Love Beyond Words

She is perfection

Perfection, that's all i think about when i see her. With a brunette wavy hair, green eyes, and those glamorous tan skin she still manage to look simple and flawless. I sit on my chair looking through my window that is directly in front of her new house.God i'm such a lucky guy afterall. Having such a beauty as my new neighbor and it seems like she's going to live alone. Just my luck. My mind drift off to one of the girls i met at the park earlier. She gave me her number, hmm she's quite pretty to be honest but in my eyes she look like a trash. I reach down to my pocket and grab the paper with her number in it. "i guess this is goodbye" i said as i tear apart the paper numbly.

I felt someone is staring at me from somewhere. I just dont know where or who, but i know they did. I can feel the coldness shots through my veins everytime i went outside to load my things to the house. Oh yeah i'm moving in today! Last month was my 18th birthday, i guess my parents just couldn't wait any longer to get rid of me so they bought me this house. Yes the bought me a house! not a small apartement but a HOUSE! weird i know but whatever. "Hey why don't you take a little break. Let's drink some lemonade in my home!" Rasha, my next door neighbor said. She's my parent's friend's daughter and we went to the same junior high school so we know each other pretty well. "Good idea! it has been forever since we hang out Ray!"

"Do you know the man who lives right across the street is Dan Crusco? I mean how lucky can you be? Oh and i heard your bedroom has a clear view to his room! I'm soooo going to hang out at your house often" Ray said with a dreamy eyes. "Who is Dan Crusco? Am i missing something here?" "Don't tell me you don't know Dan Crusco? He's a legend around here! He's amazingly good looking and he came from a very wealthy family. The best part is he is untouchable! I never heard of him dating anybody and let me tell you almost every girl in this town are dying to be his girlfriend." wow he seems like a stuck up boy. "And why is that? He only date a royal family or what?", Rasha rolled her eyes and continue, "No! He doesn't date anybody ever! He barely even talk. He is so mysterious but something about him make a lot of women melts" "Yeah whatever, sounds like a stuck up mofo for me or maybe he's gay! That's possible" Rasha rolled her eyes yet again "No he's not! Trust me he's not" "Yeah still whatever" i decided to shrug it off.

It's already night, i left Rasha's house soon after her boyfriend arrived. Don't wanna interupted anything now do we? I'm still curious about this Dan Crusco she talked about. I take a look at my neighbor's windows, luck is on my side i guess since i can get a clear look at his room now. As long as i can see it's a pretty simple room with a crimson red wall and jet black door.It also has a huge victorian like bed and a small black leather sofa. Okay that's not simple i know but unlike another men's room, his room is pretty clean and neat.I can't see any dirty clothes scatter around his bed or floor. But then i realize, where is he? I can't see him anywhere in his room. I look down and i see a room with a light on. I bet he's in it but i can't see anything since the window is blurry. Well maybe i can't see him now but sooner or later i will. Get ready Dan Crusco

What is she doing up there? Is it just me or is she looking at my room? If she does than thank God i'm not in there. I don't want her to see me yet. I want to make our meeting as special as it could be. I don't know how but i know that now is not the right time. She looks amazing from here, i can see her jawline clearly, it's beautiful. So strong and visible. I can also see her lips, that luscious pink plump lips that im sure will taste better than this hot chocolate im drinking. The thought of my lips touching hers brought smile to my face. i love it. I love everything about her. I will make her mine. I will! Dan Crusco doesn't want many things but when he wants something he'll get it. One way or another. Be ready for me my love.
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Sorry it's short. I can't think clearly now since im soooo sleepy. Comments are welcome:) please please please tell me what you think! shares some critics, opinion or even ideas! you are more than welcome.