St. Elsewhere

Part 23

They always say that bad things happen in threes.

Well so far Mia had ticked two out of three boxes.

She had had to return to Oxford. Bad thing number one.

Her mother's condition had worsened. Bad thing number two.

There was yet to be a number three, but with the luck that Mia was having it was bound to come around shortly.

Mia and Sean were at present sat on the flat rooftop of Mia's parents house looking out at the calm and mundane Oxford neighbourhood in which the house was situated.

Mia's emotional meltdown, so to speak, had put a different set of dynamics into Mia and Sean's relationship. Things had become far clearer then ever before and both realised that now was the time to be completely honest.

"I missed you in London." Sean said earnestly, catching a hold of Mia's hand.

A blush crept onto Mia's cheeks but she smiled slightly and lowered her gaze onto her and Sean's intertwined hands.

'I missed you too. I'm really sorry I didn't call you…" Mia faltered unable to bring out the words that she'd been rehearsing in her head since Sean's sudden appearance two days ago.

Sean squeezed Mia's hand and invited Mia to say what she felt she needed to say.

"But I got scared about what you'd think when you saw what was going on here. I didn't want to be a constant source of drama that you had to worry about. I just wanted to be normal, a normal girl without all this shit happening."

Mia's voice cracked again. Mia was sick of crying by now, she'd been crying more in the past five days than she had in half a year and already was growing tired of the salty liquid that collected at the bottom of her grey eyes.

"Mia, it doesn't matter what drama is happening in your life I'm still going to be here for you and you're still going to be that amazing ballet dancer that will never leave my head."

A soft smile broke out on Mia's face and for the first time in a while she felt truly happy at meaning something more to a person that a carer and a trouble making daughter that ran off to London chasing dreams that were apparently larger than anything she could put together.

Mia's grip on Sean's hand tightened and she moved closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his free arm around Mia's waist, placing a delicate kiss on her lips lightly.

Mia didn't have to say anything and Sean knew that. They just sat in silence, wrapped up closely in each other watching the late spring sun cast it's last glows over the tops of the surrounding town houses. A blissful calm sunk over everything and it was as if a glimmer of hope had gently settled down on Mia; things could work out, things wouldn't be as bad now that Sean was here.

It would all be alright.

But then footsteps were heard approaching up the stairs leading to the roof. The door opened slowly and Mia's father stood on the rooftop, something strange glimmering in his eye.

He took in the proximity of Mia and Sean and smiled sadly, just now where things were going so beautifully he had to spoil it.

Mia turned around to face her father, a smile still firmly fixed on her face and her hand still closely wrapped up in Sean's.

Her father decided it was best he if was blunt.

"Mia the ballet school called."

Sean at this also turned around confusion written across his face, his grip on Mia's hand tightening.

"Why?" There was no panic in Mia's voice, no change in manner to show that she was in any way concerned about what her father was going to say.

"They said if you don't show up in school in three days and stay in school for at least three weeks attending lessons, you're going to lose your scholarship."