The Genie And The Librarian


Thank you SmurfGirl!

Thank you Howl!

Thank you Howl!

“I have decided that the theme for my soiree is ‘Winter Wonderland’!”

I glared at Serina as she twirled around the dress displays. We were in Mariscos, a very beautiful, very expensive dress boutique.

Not to mention full of bridal gowns.

“I’m not wearing a wedding dress.”

Serina stopped her twirling to stare at me, “Why not?”

“Because I’m not getting married, so there’s no need for a wedding dress.”

“But you have to!” she exclaimed, “Mother and I have already decided that we all need to match and that our dresses will have lace sleeves. We need to match!”

I jumped a little when she screamed the last word, “Okay, okay. Jeez, chill out. It’s not the end of the world.”

I turned to glare at Amil behind me when he chuckled at my statement, “You do realize you’re going to wear a tux, right?”

He frowned, “Tux?”

He didn’t know what a tux was?

I smiled at him, “All of a sudden I’m having a lot more fun.”


My smile turned upside down as Serina held up a frilly white dress, “And there all my fun goes.”



“Oh, come on! You have to show us, Carina!”

“I’m thinking… no,” I replied, glaring at my reflection in the dressing room.


I didn’t reply, instead I started to remove the gown, my arm already out of the sleeve when the door flew open.

“Serina!” I gasped, trying to cover my exposed bra.

“Put the dress back on and come out here.” She growled.

Mumbling the whole time I hurriedly put the gown back on, then followed Serina to the pedestal. Surrounding half of the pentagonal pedestal was a wall of large mirrors, the other half chairs where Serina and Amil were sitting. As I stood in front of them I examined the dress from all sides.

It was beautiful.

It was kind of summery, with lace sleeves that wrapped around my shoulders. The dress had lace detail down the bodice and ended just above my knees.

Serina’s specifications were that the dress had to be white and have lace sleeves.

This dress matched her specifications.

Looking at the dress I had to admit that it was beautiful… just not on me.

I turned away from the mirrors and glared at an amused Amil, “Slave, tell my idiot sister that this looks stupid on me.”

Before Amil could say anything my sister exclaimed, “I told you to live that stuff in the bedroom!”

Amil chuckled, “It doesn’t flatter you, that’s for sure.”

I sighed, this is the tenth ‘doesn’t flatter you’ dress I’ve tried on.

I was grumpy after the third.

Now I’m just pissed.

“I’m done.”

I jumped down from the pedestal and walked away.

But I didn’t get far when Amil suddenly latched onto my arm, “Wait, I think I have an idea.”

I watched as he walked away, disappearing into a sea of dresses.

Sighing, I walked back to the dressing room and removed the dress.

I was just putting the dress on the hanger when the door flew open once more.

Amil and I stared at each other for a few seconds, then his eyes did a slow slide down my body and back up to my face.

He gave me a lazy smile, handed me a dress, then walked away, gently shutting the door behind him.

It took me a few seconds to finally turn around and look at my reflection.

It was then I realized I was wearing a white bra with violet panties.

It’s been a while since a handsome guy (or any guy for that matter) saw my lingerie and it’s not even matching.

How embarrising.


“It’s perfect!”

I sighed at Serina’s excited cry, but this time it was in awe.

The dress was perfect.

The bodice was snug against my chest, highlighting my curves while the skirt folded and flared into pretty designs down to the ground. The lace detail against the bodice was intricate and delicate, ending just at the point where my waist ended and my hips started. The sleeves wrapped around my back which exposed my collar bone. My short hair managed to show off my neck and shoulders, leaving the dress exposed in all its glory.

There was just one problem.

“It’s too perfect.”

Serina stared at me in shock while Amil looked confused.

“What?” she asked

“This is your birthday. I can’t wear this dress when it’s you that everyone needs to be focused on.”

“Oh, don’t be silly, Carine. No one will even glance your way once Serina enters the room.”

I closed my eyes, feeling my body tense as my mother’s voice scratched down my back like nails against a chalk board.

Anita Valentina Carmichael had a voice full of smoke and whispers, the kind of voice men fall for, the kind of voice that could win millions in the music industry, and the kind of voice that sent my patience level down to a near zero.
I turned and watched as my mother kissed my sister’s cheek, then stood still as she walked over to air kiss mine, “Hello, mother.”

Anita stepped back and examined my dress, “It’ll do.”

I sighed. That’s all this gorgeous dress get? An ‘it’ll do’?

Then again, at least she actually likes it. I normally get ‘my God Carine, what are you wearing? It looks like you stole that from a homeless man’.

So I should be happy with an ‘it’ll do’.

Mother turned from me, about to talk to my sister when she spotted Amil, “Well, hello. Serina, you didn’t tell me you were bringing a date today.”

Because someone like Amil would never dare to be my date.

Sarina smiled, “Oh, he’s not my date, he’s with Carine.”

Mother stared at Amil for a few more seconds, then turned to me over her shoulder, “You don’t compliment him at all. He needs someone who can accentuate his dark looks. Maybe someone with light skin, but dark hair.”

I gave a pointed look at Serina, who was texting, “Like Serina?”

“Yes, yes! Serina would look wonderful with him. You’re just too pale and light, Carine, to ever make hime look good.”

I looked at Serina again to see what she would say, but like always she was oblivious.

Things like this are a normal occurrence between my mother and I. She constantly compared me to Serina, always pointing out my flaws while showing off Serina’s better habits to all her friends.

It’s why I rarely ever go home.

But what shocked me about this particular argument was that Amil spoke up.

“Excuse me, but isn’t it my opinion that matters more?”

My mother is rarely questioned, but she was able to hide her shock under a mask of politeness, “Of course, I was just commenting on how Serina’s looks and complexion would better suit you then Carine here. It’s merely the opinion of a very knowledgeable mother.”

“That’s fine and all,” Amil stood up and walked over to me, gently pulling me against his side, “but Carine and I are very happy together.”

My mother raised an eyebrow and studied Amil, probably wondering if she could chance making an enemy out of him.

She must have decided that the risk was too great and said, “Of course, you’re absolutely right. Like I said, it was just an opinion.”

Then she turned and walked away, “Come on, let’s pay for that dress. Serina and I still have much to do before the soiree and I’m sure you two have plenty of things to do as well.”

As she disappeared, a silent and oblivious Serina following her, I turned to Amil.

“How much is this dress?”

His smile was slow, every inch of it evil, “I made sure that she’ll feel the sting of this particular dress.”

I laughed the whole way back to the changing room.
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I'm so sorry this took forever! I lost my flash drive, then found it. That same day my computer charger broke so my computer died. So I went to use the desktop, but it wouldn't read my flash drive!

I finally have my computer working again thanks to a brand new charger!


Hope you like this one!

Here's Carine's dress: