‹ Prequel: Dreamspace
Status: Completed Check out The End Of The Dreamland Saga


Time to talk to Zacky

After Gerard, Chelsea, Mikey and Alicia left since Alicia brought Lia to us. How did she get her was beyond me. Lia was asleep so we just set her in her crib. I couldn't hold her which made me sad. Stupid broken arm. I looked at Zacky who laid on the bed and smiled at him.

"So, yesterday, Brian and Frank both lectured me and I realized they were right" Zacky said and I looked at them.
"What did they talk to you about" I asked him.
"About how I'm treating you and how I'm acting. I don't want to lose you" Zacky said sitting up and looking at me.
"Then prove it" I said to him.
"I promise you, I'll be a better fiance. I told Matt and the rest of them about how we should get a house here in France for a while just to get away from California and everything" Zacky said.
"And" I said.
"They agreed, Johnny is even going to ask Lacey to come up since you don't like her and asked me not to invite her" Zacky said. I didn't like Lacey at all, she thought I was trying to steal Johnny every time she was around.

"So what did they say about you treating me" I asked.
"Well Brian told me to stop being over protective and then he told me he loved you, which I would have bashed his face in but I knew you would get upset so I didn't. When I saw you kiss him it hurt because I thought you might have felt the same way and I could have lost you" Zacky said.
"I do love Brian, but not the same way he loves me" I said sitting down next to Zacky.
"Good" Zacky said kissing me lightly.
"Now what did Frank tell you" I asked him.
"How Donna would call you a whore" Zacky said. I nodded, I haven't thought about that in a while, I forgot since I got close with my mom again.
"How I should stop having my friends see you naked and stop asking for sex all the time" Zacky said. I smiled and kissed him.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel like a whore, is that why you dressed like that the other day" Zacky asked me.
"No, Chelsea said she wanted to dress like a ho because we went to a sex shop, which reminds me" I said going to the bag and picking up the collar with the gag.
"If you ever not behave again, I'm putting this on you and not taking it off until I feel like it" I said to him.
"I might like that too much" Zacky said winking and I laughed and went and sat on him.

"I love you" I said to him.
"I love you too" Zacky said moving my chin so I could look into his eyes as he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine.
"I promise you, I'll show you I can make this marriage last when we do finally commit" Zacky said to me and I smiled.
"good, because I want this to work too" I said and he pulled us back so we were laying down with me on his chest.
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UGH someone needs to take facebook away from me so I can get this all caught up BUT it's so funnnnnn

I just played Super Mario on it.....yeah I know what you guys are saying "stacie stop with the facebook and get with the updating"