The Genie And The Librarian


Thank you SmurfGirl!

Thank you Howl!

Thank you Howl!

The night air was a little chilly as I sat on the steps that led up to my apartment. I could only see a few stars glittering in the sky, the lights from the city too bright for many of the small stars to show.

The cold air helped me think, refreshed my mind.

And made me realize what a complete bitch I was to Amil.

He, in his own weird way, was just trying to help me.

I mean, I really did wish for a dog.

But a wolf? Two of ‘em?

How am I supposed to care for a couple of wolves?

Will they eat dog food or am I going to have to start buying whole cows?

Where will they stay while I’m at work? I don’t have a back yard or even a balcony.

And wishing for a house? How can I-

I jumped in shocked when a wet nose pressed against my chilled arm.

Turning I see Tikaani staring at me, her eyes all too knowing.

Sighing, I give in to temptation and run my fingers through her soft fur. At my touch she closed her eyes and gave a soft grunt, all but falling into my lap.

Holding back a chuckle I continue her massage, “How’d you get outside, hmm? Did you chew a hole through the door already?”

“I, uh, let her out.”

I jumped once again as Amil’s voice sounded from behind me.

With Tikaani still sleeping in my lap I turn to see Amil standing at the entrance to my door, Amak sitting beside him.

The poor wolf was practically vibrating while he sat at Amil’s feet, his want to heed his master’s command at the forefront, but his need to move pushing for control.

Amil brought my attention back to him as he gestured to Tikaani, “She was, umm, she was sitting at the door, just staring at it. I figured she wanted out, then realized she knew you were here the whole time when I saw you sitting here.”

I nodded and rubbed my fingers over Tikaani’s soft ear, “Yeah, I just needed to think.”

“Do you mind if I sit with you while you think?”

I shrugged and scooted over on the step, forcing Tikaani to shift in her sleep. As Amil moved to sit Amak ran down to investigate the small complex area around the stairs. Amil and I sat in silence for a little while, enjoying the few stars and chilly night.

A little too chilly.

I shivered as a small wind blew against my skin, my t-shirt and jeans not doing much to keep me warm.

All of a sudden a warm blanket was draped over my shoulders.

I looked over at Amil, “Thanks.”

He shrugged, “It’s about time my magic does something good for a change.”

I sighed, “I’m sorry, Amil. I shouldn’t have snapped at you, but what you can do is a type of power and power should never be thrown around without thinking of the consequences.”

“Sometimes we need to stop worry about the consequences and just live.”

“I guess that works for some people, but I know just how much certain consequences can ruin lives.”

Amil shook his head in wonder, “Were you always worried about the consequences of your actions? Even when you were a kid?”

I nodded, “I had to be. If I didn’t my mom would have made sure to point them out and make them ten times worse.”

“I’m sorry. I guess I really haven’t helped when I just sort of toss things at you. Would you like me to put them back where I got ‘em?”

Amil gestured to Tikaani, who was now awake, but still laying in my lap, and Amak, who went from chasing a squirrel to snapping at his tail.

“No, they’ve kind of grown on me now. I just don’t know where I’ll keep them when I’m gone,” I sighed, “Or what I’ll tell Mrs. Johnson.”

Amil smiled, “You let me handle Mrs. Johnson and don’t worry about when you’re gone, Tikaani will make sure Amak’s behaving.”

At that moment Tikaani sat up and barked at Amak, who was sniffing at a sleeping tom cat.

“See, she’ll make sure Amak doesn’t tear up your apartment.”

I chuckled and rubbed Tikaani’s head, “Okay, but don’t use your magic on Mrs. Johnson. I don’t want her going crazy ‘cause you pulled a tiger out of your hat.”

Amil laughed, “I probably won’t wear a hat.”

“Fine, I don’t want her going crazy ‘cause you pulled a tiger out of a hat that you created out of nothing.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a reminder that I redid the begining of chapter 9!