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Painting Flowers For You

Jaydn and Saydn are two sisters. One ten months older than the other, one ten months younger. One has brown hair, the other black. One likes to read, one likes to blast music on her ipod. One is outspoken. One is quieter than the other. Two sisters who are very different from each other, but love each other very much. When things aren't going so well for the two back at home, they are sent up to their Aunt's in a small town in Maryland for a little while until things can be fixed with their life back at home. They'll have to learn to adjust in the new environment for a while. They'll have to deal with a new home, new school, and hopefully, new friends. Adjusting can be hard for someone, but to make the best of it, the two will have to learn how to. Going to a new high school can be tough, but for the two sisters, their high school experience while they're there is different. After meeting Alex, Rian, Jack, and Zack, the two sisters start to become great friends with the guys. But what will happen next with the group of friends? Will love interests start to form the longer the two are there? How long will they be there for it to last? Will it last? Will it all just become a tangled mess? Will hearts break, or hearts form? Will I stop asking questions? You'll have to find out...

*I did NOT copy ANY material from ANY author or story. However, the story 'Take A Sad Song And Make It Better' DID inspire me for this All Time Low fan fiction and did provide me with a FEW ideas. The ONLY material out of this story you could consider as 'copyright' are obviously the band, All Time Low, which are not copyright considering I made the characters how I wanted too, meaning the characters in Painting Flowers For You are ALL made up including All Time Low, the town in Maryland; Lutherville, and 'Take A Sad Song And Make It Better' DID inspire me for the character 'Jaydn', however 'Jaydn' is not the same character as 'Jade' from 'Take A Sad Song And Make It Better', but 'Jaydn' DOES have some of the same personality traits as the character 'Jade' from 'Take A Sad Song And Make It Better', but they are two totally different characters aside from a few similarities. Other then that, 'Painting Flowers For You' is a completely ORIGINAL story and I did not steal or copy ANY others material.

^Sorry for that 'copyright' thing. I just wanted to clear everything up and make it clear that this story is completely original. Thanks for reading :)
  1. Staying For A While
  2. Changes
    Sade's POV
  3. Welcome To Hell, I guess
    Jaydn's POV
  4. You Look Familiar
    Sade's POV
  5. Adjusting
    Jaydn's POV
  6. Hello
    Sade's POV
  7. A Group
    Jaydn's POV
  8. Closer And Closer
    Sade's POV
  9. Independent
    Jaydn's POV
  10. Thinking About You
    Sade's POV
  11. Gloomy
    Jaydn's POV
  12. I'll Take You To The Coffee Shop
    Sade's POV
  13. I'll Take You To The Coffee Shop Part ll
    Jaydn's POV
  14. You're So Kind
    Saydn's POV