St. Elsewhere

Part 12

"Your parents live here?" Sean asked in awe as they pulled into Mia's street and stopped in front of the house indicated by Mia.

They had managed to snake around the relatively busy streets of Oxford and in the end found Mia's parents house in the early afternoon. It was a smart three-storey town house in the middle of Oxford, ten minutes walk from the large gothic and imposing Oxford University main building where Mia's father lectured young protégées in physics.

Mia just nodded and looked up at the house through the car window her heart already sinking, remaining determinedly seated with her seatbelt on, as if she wanted to leave again.

"You really don't want to go do you?" Sean asked kindly, seeing the antagonised expression forming on Mia's pretty face.

Mia shook her head emphatically, burying her face in her shaking hands.

Sean was slightly shocked at this rather adamant sign of resistance and emotion, he scooted forward and pulled Mia close in a strong and comforting hug.

"Hey it's going to be alright. Your parents should be so proud of you having such a beautiful and talented girl as their daughter so don't let it bring you down."

"You think so?" Mia asked tentatively into Sean's shoulder, breathing in the familiar scent of boy.

"I don't just think so. I know so." Sean said with a smile and leaned back to look at Mia, who was still shaking slightly, and brushed her fringe out of her eyes

"Come on, let's get this over with." Sean leaned across Mia and opened the door for her before jumping out his side of the car to get Mia's bag from the boot.

Mia pulled her hoodie closer around her and looked up at the overhead looming house with trepidation.

Sean was now stood next to her, placing the bag at her feet, he studied Mia whilst she was still staring fixedly at her parents' home.

It was going to be odd not seeing her this weekend when he had spent everyday since the concert with her, either with friends or on their own, it would be then that he realised how attached he had gotten to the pretty grey eyed girl who was the epiphany of beautiful ballet.

Impulsively he pulled Mia into another hug and placed a delicate kiss on her cheek.

"If anything goes wrong or you want to come back home just call me and I'll pick you up right away." Sean said emphatically, not wanting to let go. "Promise?"

Mia laughed softly.

"Sure. I promise. You just like playing my knight in shining armour don't you?" Mia said jokingly.

She pulled out of the hug and smiled sadly up at him.

"It was in the job description." Sean said attempting to keep the mood light.

"Good I'm glad. I'll see you on Monday?" Mia asked hopefully, picking up her bag from the floor.

"Obviously. Although you might not want to, after a Sean free weekend. You'll want to keep that peace and quite, and not have a riot."

"Oh so you're a riot?" Mia challenged.

"I'm a fucking riot." Sean grinned.

Mia laughed and stood on tip-toes to give Sean a kiss on the cheek, and then proceeded up the stone steps to the front door which she rang.

The door opened almost immediately. Mia turned around and waved goodbye to Sean fixing a smile on her face.

She walked into the house and the door shut again with a final sound.

Sean sighed and got into his car to start the journey back to London. This time on his own.