Older Then Time, Loving Forever

One is All, All is One

You and Alphonse were talking on the train as Edward was sleeping, you felt something grab on your arm and then Edward’s head was resting on your shoulder, you smiled as Alphonse laughed a little, “Hey… don’t laugh, my shoulder is probably more comfortable then his palm he was sleeping on,” you smirked.

Edward woke up a moment later, “Brother, we’ve almost reached the Dublith station,” Alphonse spoke, “We’re you having a dream?” you asked, “yea… I was dreaming about him…” Edward moved away from you. Edward looked down and saw that his arms were holding onto your arm, “I-I’m sorry,” Edward quickly let ok, “Meh, its ok, if you want to sleep on my shoulder in the future just let me know so I can put a tissue on my shoulder to stop you from drooling,” you smirked, “hey!” Edward snapped, “Joking you moron,” you smirked, “Stop calling me a moron,” Edward glared, “I’ll call you whatever I like,” you stuck your tongue out, Edward glared then folded his arms.

You got off the train and walked through Dublith, “Well Al, we’re finally here, it would be nice if teacher wasn’t home,” Edward bowed his head down, “What’s so wrong with your teacher?” you asked, as the door opened and a huge blade appeared out of no where then a really tall buff man followed. “Erm… hello Sig,” Edward spoke, “Long time no see,” Alphonse added, “Good to see you, you’ve grown up a little huh?” Sig patted Edward on the head, “You probably don’t recognized me but its Alphonse, sorry we’ve been away for so long,” Alphonse bowed, “Looks like you’ve grown up more then a little,” Sig patted Alphonse’s head, you giggled, “I’m Reaka, it’s a pleasure to meet Edward’s and Alphonse’s teacher in Alchemy,” you smiled and held your hand out, Sig gripped your hand, you cringed a little as his strength crushed your hand a little, “It’s a pleasure to meet Edward’s girlfriend, and I’m not the boys teacher,” Sig spoke, “She’s not my girlfriend…” Edward was too afraid to yell for some reason.

Sig leaned in the window, “Izumi, the Elric shrimps have come for a visit, do you think you could see them?” Sig spoke.

“Laying down, that’s not a good sign,” Alphonse spoke as you stood behind Sig, “Guess she hasn’t gotten any better since last time,” Edward spoke as the door suddenly swung open and Edward got kicked in the face flying backwards. A woman walked out, “Hello my stupid pupil, I hear you’ve become one of the militaries dog!” A woman walked out looking fierce, the door creaked and she looked back at Alphonse “You see teacher… its…” Alphonse shook in fear, “Al… look at you you’ve gotten so big,” she smiled, “Teacher, its really good to see- Agh!” Alphonse got flipped over and landed on his back as you started laughing at them both, “HA! I can see why you we’re both so scared now,” you smirked, “And can I ask who you are?” the lady smiled at you, “I’m Reaka, though I’m not going to shake your hand because I don’t want to end up like them,” you smirked, “I’m Izumi, pleasure to meet you Reaka,” Izumi smiled.

Izumi then glared at Alphonse and Edward, “Your skills are rusty,” Izumi folded her arms, “You’ve got lots of energy for someone who’s not feeling well,” Alphonse sat up, “NOT FEELING WELL! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT I’M PERFECTLY-” Izumi coughed up bloody suddenly as Edward and Alphonse screamed out. Sig put his hand on Izumi’s shoulder, “You shouldn’t exert yourself,” Sig spoke, “How sweet of you to worry dear, thank you,” Izumi smiled, and they both hugged. You were a bit confused at the scene that just took place.

You all went inside and sat at the table, “The philosophers stone? No, I don’t know much about it. It holds no interest for me,” Izumi spoke, “I see ok,” Edward nodded, “There was that one alchemist, I thought that one man from central knew a good amount about the stone,” Sig explained. Edward and Alphonse looked at each other and smiled, “So who was this guy?” Edward asked, “Let me think, what’s his name? Ah, Hohenheim,” Izumi spoke, Edward suddenly cringed as you were very shocked, “What is it?” Izumi asked, “Then he’s alive…” Edward squeezed his fists, “Someone you know?” Izumi asked, “He’s our father,” Alphonse spoke, “The one who ran out on you when you were little?” Izumi asked, “Yea that’s the one,” Edward snapped, “It’s all because of that bastard our mothers dead… if it wasn’t for him…” Edward snapped.

“Did our dad say anything about the philosophers stone?” Alphonse asked, “Just something about a life long dream coming true, and he seemed very happy when he said it,” Izumi stood up and punched Edward on the head, “Now we’re going to eat,” Izumi spoke, “Ok,” Edward rubbed his head.

You all sat down for dinner, “You aren’t eating al?” Sig asked, “Oh no, I’m fine, I had a big meal on the train ride here,” Alphonse spoke, “Hey Al, you should her about Rush Valley, about the baby being delivered!” Edward smiled, “Oh yea! We helped deliver a baby, we couldn’t get her to a doctor because the storm was too rough,” Alphonse explained, “I don’t know its pretty generous to call what we did helping, it was mostly Winry, and Rea helped her too, and the whole family pitched in too, the mother was so brave. Everyone’s blessed when a baby’s born huh?” Alphonse smiled, “Yes, that’s right, that same miracle is how we were all brought into this world. Always take pride in the lives that we’re given you,” Izumi looked up, you smiled but looked out the window with a sigh.

You were given a room to yourself but you were sitting at the table looking out the window still, “Rea? Are you not going to bed yet?” Izumi asked, “No, I’ve just got a lot on my mind recently,” you spoke, “What’s wrong?” Izumi sat at the table with you, “Just the talk about having a family… its something I can never have…” you spoke, “Why not?” Izumi asked, “I have a condition that I don’t wish to speak about,” you sat back, “It’s something that I truly want though, I want a family of my own that I can watch grow and see my children have children, but the truth of it is I can’t… not until I solve my problem and get rid of it,” you explained.

“That’s why I’m traveling with Edward and Alphonse, they said they’ll help me solve my problem and get me back on track with my life,” you smiled, “They really are amazing boys,” Izumi spoke, “Yea,” you smiled to yourself, “You seem to care a lot for the boys,” Izumi spoke, “I do, I’ve known them a long, long time,” you explained, “It’s only just recently I met up with them again after a while and we are traveling together,” you smiled, “Edward seems to care about you a lot too,” Izumi spoke, “What do you mean?” you asked, “When we were talking at dinner, I noticed that he was looking at you with a hint of worry as you had a distant look on your face,” Izumi smiled, “I highly doubt Edward likes me…” you sighed, “Just ask him and find out,” Izumi smirked, “Anyway… get to bed!” Izumi yelled at you, “You don’t scare me Izumi…” you waved and walked to your room, “Goodnight,” you waved.

* * *

You woke up that morning and walked out the door to see Izumi attack Edward with a spear quickly as Edward made the blade on his automail and cut off the top, “As I suspected, you can transmute without a matrix, on that of which Al’s body is now a suit of armor and two of your limbs are made from automail!” Izumi pointed, “Teacher? How did you know?” Edward asked, “Please, I can tell from sparring with you!” Izumi yelled, “You saw it didn’t you Edward?” Izumi asked, Edward didn’t reply, “YOU SAW IT?!” Izumi yelled, “Y-yes!” Edward quickly replied.

“It seems both of us are beyond help,” Izumi sighed, “Teacher… you saw it too, could you tell me…” Edward asked.

Izumi pulled you three inside and told you the story, “For a while it seemed we were bearing, we wanted a child but couldn’t conceive. When we were finally able to conceive, I ended up falling gravely ill, and our child as well, he was not able to take a living breath in this world. And so I committed the taboo. As a result I lost parts of my inner organs, what an idiot I was.” Izumi explained, “Now I realised I should have told you sooner. It must have been awful,” Izumi spoke, Edward gripped his arm bowed his head down then put on a tough act which made you smile a little, “Nah, I did it to myself after all, it hasn’t been that bigger deal actually,” Edward smiled, you shook your head as you leaned on the wall, “Besides, now I’ve got this long list of things I get to look forward to eating when I get my body back, right brother?” Alphonse looked at Edward, “Yea, its nothing,” Edward smiled as Izumi walked over to them both, “You darling little idiots,” she pulled them close and embraced them both, “It’s ok to hurt,” Izumi spoke. Edward and Alphonse started apologizing to Izumi as you stood next to Sig with a small smile.

You walked over to the three of them as Edward let go of Izumi and suddenly hugged you, “Edward…” you muttered, you were shocked and your face was a little red as you returned the hug.

“Too think, you saw it and managed to survive, I doubt you even know how impressive that is,” Izumi spoke, “I… no…” Edward spoke, “Regardless, of the decision you made, your expelled,” Izumi looked at Edward and Alphonse. “The trains are still running, get on one,” Izumi folded her arms, “Thank you for everything,” Edward bowed down.