Older Then Time, Loving Forever

Advance of the Fool

“What if I’ve started to rot?” Alphonse spoke, “I doubt that my is getting any nutrients or any sleep either? So even if we get it back from over there…” Alphonse started to worry, “Is he right Ed?” Winry asked in a worried tone, “Wait…” you held your chin and stood up, “Edward, since what happened you’ve been apparently sleeping too much and eating more then normal…” you spoke, Alphonse clicked onto what you were saying, “What if brother is eating and sleeping for the both of us!” Alphonse said, “That’s what I was just about to say… I mean… the amount of food you eat… you haven’t really gotten any bigger… meaning weight wise… not height Edward,” you quickly explained before Edward protested about being small. “Then again… it would explain the reason why I’m so… sh… sh… short…” Edward muttered, “He admitted it,” Winry was shocked, “Brother’s starting to face reality,” Alphonse spoke.

“It sounds a bit farfetched to me,” Winry added, “Well what’s your explanation?” Edward put his hands on the table and glared at Winry, “You don’t grow because you refuse to drink your milk,” Winry folded her arms. “Don’t start with that again,” Edward snapped, “Well its true…” Winry started, you sighed and paced around the room thinking about what you suggested. It seemed most logical because Edward sleeps a lot and eats more then most boys his age can. You sighed and smacked your forehead, “Shut up!” you yelled, everyone looked at you shocked, “Rea… are you ok?” Edward asked in worry, “I’m fine…” you folded your arms and looked out the window, “We better pay Roy and Jean a visit at the hospital tomorrow…” you snapped again, “Are you sure your ok Rea?” Winry asked, “I’m fine,” you snapped, “You keep snapping at us though…” Winry stood up, you stopped and a small frown appeared on your face, “Sorry… I just… forget it… I’m going to bed,” you walked out to the door.

Edward watched the door closed then sighed, “I’m going to say Goodnight to Rea…” Edward quickly ran out the door and saw you quickly walk into your room, “Rea! Agh!” Edward screamed as he put his arm out to stop the door from closing but he didn’t expect you to slam it. “EDWARD! Oh my god! I’m sorry! That wasn’t your real arm was it? Good it was your automail arm.” You sighed, “Why did you follow me in my room?” you asked, “To say goodnight,” Edward smiled at you, “Oh,” you looked shocked, “You know you can tell me if something is wrong,” Edward held your hand, “I can’t tell you this though… its too… monstrous…” you spoke, “But-” “No, I don’t ever want you to ask me about what I’m one about at all,” you grabbed both of his hands and stared him in the face, “Hohenheim told you something… didn’t he?” Edward glared, “Yes… I… he knew the man I was on about and told me what I needed to know… but now I wish he didn’t tell me…” you explained, “Goodnight, Edward,” you kissed his cheek then walked inside your room closing the door.

“Are you and Reaka together now brother?” Alphonse and Winry were looking through the door, Edward jumped out of his skin, “What do you mean ‘together’?” Edward glared, “knew it!” Winry smirked, “Knew what?!” Edward’s face started to go red, “Edward and Reaka, sitting in a tree, K, I, S, S, I, N, G-!” “Shut up!” Edward interrupted Winry and Alphonse’s chant. Edward then calmed down and said, “I’m going to bed… Winry, make sure Rea is ok. She recently learned something about herself and won’t tell me what it was, and she clearly doesn’t like it,” Edward explained, “Oh, ok,” Winry nodded.

The next morning you had barely slept, you kept waking up from nightmares you had about when you became immortal. You walked out your door and bummed into someone, “Good morning Rea,” Alphonse spoke, “Oh, hey Alphonse, sorry I didn’t see you there,” you spoke, Alphonse laughed a little, “I’m half asleep… kept waking up last night… think you could carry me to the hospital,” you joked, Alphonse thought you were genuinely asking but he did anyway.

Alphonse, Edward and yourself all went to the hospital to see Roy and Jean. “Are you here to visit the Colonel?” Kain asked, “Mr. Havoc is recovering too, we figured we should repay our respects. I definitely owe it to the Colonel, he saved me right at the last second,” Alphonse explained, “Are you also dropping by for a visit?” Edward asked, “And bringing a little present,” Kain smirked.

“I counted the number of steps it took to get to the basement under the 3rd laboratory and I was able to calculate the approximate location of that doorway, its not exact as the hallway curved but I was able to deduces a radius with the lab at the center.” Hawkeye pointed at the map, you saw that Central Command fitted in the circle, “That’s Central Command… but this is even more alarming,” Edward spoke, “It’s the presidential estate right above where we found the homunculi,” Alphonse spoke, “Which means there’s a very real possibility the Furher is connected to them,” Roy spoke, “But that doesn’t make sense… why did he kill Greed and his group if he’s connected to them?” Alphonse asked, “Its strange he killed them anyway,” you spoke, “Why would he slaughter before interrogating them?” Edward spoke, “It’s strange alright, damn strange. One thing for sure the enemy has infiltrated higher command, so extreme caution is necessary at all times. And Fullmetal, watch yourself,” Roy spoke, Edward was shocked.

You three left and walked back to the hotel, “Rea, do you want me to carry you again, you look like your going to start sleep walking at any minute,” Alphonse laughed a bit, “Oh, I’m fine,” you waved and yawned, “Winry said you been having loads of nightmares last night, you kept waking her up with your calling out,” Edward spoke, “Yea… they were all the same nightmare…” you looked down and almost fell over because you were so tired. Edward caught you and then carried you back to the hotel. You looked up at Edward then realised he was carrying you bridal. “Edward! What the hell!” you yelled, “Hold still or I’ll drop you,” Edward snapped, you stopped moving and sighed, “You didn’t have to carry me,” you spoke, “You almost fell over because you were so tired, just go to sleep and me and Al will take you to your room.” Edward explained, you sighed and held onto Edward.

They put you into bed after Winry opened the door and let them in, “Aww Edward, you look so cute together,” Winry smiled, “Shut up…” Edward started to get embarrassed as he placed you on the bed. Winry looked at Alphonse and smiled at him Alphonse looked back at his brother, “It’s nice that you’ve found someone brother,” Alphonse spoke, “Huh? Oh… you mean Rea?” Edward spoke, “Who else? We both knew that you two would end up together sooner or later,” Winry smirked, Edward folded his arms and glared, “Well… I did try and get together with her a few times… but sometimes I didn’t know what to say and that one night…” Edward stopped.

“My heart has been broken so many times in my life, I can’t bare it to happen again!” Edward thought.

Edward remembered what you said to him that one night, it crushed him. “Brother?” Alphonse spoke, “It’s something Rea said isn’t it?” Winry spoke, “Yea… I just hope that we return her to normal soon,” Edward looked down at your sleeping body.

“Anyway, you two get out, I’ve got an early train tomorrow and I need sleep,” Winry spoke and kicked Edward and Alphonse out.

You were awake the whole time they had been speaking. A tear slipped your cheek as you fell back asleep.

The next morning you got up and asked Winry where the boys were as they didn’t answer the door, “Ed’s going to get his automail broken again…” Winry glared, you looked at her shocked, “What do you mean going to get her arm broken again?” you asked, “Apparently the man who broke it before is back in Central…” Winry replied, “Scar…” you muttered then ran out the room, “Wait Rea!” Winry called.

You ran out the hotel and down the street hearing lots of praise about Edward.

Edward you idiot… you’re such a moron… are you wanting Scar to find you or something… you thought, then an image of Hughes came into your mind. And your parents dead on the floor, everyone in Xerves laying dead on the floor.

I don’t want someone else that I love to die… I wouldn’t want to live on…

You heard a few explosions and saw some MP’s crowded around a scene. “EDWARD!” you screamed as he jumped in the, Scar turned around and grabbed your arm. “Rea! Let her go Scar!” Edward yelled, “Those who get in my way shall die also,” Scar spoke and grabbed your head. “Newsflash… I can’t die!” you kicked Scar in the chin, punched his elbow making him let go then elbowed him in the cheek and kicked him in the side. “I won’t let you hurt Edward!” you glared at Scar, “I will kill him,” Scar glared, “Over…” you glared.

“My…” you stepped forward.

“Dead…” you lifted your fist.

“BODY!” you screamed and punched the floor and started to fight Scar again. Edward came over and started to help you, “Edward, I don’t want you to get hurt. Stay back,” you spoke, “No, the reason we lured Scare out was so we could lure the Homunculi out, if he’s just fighting you then the homunculi won’t come because they know you’ll live whatever happens,” Edward explained quickly, you were shocked, “Hiding your plans from me… making me worry sick… I had a right to be frightened,” you jumped back as Alphonse came out and made a barrier that Scar soon destroyed, “You were frightened? Why?” Edward asked, “Because… I don’t want to let someone else I love… Die… because of me not doing or saying anything!” you ran up to Scar dodged his hand and gave him an uppercut.

“REA!” Edward yelled, Scar grabbed you with his left arm then grabbed your head and he used his alchemy on you. “REA!!” Edward and Alphonse yelled as your body hit the floor. “That’s one down.

“Great… Rea doesn’t wake up for a few days after being killed.” Alphonse spoke, “I know… this is bad…” Edward just managed to dodge an attack from Scar.

Where are those Homunculi?! Edward thought.

“Like I said… I don’t die easily…” you stood up and glared at Scar. Edward and Alphonse were both shocked, blood covered your face and your hair covered half your face. “What are you?” Scar glared, “I’m what I call a monster…” you glared. Scar ran at you, you ducked down leaned back on your hands and kicked your legs out at Scar kicking him in the stomach and pushing him back. Edward and Alphonse didn’t hesitate and they attacked once again.

Edward ended up at a dead end and started to climb a drain pipe, Scar broken it as Alphonse clapped his hands and caught Edward from falling. Edward was getting tired, you were too but your energy was regenerating quickly. More quickly then normal, “Scar, you say you believe that Alchemists defy God, isn’t that hypocritical? You use alchemy just like we do,” Alphonse spoke, you smirked, “I explained it when we met in East City, its balance. Where there are creators there must be a destroyer,” Scar spoke, “LIAR! You’re just using the name of your God to try and justify murder! Revenge is what this is! When you killed… Shou Tucker and… and Nina, I believe you were doing Gods work then too?!” you yelled, “Interesting, you three saw that abomination as well did you? Alchemy created that tragic creature, that is the science you have spent your lives following,” Scar explained, “That Chimera was made because a man thought he could create, when creation is the providence of God alone,” Scar explained, “Maybe your right, but why did you have to kill her? You stole what little life she had left!” Edward snapped, “Foolish as you are, but you should still have known that the Chimera would of never returned to her human state. It would of lived out its life as a laboratory specimen treated as a test subject, but never again, as a human being.” Scar explained.

“Its true, State Alchemists have made some serious mistakes. But despite what you think that doesn’t make what your doing right, and we can’t let you continue. You’re so self-righteous but do you remember two Amstrian doctors named Rockbell?” Edward asked, “The order came down to end the uprising and exterminate Ishbal but that didn’t stop them, they kept right on helping your people!” Edward explained, you saw Winry appear on the side, “Wait brother!” Alphonse called, seeing her too, “Edward don’t!” you snapped, “Don’t you remember them? Those Doctors saved your life! And you killed them!” Edward snapped.

“Edward!” you pointed at Winry, Edward looked and saw her in shock. “What are you talking about Ed?” Winry asked. “Winry, I…” Edward was shocked to see her, “You mean… he’s the man who… killed them? My parents… he killed them… what’s worse… they helped save you. And you killed them. Why did you? They were my mom and dad…” Winry fell on her knees, “What did they ever do to you? They were doctors; they helped people… they didn’t deserve to die! Give them back! Give me back my mom and dad you monster!” Winry grabbed her head and cried, she then reached for the gun, “Winry… hold on, you can’t, don’t do this…” Edward spoke, “Winry!” Alphonse spoke, “Don’t do it!” you urged, and Winry placed her hand on the gun.

Winry held the gun towards Scar, “This girl is the doctors daughter? You have the right, shooting me would be justified… Go on shoot,” Scar clenched his fists. “Don’t do it Winry, put down the gun!” Edward spoke, “You know you don’t want to do this!” Alphonse spoke, “Winry please, don’t shoot,” you spoke, “Shoot girl. But know the moment you pull the trigger there’s no going back, you will be my enemy!” Scar glared, “Scar!” Alphonse yelled, “If you think I’ll let you hurt one hair on her head!” Edward yelled, “Would you kill me? That will be fine with me, until one of us dies boy, this chain of hatred will continue. But don’t ever forget; don’t ever forget it was the Amestrians who first pulled the trigger in the Civil war! It was your people!” Scar yelled, “Winry don’t shoot!” Edward spoke, “Just put the gun down and get out of here! Winry!” Alphonse added, “If you can’t shoot, then do as they tell you,” Scar spoke and attacked Edward. He jumped out the way, “Don’t Shoot!” Edward yelled and jumped in front of Winry.

Scar froze.

You saw an opportunity and pulled Scar away, Alphonse clapped his hands and created an attack, Scar jumped back and then blown a hole through the wall. “Ed what are you doing? Both of you will get killed!” Alphonse yelled, “Hurry and get Winry somewhere safe, we’ll handle Scar till you get back,” You spoke, “Al… Rea…” Edward spoke, “Just go!” you yelled and then turned and went after Scar.