Back to December

Back to December: One-shot

'Can we meet up somewhere?'

I texted him waiting to see if he will even see me. After waiting a couple of minutes, my palms started to get sweaty and then my phone buzzed. My heart leaped when he answered


It was a little heartbreaking since he used to answer with more than one word answers. With shaking hands I picked up my phone again and typed

'Does the cafe we use to meet at sound good?'

I can't believe I sounded so timid and frightened by his answer. He answered more quickly this time


I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and texted

'See you there.'

I grabbed my keys on the kitchen counter and put on my boots and walked to the cafe.

Once I reached the cafe I opened the doors half hoping he's there and half hoping he's not. If he is then I might be given the cold shoulder and if he wasn't then I have more time to prepare myself for what I'm about to say to him. The smell of coffee beans wafted to my nose and my light blue eyes scanned the cafe. I let out a sigh in relief that I didn't see the blond anywhere. I walked towards the end of the cafe near the corner where it was semi-private. I sat down and waited for him to come. I tapped my fingers on the table and my right leg kept bouncing. I bit my lip and turn my head towards the window just admiring the scenery to calm myself down.


My heart sped up when I heard my name. I turned my head around

"It's nice to see you Fernando."

"It's.... nice to see you too."

Once he sat down I scanned his face, those beautiful freckles, those chocolate brown eyes that I love and adore, that blo...

"What happened to your blonde hair?"

"I needed a change so I dyed it back to it's original color."

"Oh it looks nice."

Then there was a little 30 second of silence. "How's soccer?"

Fernando rolled his eyes

"I see you still use the American term. Tatum, it's football not soccer."

I could hear how cold he was to me. I know why he's like that. When we got together a year and a half ago he treated me like a princess. He was everything I ever wanted. One thing screwed up it up. Me. I didn't put much effort into our relationship and I broke it off with him. I thought I needed freedom and space. I didn't even call him on his birthday to wish him a happy birthday. I got sick of him showing up to my work at random times, sending me roses to my office, he even cooked for me.

Once I broke it off after a while I had I hard time sleeping. My mind kept playing the scene where I walked away from the most beautiful relationship I've ever had. Except at that time I didn't know. My mind starts to wonder after a while on all the good times we had. To hanging out at the beach, going out to dinner, me cheering at his football games, the thing I missed the most is how much he smiled when he was with me.

Thinking about all of this and seeing him with a blank expression I could still feel a wall between us. "Did you want to tell me something ro what? Please don't tell me I'm here for a staring contest because if we are I rather stare at someone else." he spat with vemon. I flinched when he said that. 'Here goes nothing'

"I'm sorry."I whispered.


I kept looking down at my hands which are sitting on my lap.

"I'm sorry" I repeated.

"If you can't look me in the eyes and tell me in the eyes and tell me that and mean it, then I'm leaving."

I tried to collect myself and just when I'm about to look up and tell him what I felt. He quickly got up and said

"I guess some things never change." My eyes start to get blurry and my body was frozen.

No. I can't let him walk away! Go after him! I quickly jumped up and ran out of the cafe.

"Nando! Wait! Please let me explain"

I grasped his arm and he yanked his arm away from me.

"What right do you have to call me Nando?! Only people I care about get to call me that!"

"Just listen pl.."

"No! I don't want to! All you've done is broke my heart, I put so much into our relationship while you just did nothing but blew me off 80% of the time. You never loved me and played me like a fool."

Each word made each tear drop faster down my face.

"I'm sorry for what I've done. I know I was a shitty girlfriend. Ok?"

His eyes softened a little when I kept crying. I continued, "I know I didn't treat you right. You were so good to me especially the first time you saw me cry you just held me and I never felt so safe in someone's arms. Once I broke up with you I soon start to realize that I missed you, I missed your texting, smiles, and just being with you.."

Fernando sighed "What are you trying to say Tatum?"

"What I'm trying to say is that... I... I want you back. I know it's crazy for even bringing it up and I understand if you don't want me back. But I swear if you give us another chance I will treat you right. Also after 7 months of living without you I'm still in love with you."

He kept silent for a moment and stepped in front of me and leaned down and pressed his lips on mine. The whole world stopped, it felt so right having him here with me. Once we separated he said "I'm still in love with you too."

He smiled and said "Tay, wanna come to my house and catch up?"

My smile widen and his smile mimicked mine and said "I would love to Nando"

Fernando laughs and grabs my hand and we walk to his car. Now I won't go back to December anymore.
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Well there you have it. I posted my first one-shot. Tell me what you think.