Status: I feel awful. Forgive me! I'm writing now! (2/18/11)

Bring Me That Horizon


Now that Kevin was here, even if just for a short while, I decided I could open up a little more to the boys. I had already introduced them and he seemed to really get along with everybody. Well, everybody that is, except for Tony. Tony just kind of brushed Kevin off, barely speaking to him. I hadn’t even really gotten to know Tony yet, so I just let it slide, not even bothering to think about it anymore.

Kevin’s hand rested lightly on my back, tracing soft circles on my bare skin. We were sitting on the beach. It was another beautiful day and luckily a Saturday, so I didn’t miss a second day. I rested my head on his shoulder and looked up into his blue eyes. He grinned, creases forming in the corners of his eyes.

“What’s up?” he asked, still smiling.

“Nothing, nothing at all,” I replied. Then I pushed my lips to his for a quick kiss.

“You know I have to leave tomorrow right?” Kevin asked. His smile fell a little but I reached up and lightly pushed the corners of his mouth into a smile.

“I know, and I’ll miss you. You will come visit me again right?” Kevin nodded eagerly and I laughed.

He pulled me onto his lap and kissed me. This was no small peck, or heated make-out session; it was a romantic kiss filled with so much love and passion. I wrapped my arms around his neck and threaded my fingers into his soft hair. I felt him grinning into the kiss, so I pulled back.

“Get a room,” somebody scoffed. I looked up to see Vic and Jaime kicking a soccer ball back and forth but looking at us.

They started laughing and high-fived before walking over to us. The guys did a weird handshake thing, while I just gave quick hugs to Jaime and Vic. The guys sat down and started helping themselves to the lunch I had spread out on the blanket. I swatted their hands away and gave them a stern look. Jaime pouted, sticking his bottom lip out slightly. I laughed and hit his chin, making him bite down slightly on his lip. Jaime glared at me and took a large bite of the sandwich I made for Kevin.

“That was my sandwich,” Kevin groaned. Jaime gave an evil chuckle and kept eating.

I rolled my eyes before I said, “Jaime you are about as immature as a two year old.” He faked hurt, placing his hand over his heart.

“We aren’t best friends anymore!” he exclaimed, crossing his arms and looking towards the water.

Best friends? I hadn’t had a best friend in so long, because of the moving thing. I never let anyone get close to me. Well I guess the exception to that was Kevin. And now apparently Jaime...and Vic and Mike. A bubbly feeling filled my stomach and I grinned. This was the place. I knew this was going to be the only place I could really call ‘my home.’


“I’m going to miss you so much babe,” Kevin whispered into my ear as we hugged.

We were standing right outside security at San Diego International Airport, which was as far as we could be together. I squeezed him tighter in my arms, refusing to let go. After the beach yesterday, we had gone dancing and then over to Jaime’s house for a little BBQ with the guys, including Tony. It was a perfect visit with him, even though I wished we had more time.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be together again soon,” I said. I wiped my eyes and pulled away. “Be good,” I warned.

Kevin laughed, but his blue eyes were watering just a bit. I stood on my tiptoes and wiped the tears away, smiling at him so he could just get on the plane already. Jaime and Vic were waiting for me outside. I stood back suddenly, my whole body becoming rigid. Had I really just thought about how anxious I was for him to get on the plane so I could go hang out with the guys?

Right now all I could think about was how fake the tears in his eyes seemed. So forced and so uncaring. Yet he had told me a countless number of times that he loved me, so why should I be so worried?

I sighed and pecked him on the lips before pushing him through security. He looked back, a confused look on his face, but I was already walking away. When I walked through the automatic doors to exit SAN I was greeted by a wall of heat. I had forgotten how hot it was today. After all, it was just September.

Vic and Jaime were leaning against Vic’s car, laughing about something. I walked over and opened the front door.

“I’m ready,” I said simply, before dropping down into the front seat.

“Em,” Jaime whined, “You took my seat. I called shotgun!” I rolled my eyes and turned around in my seat.

“Too fucking bad Dragon,” I stated, sticking my tongue out at him. Jaime sat back in his seat, defeated so easily.
I stared out the window as we passed the airport. A plane was taking off. I winced as it came over the highway.

“Are you gonna miss him a lot?” Vic asked quietly, breaking the silence that had settled in the few minutes after Jaime and I stopped talking.

I nodded and said, “Of course. I miss him already. He’s the only one that really understands me.”

“Well you may be able to see him sooner than you think.” Vic looked over at me and grinned.


“You’ll have to wait until we get home. It’s a surprise!” Vic exclaimed.

I sighed and flipped the radio station to something more upbeat. I started drumming my fingers along the dash. My seat started bucking forward and I turned around quickly. Jaime was rocking out in the backseat. I started laughing. He was twisting and turning around, his legs and arms flailing everywhere as he mouthed the words to the song. His eyes were squeezed shut. Tears were streaming out of my eyes and I could barely breathe by the time the song was over.

Luckily, I had captured the whole thing on my phone. I sent a quick video message to Mike, and then on a second thought, sent it to Jaime too. He fished around in his pocket and pulled out his phone. The sound from the video filled the car and his face went pale.

“You are evil! I hate you!” he screamed, but he was smiling. “I look like such an idiot.”

Vic laughed as he pulled into Jaime’s driveway. We walked into the house, well, I should mention that only Vic and Jaime walked. As soon as I stepped out of the car, Jaime grabbed me and tossed me over his shoulder. His way of punishing me for that video I guess.

Jaime walked into his kitchen, passing the living room. Mike was sitting on the couch with Tony playing a game on Jaime’s Xbox, but looked my way when we passed. I waved and he shook his head at Jaime. Jaime set me down on the counter and went over to the fridge. He tossed me a VitaminWater.

“Now, this is HUGE news,” he exclaimed, spreading his arms out wide, “Really huge!”

Vic rolled his eyes and hopped onto the counter next to me.

“It’s not that huge,” he whispered. I giggled.

“Yo Mike, Tony, get in here!” Jaime yelled.
The guys shuffled in together. Tony smiled at me slightly, and I grinned in response. That was like our first time actually being civil. Otherwise we just kind of ignored each other...

“So who’s gonna tell her?” Tony asked, breaking the silence.

The guys exchanged looks, and Jaime groaned and shook his head. I gripped the counter in my hands, nervous for some reason. They weren’t going to just abandon me right? They were my first real friends. I didn’t want any of them to go anywhere, not even Tony!

“We uh, well, we’re going on tour,” Mike said.

I furrowed my eyebrows together. Tour? What?

“We’re in a band,” he added. Oh. “And we’re going on a tour across the country.”

I nodded in understanding. So they would be gone for months while I was here by myself. Great. My whole stomach dropped, and I felt this odd sadness fill my body.

“Emery, why are you sad? You didn’t think we were gonna leave you here by yourself did you?!” Jaime cracked up laughing and I looked at him. He was crazy, that’s for sure.

“You’re coming with us!” Vic cried out happily. “Well, only if you want to. You could be our merch girl. It’d be fun!”

I sat up straighter and smiled.

“Are you for real? I’d love to!” I squealed, throwing my arms around Vic’s neck before hopping off the counter and hugging all the other guys. I hesitated when I got to Tony but his arms were already moving around my waist for a hug so I went with out.

“So um, the only thing is that we’re leaving tomorrow morning. Early,” Vic said. “I know it’s kind of last minute, but we were gonna tell you early but then Kevin came...” he trailed off, giving me an apologetic look.

“It’s alright, but I’ll still have to talk to my parents.” I had a feeling they would say no too, but I didn’t mention that.

“We already took care of that. Now all you have to do is pack and be up by 5 tomorrow morning!” Jaime exclaimed. His grin was contagious, but still, 5 a.m?! That’s crazy.

Jaime grabbed me by the waist and threw me over his shoulder again. He started running towards the door, but not before I saw the amused look on Tony’s face. I smiled at him, and he smiled right back.
♠ ♠ ♠
I forgot to mention that I had started a polyvore account for this story, here. In the set descriptions it says what chapter.

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and big thanks to my two commenters!:)
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