Oh No, Not You Again

This is both an original fiction and a fanfiction at the same time. The rockstar she is the daughter of will remain anonymous, though you may pick up hints if you're weird.

So here’s the summery:

Gena was the new girl in town, destined to move in with her “uncle,” or trusted family friend she’d known since birth. However, though she is the daughter of a rockstar, she can tell no one this except for the only girl who already knew. If everyone at school knew that Gena was the daughter of a rockstar, they'd treat her much differently than the loser she apparently already is....

Moving from country to country is never good on you when you’re sixteen years old and you’ve got famous blood in you. Keeping secrets is never fun especially when you’re a walking time bomb and exact image of your parents, the famous one being the most dominant in your features.
At least the didn’t have to learn any new languages, thank god.

Mina was never the average girl, either. She knew the town like the back of her hand. Gena was fresh meat… and she didn’t even know it. Maybe Mina wouldn’t have to wear her bike helmet to her first class anymore...

Plus chemmy friends!
  1. Mom, the spiders from mars stole my socks again!!
    The title of this chapter will be explained later. Gena arrives in New York and meets Mina!