St. Elsewhere

Part 21

If you were to look in the dictionary under Sean Smith it would say something like this:

Sean Smith

Noun. Pronounced: Sh-aw-n

1. Sexy
2. Persistent

Number 2 being the reason why Sean was stood outside number 8 Holloway Drive at quarter to ten the next day, wearing a black hoodie, his trade mark skinny jeans and a black beanie on his head making his blonde hair seem even more vibrant than ever.

The person who answered the door was not quite the expected one however.

It was Mia's father who pulled the door open cautiously, looking at Sean with wide eyes through his black-rimmed glasses wondering who the hell that was.

'Oh fuck' flashed through Sean's mind for barely a nano second before he caught himself and explained that he was a friend of Mia's from London and inquired if she was home.

Mia's father nodded in affirmation and pulled the door open completely revealing the same sparsely decorated but clean hallway, that Sean had been met with yesterday.

"Mia's in he room," her father informed Sean. "You're welcome to go upstairs. Her room is the first one on the right." He gestured up the narrow wooden flight of stairs, which Sean then proceeded to walk up, taking the steps to at a time, and knocked on the appropriate door.

The door opened after a short delay and Sean came face to face with Mia.

Even though he had seen her only yesterday, the changes about her were dramatic. She looked incredibly gaunt, dark rings under her eyes, which were slightly red from the constant rubbing in attempts to stay awake. Her blonde hair was lank and in need of washing.

Her grey eyes widened when she saw who was behind the door and her hand immediately flew to the edge her jumper as she attempted to sort her appearance out.

"Sean what are you...?"

"Doesn't matter. Get your coat. We're going out."