I Don't Love You Like I Loved You

We were always friends. Never anything more just friends. I Considered him my best friend, and he considered me his. Andy had my back and I had his back. We lived next door to each other for five years. Then he moved to Burbank. We started seeing less of each other but always managed to find time to spend together. Andy a few months later moved to Cininatti, Ohio. I acutally saw him more when he moved out there then when he lived in Burbank. He started a band while he was out there called Black Veil Brides. They went through band members left and right. They never got to tour out on the west coast. Then i recieved, that he was going to move back out to So Cal. I was never so excited in my life to have one of my best friends back. I must admit I was a bit of a loner. But Nothing could have prepared me for what would be in store for the two of us.