"I want out alright." you mumbled. Something flickered in Nonam's dark eyes that you werent able to dicepher in time.
"...Your dad likes it here." he replied.
"My dad likes it anywhere." you said. Nonam scowled, looking down as he scuffed his shoe. "...Sorry. Did I insult your home?" you added. He leered up at you then grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of your room.