You're My Only

Thoroughly Sucks

You know those days where you wake up and realize that the day isn't going to be good. Yeah... It was one of those days. Of course it had been one of those for the past four days. I didn't even think that it was possible to have four shitty days in a row. Sure two or three because one usually just set the dominoes off on a destructive and unmerciful path, but after three things usually cleared up. Seems that my luck isn't really going well lately.

Monday hadn't been all that bad. I actually managed to get to school on time for once, and everything was going well. Then came the terrible Tuesday, rearing it's ugly head with the first bad sign of the day. It was pouring, and did I mention that I don't have a car? That's right, I'm a senior in high school, eighteen, and I don't have a car. Oh! And to top it all off with that beautiful, luscious, red of the cherry, I had missed the bus. Needless to say, I was soaked to the bone by the time that I got to school. Luckily I kept an extra set of clothes in my locker just for these types of situations. Unfortunately, by the time that I got to school, an extra set of clothes was the least of my worries; I had already developed a cough and the oh so wonderful sniffles that accompany them. Again though, bad luck seemed to be having a bout with me at the moment because the nurse just gave me an aspirin and then sent me on my way.

I, of course, had begged and pleaded with her to just send me home. It wasn't even that I didn't want to go to my classes; I'm just a huge germophobe. I can't stand it when people come to school sick, and I try to give others the same respect. I don't want to be sick, and I highly doubt that anyone else wants to be sick either, no matter how tempting the prospect of missing school may seem. That, and I hate missing school, so that doesn't really help at all. I figure that if I just stay home when I first get sick then I won't have to worry about missing too much later on when I feel absolutely horrible.

And onto Wednesday... I don't think that I'll ever think of the day with the same attitude ever again. People always told me that I should never trust people with asly shy smile, but I don't really listen all too well. The heartbreak was probably something that I should have seen coming. It made sense. I'm not one of those that's just going to jump into bed with someone, and let my emotions take over my body. I have more self control than that. Maybe if we had been going out for a few years, and I could see myself staying with him for the rest of my lift. But two and a half months really didn't constitute forever for me. I need more security than simple hand holding, and small pecks on the cheek can give me in just a couple of months.

Needless to say, I walked in on him and my best friend half naked, and getting ready to go all the way if you will... I was shell shocked at first, so it didn't really hit me until I'd managed to run home and bury myself in as many blankets as I could find. I think that I ignored three or four calls and text messages from the both of them within the next couple of hours, but I think that crying took too much out of me. I'd fallen asleep, exhausting myself as the sobs wracked my body.

So, now it's Thursday and I just don't want to move. I haven't done any of my homework, and I feel worse now than I did on Monday. I tried to go downstairs, but I didn't make it past my bedroom door before I just turned around and climbed back under the sheets. I knew that my mom wouldn't care, she'd left a few hours ago, of course, because she's married to her job and just refuses to stop. Sometimes I wish that she was around more, but living in New York as a single parent isn't exactly the easiest of things. I understand that she has a lot to do, but it'd still be nice to have her around a little bit more.

It wasn't until a few hours later that I managed to pull myself out of bed for a second time and managed to messily pull on a few random pieces of clothing for the day. I may be lazing about the house, but that didn't mean that I was going to stay in my pajamas all day.Tomorrow maybe, if I'm still at home. I listed off a few things that I had to do for the day. Since I was home, I might as well do the laundry and some cleaning around the house. It was messy, but it would take my mind of some things. Of course, the idea of keeping busy to keep my mind off of things really doesn't work out when you run out of things to do. I'd literally run up and down the house dusting and vacuuming and organizing things for the past couple of hours, and I'd run out of things to do. Even homework was going to be impossible because I had finished it all before I'd gone over to Greg's house yesterday.

So I was stuck... I didn't have anything to watch on TV because I didn't find television interesting, and the computer was only going to be interesting for so long... I finally just settled for going back up to my room and picking up a old, beaten up book. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein was a book that I'd picked up at 10 and completely fallen in love with. I don't know what it is, but the grotesque romantic quality about it just calls out to me, and I suppose that the situation at hand encouraged the tragic atmosphere surrounding the entire story.

I'd gotten just about half way through when the buzzer starting going crazy. Who on earth would be calling at 2 o'clock. No one was out of school yet, so it didn't make sense that there would be a caller at this hour. I highly doubt that it'd be a friend of my mother's; they all know that if they want to reach her that they have to make an appointment with her months in advanced so that she can pencil them in as she says. She doesn't even have time to spend with her own daughter, I think that they can wait. It didn't make sense that it would be anyone that I know, but who knows...

I really can't see Greg showing up after yesterday. I'm pretty sure that my not calling him back he realized that something was wrong, and I know that Avi saw me, or at least heard me run out of the house. We've been friends for years, I can't believe that she'd betray me like that. If she wanted him then she should have just said something instead of going behind my back. His asshole attitude I could overlook because it wasn't like we really had that close of a relationship from the beginning, but her... I'd know Avi since we were in kindergarten. You'd think that she would have at least had enough respect for me to not go behind my back and sleep with my boyfriend.

I sighed and finally got up. I may not have a whole lot of energy, but that incessant buzzing was going to drive me absolutely nuts if I didn't go and turn it off right now. Ugh... Whoever it was better have a damn good reason for coming here at 2 o'clock in the afternoon when I'm not in a good moodnot that they'd know that. I jumped down the stairs and quickly made my way to the buzzer.

"What do you want?!"

There was no answer on the other end for a minute, and I was going to yell at them furiously for a minute there until a timid voice came from the other end.

"Leah... Can I come up?"

Well now that was a surprise...