‹ Prequel: Dreamspace
Status: Completed Check out The End Of The Dreamland Saga


Note To Self: Never Drink two days in a row

I woke up and saw light shinning into the window. I rolled over and groaned and came face to face with Zacky's chest. I smiled and closed my eyes again. I felt really cold and Zacky pulled me closer to him.

"Ello Ello" Brian said and Zacky and I both groaned.
"Sorry" Brian said. I sat up and held my head and looked down at my outfit.
"I stayed in this all night" I said.
"You passed out in my arms" Brian said. I nodded and took the cup of coffee he offered and the Advil. I noticed Zacky do the same thing.

"What happened" I asked.
"Let's just say you and Chelsea recreated the Beast And The Harlot Video" Brian said.
"All I remember is going into the club, seeing the pole, dancing with Frank and Zacky and that's it" I said.
"Then you took off with Frank and Zacky into the bathroom to do god knows what. Then we got kicked out of the club but you and Chelsea got asked to stay and you took the bottles of Alcohol and walked out of the club. Then I guess we walked ahead of you, so I went back and carried you back since you passed out" Brian said.
"Your too kind" I said patting his cheek and standing up going over to Zacky's bag to take a shirt.
"Can't you wear your own" Zacky asked me.
"I'm just taking a VU shirt you don't normally wear" I said and grabbed a pair of my sweatpants. I walked into the bathroom and I looked like shit.

"Ah" I screamed and then turned around to turn on the shower. I adjusted the temperature and stripped and got in. The water felt good and helped ease the headache I had. When I got out of the shower I looked at the tattoo I got yesterday and smiled. Now I had three tattoos of the men who mean the most to me. First Jimmy, Then Frank and now Zacky. I put on the shirt and sweatpants and noticed that Zacky and Brian were talking about something and stopped when I came in. I went over and laid across their laps.

"You seem better" Zacky said leaning down and kissing my lips lightly.
"Yeah, the shower helped it go away" I replied. I stood up and itched my back making my shirt go up so they could see the tattoo.
"When did you get that" Brian and Zacky asked.
"Yesterday" I replied.
"Now I shouldn't be so mad" Zacky said as he touched it. It was still kinda sore but I didn't care.
"I have three guys now on my body that mean the most to me" I said. I said and then went next door to see how my lovely best friend/sister-in-law was holding up. Her and Gerard were sleeping and Gerard was shirtless.

"Hmm should I" I said to myself. I was planning on if I should jump on them or not. Against my good angel saying no let them sleep. I went with the devil and ran to where the TV was and jumped landing perfectly on Gerard and Chelsea.

"What the fuck" Chelsea said pushing me off and on top of Gerard more.
"Get off me" Gerard said.
"Morning big bro" I said kissing his cheek as he pushed me off the bed. I landed on the floor with a thud and looked up and glared at my brother.
"Good that's what you get now get me some Advil and coffee" Gerard said.
"Fuck you" I said and went to get the bottle of Advil from Brian and him and Zacky were talking again but stopped. I was confused but just shrugged my shoulders and walked back to my brothers room where I walked in and saw his ass.

"Ahh Gerard butt" I said throwing the Advil down and running out and running into the open door. It was Dimples and Johnny's room.
"Ahh save me" I said running to him.
"From what" he asked.
"I saw Gerard's ass" I said and buried my head into his chest. I felt Matt chuckle.
"Are you laughing at me because if you are I'm calling Nana and telling her" I said walking over to his cell phone on the stand and dialing Nana's number. It rang a couple of times.

"Matt" Nana said.
"Dimples is going to be dead soon" I said.
"Hi Stacie" Nana said.
"He is being mean to me, I came running to him for help because I saw my brother Gerard's ass. It was scary" I said to her.
"Aww poor Stacie, tell him to hug you and make the scary image go away or when I come there next week he won't get none of Nana" she said.
"Okay, bye bye Nana, love you see you soon" I said.
"Bye Bye Stacie, love you too" she said and we hung up.

"Nana says if you don't make Gerard's image of his ass go away then you don't get no Nana time" I said to him. Matt came over to me and squeezed me.
"Not...like....that" I said running out of breath.
"I'm sorry" Matt said he grabbed his phone from me and pulled up a picture, "have Zacky butt."
"Why do you have a picture of Zacky's ass on your phone" I asked him.
"He mooned someone while you were sleeping and I found it funny" Matt replied and I just shook my head and laughed.
"Dude, you are fucking strange" Johnny said, "nice sweatpants."
"Thanks, they are comfy" I replied. I sat around in Johnny and Matt's room just talking to them about random shit.