St. Elsewhere

Part 5

Over the course of that week Mia had begun to talk to Lauren more and more.

The younger girl, if only by two years, had so much admiration towards Mia that often she felt slightly swamped by it all. But she did not complain; it made a positive change to be admired for once and not have to live up to any expectations.

Lauren was thrilled that Mia was taking the time with her. She idolized her and often watched Mia practice in secret, hidden from the heavy velvet curtain that hung at the back of the room, hiding another mirrored wall.

The two girls had taken to practicing together later in the afternoon, once the lessons had all officially ended.

It was more fun to practice together. It allowed Mia to correct the minor mistakes that Lauren made and also meant that she could advise Lauren what to do.

Although Lauren often felt that she was not helping Mia, she in fact was. Through Lauren, Mia began to benefit from human interaction: something that had been lacking heavily in her human empty world.

In short the girls became friends.

So it came to one day when Lauren felt that Mia was ready for the next step. Lauren had a sharp eye when it came to judging people, and she knew that Mia could not interact well with others at all. Whether it be with her own peers or even teachers.

Lauren made it her mission to get Mia to open up.

"Do you want to go to a show tonight?" Lauren asked suddenly whilst the girls were packing their bags up after having stretched to cool down.

"What show?" Mia asked interestedly.

"My brother is in a band and they're playing tonight. They're alright I guess, maybe you'd like them."

Mia smiled. Slowly but surely she was building up something called a social life.

"I'd love to…" She was about to continue but her phone started ringing form her bag.

She glanced at the caller ID.


Mia's eyes widened.

"Sorry do you mind if I…" She gestured to the ringing phone.

"Oh no not at all." Lauren said with a small smile as Mia answered the phone, and carried on packing up her bag.

"Dad?" Mia asked with trepidation.

"Mia you have to come home." Was all her dad said. Mia could here the break in his voice.

"Now?" She asked, fearing for the worst.


"Ok I'll be there as soon as possible."

With that Mia hung up.

Lauren looked at her with concern evident on her face.

"Everything ok?"

Mia shook her head.

"I'm sorry I can't come to the show with you tonight. Family emergency I have to leave like, now. We'll catch it up some other time?" Mia asked hopefully.

"Of course! Family is more important." Lauren said emphatically.

And before Mia knew what was happening she was back in her car driving the long way back to Oxford.