This Broken City Sky


"Like, if he doesn't want to fuckin...celebrate Christmas, why the fuck should I find something to give him? Fuck that..." Kat muttered, as she and Johnny wound some silver garland around a fake fir tree in room 415. She, her brother, and Dylan had set it up after finding it in the back room of the utility closet, along with another myriad of Christmas decorations.

"Say you couldn't find something." Dylan murmured as she stared at the small box of ornaments she held, and began to slide the top off. Kat pursed her lips, and tucked the end of the garland around a branch of the tree.

"Maybe I won't." She muttered, and stepped away from the tree, "Whatever, lets go bring some Christmas cheer over to that asshole..." She said to Johnny, and wrapped an extra string of red garland around her neck, before heading toward the conjoining door. Johnny swiped a box of twisted silver ornaments, then followed his sister. When the siblings were gone, Dylan was alone. She picked out one of the small red orbs, and hung it delicately on a branch. Then she tilted her head to the side as she looked at it, and picked up the next one. Lily was off somewhere else, looking for more decorations.

"Looks good." Frank said, causing Dylan to spin around to look back at him. He tucked his hands in his pockets as he walked over to Dylan's side. She smiled faintly, and hung another little ornament on a plastic branch of the tree.

"Thank you. Here," She offered him the box, at which Frank simply raised his eyebrows, "As in, take an ornament and hang it up." She rolled her wrist in a circle, then stared at Frank. He just rolled his eyes at her, and picked up a red glass ball. He walked around to the back of the tree, and hung it up. Dylan watched as he peeked around the tree, wearing a goofy smile.

"So who'd you get?" Frank asked, as he stood a little bit behind the tree, and watched as Dylan moved to the left, to hang another ornament. She hummed to herself a little then pushed her hair back from her face as she stood up straight again.

"I don't know if I should tell you..." She narrowed her eyes at Frank playfully, then stepped toward Frank. He stepped away impulsively; standing next to her was a bit uncomfortable for him, seeing as Dylan was a good two or three inches taller than he was.

"If you tell me, I'll tell you who I got." Frank countered, and watched as her eyes searched the tree for the perfect place to set the last ornament. She glanced at him quickly, before hanging the bulb on a lower branch.

"I got Ray." She said with a small shrug, and pursed her lips yet again. Frank's eyes flickered to them as she did so, but he caught himself.

"Hmmmmm....That's cool." He grinned stupidly, and sidesteped from out behind the tree. Dylan looked after him as he walked quickly to the door that joined the rooms, and twisted the handle. Her mouth dropped open as she realized he wasn't going to hold up his end of their tiny bargain.

"Not fair! Come on!" She whined a little, and threw down the empty cardboard box. Just as Dylan stomped over to the door, Lily stepped into the room, and closed the door quietly behind her.

"What's not fair?" She asked as she walked over to their bed, and set down one of the two boxes of string lights. Then Lily walked over to Dylan, and pulled back the door to enter 413, "Heres some lights!" She said with a wide smile as she stepped inside, and went to set the box on the table near the tree. Dylan glared at Frank, who was hiding behind the tree, still smiling. Kat just frowned at him deeply, then glanced over to Dylan, shaking her head.

"Anyone up for going through the rooms?" Lily asked, holding up the master key to the rooms. Gerard glanced at her from his spot on the bed, where he appeared to be sulking about something. His brother pushed himself up from his spot on the end of the bed, and shrugged.

"I could." He said casually, and the two looked around at everyone else.

"I'll pass, thanks." Kat said, shooting Gerard a look over her shoulder. He gave her a nasty look when she turned back to hanging lights over the tree.

"I'll come with you." Frank said, coming out from behind the fake fir. Dylan watched him as he did, and crossed her arms over her chest. Johnny got up from his bed as well.

"I think I'll go." He said quickly, and pulled on a hoodie. Lily nodded

"Alright, cool. Dylan? No?" She arched an inquisitive eyebrow at her cousin, and shook her head a little.

"I think I'm good, I need to shower." Dylan frowned back at Lily, then at Frank, who had his back turned to her.

"Then you guys have fun, we'll be back." Lily finished with a small smile, and turned on her heel to leave.

The four set off to floors they had yet to search through, hoping to find items they had yet to come across in other rooms. Frank had a vague idea of what to find for Dylan; she was prissy and obviously high maintenance, but he had no idea what these abandoned suitcases had in them. Lily had no real idea what to find Johnny, because she didn't know what boys in high school enjoyed, and like Frank, didn't know what these suitcases held. Mikey on the otherhand, knew that Lily was exactly the opposite of her cousin, so she'd probably be happy with something simple. He was confident in his scavenging skills.

"Lily..." Frank murmured, as he knelt down next to her, as she rifled through a suitcase. It was clearly a mans, so she was hoping to find something that may suit Johnny. There was a toiletries bag that she grabbed quickly and unzipped, "What kind of shit is Dylan like...Into?" He murmured quietly, as if Dylan was in the room and within ear shot. Lily pursed her lips slightly, thinking.

"I don't know, expensive shit," She said, using Frank's word, "She was a model, so y'know designer things and um...expensive...things..." She smiled furtively, not sure what else to tell Frank, who looked genuinely shocked.

"Well shit," He sighed, and sat down on the floor, feeling a little defeated, "How bout you, who'd you get?" He asked quietly, watching Lily dig through the suitcase more, trying to find something on the bottom.

"Johnny, and I honestly have no clue what to look for," She sat back on her haunches in defeat, looking at Frank, "You're a teenage boy, what do they like?" Frank snorted at that, and began to laugh. Lily smiled with satisfaction; the idea of having a Christmas clearly took everyone's mind off the helicopter situation, and to somethind a little

When they returned to their rooms, Johnny slumped down onto his bed, where Kat was turning a screwdriver into the bottom of a radio.

"What's your issue?" She nodded at him, and he sighed, flopping back onto the pillows.

"I'm just wondering whether or not this secret santa stuff was a good idea," He looked up at his sister, as Mikey re-entered the room, "Cause y'know we honestly know nothing about these people." He muttered to her, unaware that Lily was leaning in the doorway.

"Good question. Maybe we should have a little...inventory on everyones interests." She smiled slyly, as Ray walked past her, into the room.

"I think the four of us know what the others like." He said, and grabbed a random piece of crumpled black clothing from the floor, and threw it on over his head.

"Well yeah, but no one really knows who got who, so...." Lily pouted at Ray as he walked back into his own room. Gerard sighed dramatically as he walked out of the bathroom, toothbrush in his mouth. He walked up to Lily, and glanced over at Kat.

"I've got an idea," He smiled a little, and Lily raised her eyebrows, open to whatever he had to say, "Maybe we should scrap this whole Christmas idea, save ourselves a lot of trouble, and worry about getting us the fuck out of here." He finished, sticking the toothbrush back into his mouth, and turning to face Kat momentarily as he made his way back to the backroom. Lily's teeth ground together hard as she watched him.

"You know what, you should just stay somewhere else, you spoil sport. Just because you've made enemies, doesn't mean it has to stay that way. Because you know what, no one cares, no body cares, and no one wants to listen to you cry and whine all the god damn time because you don't LIKE WHAT KAT SAYS!!" She only raised her voice at the end, and balled her hands at her sides unconsciously. Kat was pressing her lips together, so she wouldn't start laughing at the two. Lily just stared at Gerard furiously, her blue eyes burning bright with anger. Gerard frowned a little, and walked back into the bathroom. Lily let out a grunt of frustration, and stamped her foot, before turning around, back to her room.
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Thanks to LizzyLoo for commenting the last chapter! Sorry this was late.