Second Chances


Three hours later and I was only partly smashed. I was at that point where my body felt light but I still knew what I was doing.
"Brian" I whined
" Yes hon" he whined back mockingly
"Dance with me"
Brian nodded and pulled me up from the booth that we were sitting at. He took me out to the middle of the dance floor. There we started to dirty dance, Brian's hands were roaming all over my body and yet I didn't mind at all. Then he started kissing my neck, now I am not sure if it was the alcohol or just the fact that I liked the way his hands felt on me but I didn't make any move to stop him. When the song ended I turned around and grabbed Brian's hand. I pulled him off the dance floor and out the back of the building. There I pushed Brian up against a wall and started to make out with him. Things started to get heated and after a while Brian had his hands up my shirt.Finally he pulled away.
"Lets get the hell out of here"Brian said in a husky voice
Since I was still trying to regain my breath, all I could do was nod my head. Brian led me back into the club so I could get my purse and he could grab his jacket.
"Hey were going to leave." Brian announced to the group
"Ooh someone is getting laid tonight." Brittany yelled
The others screamed random things like use protection and have fun. Brian sped the whole way home. It was the fastest trip from Hollywood to Huntington Beach that I had ever had in my life. During the ride home I started to sober up, yet I still wanted to sleep with Brian. Once we pulled up to the house Brian cut off the engine and ran to my side of the car. There he picked me up out of the car and ran into the house. Once inside he carried me to what once was our room. There he set me down on the bed and crawled on top of me. We started to make out and soon cloths were coming off. The next thing I knew he was rolling off of me and we were trying to steady our breathing.
"That was amazing" I breathed out
"Yeah it was, how about round two." Brian asked in a similar voice
"Why the hell not"
This continued the whole night with one phrase that kept being repeated over and over again. "Oh fuck Brian".