Status: Active: first priority.



Megan had a tight grip on her brother’s arm as the group were briskly walking to the Wal-Mart. Garrett was behind Megan, a knife wedged in the front of his jeans, his blue eyes searching around him making him resemble a meerkat.


“Shush Pat,” Garrett whispered turning around quickly to face his best friend. Pat just nodded sadly and followed suit, obviously wanting to ask a question but understood they needed to be quiet for the time being. Megan stiffened slightly which made Garrett reach for the knife; he was so close to Megan he could feel her body go ridged. Nathaniel’s grip tightened on his sister’s hand once more, he thought he heard something but didn’t think too much of it until he felt his sister stiffen. Nathaniel had his other hand on the gun ready to annihilate anything which was in the way. Megan’s green eyes were the size of saucers when she saw the pale creature crawl towards her. She grimaced slightly when she heard the loud piercing sound of a gunshot coming next to her. She opened her lids slightly and sighed with relief on seeing the creature motionless with a hole in his pale balding head, was it even right to call it a him anymore? It lost its identity long ago. Megan sprang back into action when she felt a tugging on her arm and made her legs start moving again.

“I can’t believe I just saw a real life fucking zombie, how cool is that?” Garrett whispered as loud as he could to no one in particular. Even though the situation they were all facing was terrorizing, Garrett’s fascination and somewhat joy over zombies still shone through.

“Cool but petrifying,” Megan replied, also finding the creatures fascinating but was considerably more scared than Garrett was, shown by her now clutching on to his arm tightly.

“We’re almost there okay then we’ll be set for life,” Nathaniel assured Megan, he could read his sister like a book and knew she was worried now Nathaniel is out of ammunition and was scared if one zombie was here there were bound to be others somewhere, Megan nodded a response and just swallowed, she needed to be brave. She kept reminding herself she had to do this for her parents; they were counting on her to survive.
Megan breathed another sigh of relief when they were stood outside of the Wal-Mart building. Kennedy was flickering a flashlight by the front of the entrance hoping the secret passageway was by the front like the previous store. On seeing a glimpse of some bolts he pushed the metal as hard as he could and pressed his mouth in a thin line when nothing happened. This was followed by a ring of the store, the boys each having their own part to play whether it be holding a flashlight or trying every part of the building. Megan was wedged in the middle of them keeping one hand on the tip of her knife, just to be on the safe side. She tried to not let her mind wander over to her parents, she couldn’t show any signs of weakness.

“Got it guys,” John said in a hushed tone. He gave the metal one fierce push with his shoulder and descended down into another dark corridor. Megan couldn’t be any happier when the group reached the inside of the store. No one was sure where these weapons were stored; all they knew were the rumours.

“They couldn’t have hidden them too much, knowing people want them,” Megan mused playing with her red hair, a nervous habit she had picked up from over the years.

“Maybe we’re too late,” Pat pitched in, getting a shoulder bump from Jared.

“Not cool bro, not cool,” The red haired male spoke.
Nathaniel jumped over the customer service counter, thinking there may be some kind of key, maybe to the warehouse where stock was bound to be stored, it was going to be quicker going up there rather than searching the store, if one zombie was walking around it was likely more were around somewhere and the prediction made was wrong. It wasn’t as if anyone could check on their phones since there were only emergency broadcasts now and all internet connections had now been disbanded. Nathaniel smiled with joy and pulled out as many weapons as he could hold and slammed them on the counter startling everyone in the group.

“Knew they wouldn’t be hidden too much,” Garrett grinned widely and took a rifle and made sure it was loaded. He added as many bullets as he could to himself without slowing him down. The rest of the boys loaded up with what they could and Megan looked at the door like a hawk, her eyes widened and her breath hitched in her throat when she saw the shadow move and voices which sounded more like groans, this time there was definitely more than one.