‹ Prequel: Dreamspace
Status: Completed Check out The End Of The Dreamland Saga


Not Again

Time lapse about three months

Ever since that dreadful day when I found out I was pregnant with Brian's baby, I've been staying with Gracie and we have been having a blast. Also like Brian said he came over everyday to bring me to my doctor's appointments. Now I'm three months pregnant wishing I wasn't.

"So Gracie, what shall we do today since I am cooped up in here" I said to her.
"I don't know record some songs your suppose to be recording" Gracie said.
"Nah, I feel to fat to do that" I said to her.
"You are not fat you are three months pregnant" Gracie said.
"With a child that is going to a new home with people who will take care of it" I said. Yes Brian finally realized in order to help me save my relationship with Zacky and his life that we should put our baby up for adoption. Also he promised to bring Sophie and Ethan with him to visit if they promise not to say anything and he has, so I'm pretty glad about that.
"That is true, Brian should be here any minute" Gracie said. I nodded and grabbed a hold of my stomach feeling a sharp pain.

"You okay" Gracie asked me. I shook my head no.
"I've felt this before" I said and felt it again. Oh no not again, I know I said I didn't want this baby but seriously this is the way it's going to happen. I bent over and Brian walked into the door.
"What's going on" He asked.
"Just get me to the hospital" I said to him and Gracie. Brian picked me up and I held my stomach. Gracie went to her car and opened up the back door for me and Brian to get in.
"are you okay" Brian asked me.
"No" I said and started to cry. Gracie rushed me to the hospital. I've never seen her drive as fast as she did. Brian put me in a wheelchair while Gracie checked me in as Julie Seward since that's who they knew me as.

"It hurts" I said to Brian.
"I know" he said rubbing my hand. The last time I felt this was when I lost mine and Jimmy's baby and I hoped I didn't have to call the potential parents to tell them that their baby has passed away. The doctor's rushed me in and Brian came with me.

"What's been happening Ms. Seward" the doctor asked me.
"Well, I'm three months pregnant and I'm having this sharp pain and it hurts so bad and I've haven't felt this in a long time" I said holding my stomach more. The doctor nodded and told me to get in the gown. As soon as I did, I saw blood in my pants and underwear and I passed out.
Brian's Point Of View

When I looked down and saw all the blood in Stacie's clothes, I knew that wasn't good. It scared me more to see her pass out. I looked at the doctor and the pushed me out of the room.

"What's going on" I yelled.
"Sir you need to calm down" a nurse said to me.
"My girlfriend Julie Seward just passed out and I want to know what is going on with her and our baby" I said. Gracie came to me and pulled me to the waiting room. I sat down and put my head in my hands.

"It's going to be okay" Gracie said.
"No it's not because if she loses the baby then the family waiting for it will be so disappointed" I said looking at her.
"Just think we wouldn't have to lie any more and the last lie we would have to say is the record is off because she couldn't deal with touring without you guys" Gracie said. I nodded and looked down toward the hallway where Stacie was still. The doctor came out of the room with his head hung low. I stood up and walked to him.

"Are you Mr. Harold?" the doctor asked me and I nodded.
"Julie is doing fine but unfortunately she had a miscarriage, we tried to save the baby but we just couldn't" the doctor said.
"Can I go see Julie" I asked. The doctor nodded and I opened up the door and saw Stacie sitting there staring blankly at the ceiling. I shut the door and Stacie turned and looked at me.

"At least we don't have to lie any more" Stacie said to me.
"Yeah, but I feel bad for the family who wanted it" I said to her sitting down on the chair next to her bed.
"I can't believe it happened again, after having two successful pregnancies" Stacie said.
"It happens, but at least now you can go running back into Zacky's arms and say I'm ready to marry you" I said to her.
"Yeah" Stacie said smiling big.
"He has missed you quiet a lot, all he talks about is when is she going to get done with this record, I can't believe she left without telling me or asking me to go" I said.
"Really" Stacie said with wide eyes and her eyes shining. I knew right then and there I should move on and maybe see what could happen with Gracie and I.
"Yeah, I can you really love him" I said.
"Yeah I do, I know you love me but you'll always be my best friend and I love you like I love my two brothers" Stacie said to me.
"I know" I said leaning down and kissing her forehead.

"So when can I get out of here" Stacie asked me.
"I don't know, they didn't tell me" I replied.
"Well find out, I don't want to be here" Stacie said to me. Just as she said that Gracie came in.
"You can go home" Gracie said.
"In what" Stacie asked.
"Oh yeah" Gracie said, "wait I have clothes in the trunk of my car." Stacie and I both looked at her.
"What, just in case I need a change quickly" Gracie said and ran outside. The doctor came in with the paper work that Stacie filled out to be released. Gracie came in with clothes and Stacie put them on. We all walked out and Stacie got into the back.

"To my house and then back to your house" Gracie said driving toward her house at a much slower pace. I pulled out my cell phone and looked back at Stacie who was staring out the window. I dialed the potential parents number.

"Hello" Anna said.
"Hey Anna" I said.
"Brian, how is Stacie any news on the baby what the sex is anything" Anna asked. I noticed Stacie look at me and had a sad face.
"That's it, it's about the baby" I said with sadness in my voice.
"Oh" Anna said.
"Stacie had a miscarriage" I said.
"Oh, how is she doing" Anna asked.
"Okay I guess she seems pretty shocked why don't you talk to her" I said.
"Yeah" Anna said as I handed the phone to Stacie. I watched them talk for a little bit and looked at Gracie who just gave me a sad smile.

"It's for the best" she said and I nodded.
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so a random note I found my long lost twin sister(Not really but we think alike so we are twins now)