Sequel: One Way or Another
Status: finished...check out the sequel >>>

Gerard, Me and Mikey

Chapter 28

Nicole’s POV

Mikey and I decided on our car ride to make a stop at the West View police station. Apparently he had enough money to pay the fine. Which was great! That meant he didn’t have to keep working, at the mall where that slut worked. I’m not saying anything would happen but I can’t risk it.

“So ready to go?” he closed his cell and put it in his back pocket.

“Yeah. You talked to Gee?”

Wait….Gee? I had just called Gerard Gee. Ok, that was not normal.

“Uhh, yeah. Since when do you call him Gee?” Mikey thought the same.

“Since now I guess.” I giggled faintly.

“Ok….let’s go then.”

“Yeah, so you’re driving his car?”

“Yup, so I guess we’re going our separate ways now!!” he said in a very dramatic tone. Typical of him. But hey it was starting to become something typical in me to play along.

“Oh Mikey! How will I ever live without you!?”

“Just think of me all the time! When you’re eating…doing your homework…watching tv….naked in the bathroom taking a shower…” he raised his eyebrows as he said the last part.

“Oh trust me I already do…” I said in a non-dramatic way but he chose to keep playing along.

“Really? So do I. Oh Nicole I wanna see you naked!!” he yelled and a few officers and some women with their kids that were walking by looked at us with a grossed out face.

I was probably bright red right then. He seemed to noticed that once again he had drawn everyone’s attention and he seem to like the attention. Something I hadn’t thought of him, I though he was the more quite shy guy with social phobia. Well he was at least when we just met.
I wonder if he’s like this with everyone.
I wanted to find out. And I knew just who to ask.

Gerard’s POV

I looked at the clock on the kitchen wall. Two hours had passed and Mikey hadn’t got home yet. He should be here any minute. He better, otherwise I’m calling him.
What if he doesn’t answer?!
Oh my God my little brother could have died in a car crash or been beat up by some gang or who knows what! I have to call him.

I diled the number quick on the phone and waited impatiently for him to answer.




What the fuck! Three rings! Three fucking rings!! It doesn’t ring that much normally!
No way!! No fucking w…..


“Mikey You‘re alive!!”

“Of course I’m alive…Gee are you sure you’re ok?”

“I am now! Don’t do that ever again!”

“Do what?!”

“Let your phone ring three times! It’s insane! And not normal, Mikey do you even know…”

“Whoa calm down! I’m a block away from home, we’ll talk when I get there”


I hanged up and ran to the front door opening and saw Mikey park my car in the driveway.
It looked more then clean, it was obvious it had received an intense wash and some waxing.

“Ah!! My car!” I ran to it and hugged it. Well tried to hug it. We weren’t too compatible in size.

I saw Mikey open the door from the driver’s side and step out.

“Mikey!” I ran to him from the other side of the car and hugged him in one of those brotherly hugs.

“Ok, you’re definitely not ok. I gotta take you to the doctor tomorrow”

“What? No! Don’t be silly I’m fine. It’s just that…”

“You mixed coffee and energy drinks again didn’t you?”

“No. Though I could use some coffee right now….but that’s not….ah never mind. I just thought something had happened to you”

“Like maybe I died?”

“Yes! God, I’m glad you’re ok. Why did you take so long? And your phone…”

“Forget the phone, I was driving. I took ‘so’ long because I decided to stop by a car wash on the way, the car wasn’t in it’s best state.”

“Aw! Mikey!! Thanks!” I wrapped him once more in a tight hug.

“Ah Gee! I can’t….breath!”

“Oh, sorry”

I pulled away and contemplated my car once more. It was spotless and shiny. I didn’t deserve all of this. He paid my fine and took my car to a car wash. He was such a good brother.
♠ ♠ ♠
I saw a way too cute cartoon drawing of Gee and Mikey and had to bring out Gee's sweet and caring side out in this. I think he's so huggable! I'm not the only one right?

Anyway, comments guys? I love them!
Though I love you guys more for reading this! =)