No One Can Stop Us Now.

uno of uno.

Ian stared at the blank TV set, his greasy hair framing his once-coloured face limply. This was what Sean had done to him. He'd ruined him, but it wasn't like it was intentional. So why did Ian keep blaming him, when it wasn't his fault? He rocked back and forth, hugging his knees to his chest. He was lost without the flamboyant blonde in his life. Sean was his everything. He kept him young, kept him going. But now, now he had nothing. He had an empty hole that sat in his chest constantly, gaping, and you could tell. You could tell he was hurting, lonely, lost. You could tell he was blatantly in love with someone who was practically non-existent anymore but no one actually gave a shit. They ignored it. For the first few weeks, they'd been sympathetic but now.. Ian was lonelier than ever, because not only was Sean gone, but his friends were too. He hadn't socialized in months. No one bothered with him. He was as non-existent as the one who ruined him in the first place.

"Don't." Sean whispered. Ian stared, a ridiculed look upon his face. How the fuck could he stop himself when Sean was
leaving him? "No! Sean, stop! I love you!" In a desperate attempt to make him stay, Ian pulled Sean's arm roughly. It seemed to have no affect, though. "F.. Fine," Ian mumbled, glaring although his vision was blurred. "Go, see if I care." He knew he was being childish but honestly, he was hysterical right now. Hysterical and completely irrational. "Ian, stop it. It's for the best, okay? You're getting too attached and I.. I need to think, sort myself out. Please, just carry on without me." Sean murmured. This was the last thing he wanted to do but honestly, he had no choice. He didn't want to hurt Ian even more. He was only after a casual fuck anyway. He quickly left, not being able to stand the sight of Ian, broken, because of him.But really, the reason he was leaving was because he was afraid of falling in love with Ian. He was just scared, to be honest.

Ian found himself in the bathroom, staring at his reflection in the mirror. He was disgusted at himself, disgusted at his looks, his personality and how Sean had affected him. He'd let Sean ruin him, break him, tear him down untill he was a shadow of the man he previously was. He was sick of the sight of his reflection but his feet wouldn't let him move. He drew his fist back, slamming it into the mirror and repeating it untill his hand and knuckles were dripping with thick red liquid. The mirror was smashed into pieces on the floor, the sound still ringing through his ears. He cried out, hitting the wall with his bleeding hand, the pain that sent waves through his body almost matching the emotional pain. He felt a presence and he froze, knowing he'd be too vulnerable to stop the person if they were going to raid his house. "Ian.." A soft whisper floated throughout the air and he winced, hoping it was just his mind. He knew it wasn't when a soft hand took his arm and placed it under the tap he'd forgot was still running. He winced as shards of glass loosened themselves from the gaping gashes in his hand and bit his lip hard. "I love you." It was an abrupt statement, no longer a whisper, from a voice he knew all too well. "Sean.." His voice was filled with hurt as he finally spoke the word that was constantly running through his mind. "Really, I do love you. I left because I needed to forget about how much I need you, but.. But I can't forget, E. I love you more than I do myself, and I know you're thinking that's not hard but I do, I love you more than anything else in the world and I.. I need you back, if you'll have me.." Sean rambled, gently dabbing at his ex-boyfriend's hand. Ian smiled despite the pain. "Of course I will," He said softly, pulling his hand away from Sean as soon it was bandaged up. "I love you too.."

Ian was evidently happier with Sean back, but there was an emotion in his eyes that never left. And it was a negative emotion. "Stop worrying that I'm not going to leave you." Sean whimpered, genuinely upset about this. "I'm sorry.. It's just, after last time, I don't think I'll be able to handle it." He sighed. Sean pouted slightly and bit his lip. "I understand if you say no, but I just feel this is the right time to do this," Sean said. Ian was about to ask what the Hell he was on about but he was cut off as Sean dropped to one knee, holding out a box with a beautiful ring in. "I love you so much, I wish I never left you and I just want you to be mine. I promise you I'll never leave you again, you're my everything.. Please, Ian, will you marry me?" Sean asked breathlessly. Ian's mouth opened and closed several times like a goldfish. In his mind he was screaming yes but he was just too shocked and his lungs felt completely empty, so he settled with kissing Sean passionately. "I'm taking that as a yes." The younger smirked, although a loving look completely filled his eyes. They kissed again. "I love you.." Ian whispered against Sean's lips, finding himself deep in his fiance's eyes. "I love you too, baby. Thankyou so much for accepting." Was the reply, and he blushed, wondering why after all this time Sean could still make him feel like that. "Why wouldn't I, babe? You're perfect."