The Genie And The Librarian



Thank you SmurfGirl!

Thank you Howl!

Thank you Howl!

I stood in front of Annette’s Antiques, staring at the window display.

There were old TV sets, wooden toys, and miscellaneous knick-knacks adorning the display, causing me to smile a little.

I’ve always loved the treasures that didn’t seem like much at all.

Which has always confused my parents.

Why buy a little Gumby figurine when, for a few thousand dollars more, you can purchase a porcelain Chinese vase?

Deciding to walk through the store, almost to spite my parents, I push the door open.

At the ringing of the bell the lady behind the desk looked up and smiled, “Hello, welcome to Annette’s! Is there something I can help you find?”

I smiled back, “Oh, no. I’m just going to look around.”

“Just let me know if you need anything.”

Turning from her, I walk between the many shelves and dodge the multiple tables that all held treasures once forgotten.

There was a corner full of children’s things. Toys and story books laid out in a way that would grab the attention of a small child.

Then there was the kitchen section that displayed iron pots, pans, and cute rooster decorations.

Turning away from that I sigh in gratitude to see the whole side of a wall devoted to books. With a smile adorning my face I gently run my fingers over the spine of an old book. Its edges were torn and the leather stained, but that just added to its appeal. Pulling the book down I read the cover.

Alchemy for the Alchemist

I laughed; guess they had to be specific back then.

Putting the book back I reach over to grab another when something fell from the top shelf, hitting me in the head.

Rubbing the bump that was now forming, I bend down and pick up the book from the floor. It was covered in old leather, the edges fraying, and the papers looked as if they’d been hand sewn to the spine.

There was no title or Author wriiten on the cover, nor was there a copyright page or forward.

Not even a simple pencil mark.

Flipping though the rest of the book I quickly close it and again study the cover.

Not a single page had anything written on it.


Opening the book again, I flip the pages once more, then squint at one of them.

Was that a smudge?

And was that smudge expanding?

With wide eyes I stare at the page as the smudge turned into a flowing, handwritten, letter.

Dear Reader,
You have been chosen to receive a gift of great value. The Gods have deemed you worthy and have handed you an Abhilash-

“Have you found something of interest?”

Blinking I look from the letter to the lady standing beside me.

The lady from the front desk smiled at me, then gestured to the book in my hands, “Have you found a book you like?”

I looked back at the book in my hands, but the page was blank once more, “There was a letter…”

The lady’s smile got bigger, “I’m sure there was.”

Shaking my head I sighed.

Me and my stupid imagination.

If I didn’t know better I’d say I should stop reading so much.

Fortunately I do know better.

I placed the book back on the shelf, “I should be going, it’s about time for dinner.”

Turning away from the book and the lady I walk toward the door.


Turning back I watch as the lady rushed over to the check out desk, stepping around it and rummaging underneath.

“Just give me a second…”

Curious, I walk to the register and lean over the desk, popping back in shock as the lady jumped up.

“Here, this is for you.”

Holding my hands out for the object, I stare at the small cloth bundle in my hand. Unwrapping the cloth I smile to see one of the prettiest little perfume bottles I’ve ever seen.

It fit perfectly in the palm of my hand.

“This is for you as well.”

I look from the bottle to the old leather book the she held out.

“Oh, I can’t take these-“

“Nonsense! They’re yours now.”

Reaching out with my free hand I grab the book.

Is the leather warming against my skin?

Swallowing I look up at her, “How much for both?”

“No price.”

“Oh!” I stared at her in shock, “I can’t just take them!”

The lady smiled, “When the Gods speak, I’ve learned not to object. Here, they’re yours now.”


After walking to the grocery store and then, finally, going home I was able to unlock my front door around seven that night.

Tired, but still needing to put the groceries away, I quickly unloaded the bags.

Once that was done I turned to go to bed, but the bag from Annette’s Treasures caught my eye.

Grabbing the bag I walked into my room. Placing the bag on my bed I head to the bathroom to wash up and change into my night gown.

Sighing as I laid back against my pillows, I grabbed the bag and removed the book and bottle.

Placing the bottle on my bed side table I open the book and turn to the page I was at in the store.

There’s that darn moving smudge again.

Was this some kind of new technology?

If so, then why was it in an antique store?

Studying the page I watch as the smudge grew until the letter was readable once more.

Dear Reader,
You have been chosen to receive a gift of great value. The Gods have deemed you worthy and have handed you an Abhilash. This creature will grant you as many wishes you want as long as you continue to own this book. Lose this book and you lose the Abhilash.
Choose your wishes wisely.

A genie? Is that what Abhilash means?

Underneath the letter was an image of a perfume bottle. It was light in color, a very light amber, and there was an intricate iron design adorning the top while a tassel hung from a copper top.

It was the same bottle the lady at the antique shop gave me.

It must have been a two-for-one thing

Turning the page I see the same bottle, but the image was bigger and there was an arrow with the words “press here” pointing to the piece where the tassel was hooked to the top.

It must be a button…

Putting the book down, I reach over and grab the bottle. It was very pretty, the subtleness of it making it more beautiful.

“What the hell.”

Shrugging my shoulders I press the top.

Nothing happened.

Pressing it a few more times I finally gave up when nothing changed.

Slightly disappointed, but more towards myself and the fact that I believed something would happen, I put the book and the bottle back on the table and turned over.

Closing my eyes I drifted off to sleep, never noticing the amber colored fog that surrounded me.
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There's a picture of the perfum bottle in the characters section.

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