‹ Prequel: Dreamspace
Status: Completed Check out The End Of The Dreamland Saga


Opps I slipped

So after waking up from the short nap with Zacky, I opened my eyes and saw him still starring at me.

"What are you doing" I asked him.
"Looking at the most beautiful person in the world" Zacky said. I smiled and leaned up and kissed him.
"Come on let's go downstairs" Zacky said picking me up and carrying me downstairs. I giggled and saw all my lovely friends playing Call Of Duty.
"Why are you playing Call Of Duty when we have fantastic news" I asked them.
"Because we can, Fuck Johnny" Brian said starring at the screen as Johnny killed him.
"well stop please" I said and pouted. They hit pause and turned to look at Zacky and I.

"So what is it" Gerard asked.
"I have finally decided that I want to marry Zacky next month" I said to them.
"Whooo" Alicia, Chelsea, Nana, Gracie, Matt, Dimples, Ray, Mikey and Gerard all cheered. Frank looked down at the ground and I nudged Zacky to put me down. I walked over to Frank and sat on his lap.

"Do you want to talk" I asked him. Frank looked up and nodded his head. I stood up and headed for the door.
"We'll be back" I said as I opened it and walked out with Frank following me. We walked down the street and I shivered some and Frankie took off his hoodie and handed it too me.

"Thanks" I said smiling.
"I thought I had a chance" Frank said.
"I know you did, I should have ever done that with you but my mind is so messed up right now" I said to him..
"Then, why did you do it if you knew you were going to end up with Zacky any way. Stacie, I'm sorry for what I did and I hate having to have our kids be away from either one of us from a long time. I want what we are doing now being able to see Sophie and Ethan grow up together as a family like what is going on now" Frank said.
"I know, and I'm sorry to string you along like that Frank. Do you know how bad you hurt me when I needed you do you" I asked him as we got to the park. I went over to the swings and collapsed on one. Frank went behind me and started to push me like when we were back in Jersey during high school when a boy would break up with me and I didn't want Mikey or Gerard to kill him.

"Yes, I did, Chelsea reminded me every day" Frank said to him. I looked at him with tears in my eyes.
"I loved you so much and then you go to Jersey without me on tour with you once and you go off with that skank Jamia who has been trying to get to you since High School" I said crying some more, "now that I found someone who I know won't cheat on me you now show me that you love me so much you want to make it work. Why didn't you make it work in the first place, why didn't you push the skank out of your punch, show her your wedding band and tell her your married to the love of your life with two babies?"
"I'm sorry okay, I wasn't thinking at all. I was drunk and home with friends from Jersey" Frank said.
"So, Frank we were only married for three months" I said, "I love Zacky and I can see us spending the rest of my life with him."
"I'm sorry I fucked up big time and I paid for it but please don't marry Zacky" Frank said. I looked at him.

"How can you go and say that, I love him and he loves me. Yeah I had a huge crush on you in high school and I fell in love with you when you helped me get cleaned from the shit I did, but then you broke my heart and pretty much stepped on it after we spent the most romantic weeks in Venice and Rome, I have ever had" I said to him as he stopped the swing and I cried some more. Frank looked at me.

"I'm sorry, I really am but I can't help my feelings" Frank said.
"It's been a long time, you need to find yourself a girlfriend and learn to love again. You were a big part of my life and your one of my best friends Frank and I love you in a brotherly way. That's all there is now, yes I did do sexual things with you but that was because I was emotional and not thinking. I love Zacky, I really do and those three long months away from him pregnant with Bria" I stopped what I was saying and turned and looked at Frank. Frank's mouth dropped.

"I knew there was something else because I know you and you would never leave Avenged Sevenfold to go solo unless they could be your band" Frank said, "and why Brian would leave saying he would go to the store and never come back with anything. Where were you really?"
"Promise not to tell Zacky please Frank" I said to him partically begging.
"Well see" Frank said, "for now, it's safe with me. Now where were you staying?"
"With Gracie, she is a producer for a record company so we figured if I stayed with her until the baby was born and make a CD, I can come back and be like Voila it's finished but I had a miscarriage today and that's why I came back" I said. Frank pulled me to him and hugged me.

"I'm sorry, were you going to keep it" Frank asked.
"No, Brian and I were going to put it up for adoption, we had a family and everything. It killed me to tell the family the news today" I said. I can't believe I'm telling Frank that I was pregnant with Brian's kid. I really hope he keeps it a secret and doesn't tell Zacky because if he does, I think I might just have to die.
"I'm sorry Stacie" Frank said.
"It's not your fault and I figured to keep my relationship with Zacky safe it was the best way. I don't want to lose him Frank" I said.
"I understand and go be happy" Frank said looking down at me. I smiled and kissed his cheek and hugged him once more.
"Thanks for being a good friend" I said as he hugged me tighter.
♠ ♠ ♠
So today I'm happier then a kid on CHristmas because I just bought Nightmare at Wal-mart for $11.99 even though it's edit I'm still happy and I'm sorry this is like the first update of the day but my twin Sammy and I have been talking about Zacky like all day so in my defense it's his fault for being so sexy that he distracted me....
