Too Complicated

Chapter 2

I heard three rings before he picked up his cell. I know! My best-friend is a guy-- let me correct my self-- my best-friend is a total hot guy! Kinda weird though!!

"hey! What's up?" He asked in his hoarse, deep voice.

"Hey I need you to pick me up from my house! Now!" I yelled through the phone.

"OK..." Was all he said. His voice was full of shock. I don't really ride in his car much because, first: it stinks and second: there are nasty things in there! Trust me! I don't want to ride, but I HAVE to get out of this claustrophobic house!

I waited about thirty minutes. When he finally arrive, I ran outside. When I got to his car, I opened the passenger door and went in then I buckled my seat belt.

"It stinks in here! Do you clean your car? It's like a pig-sty in here!" I complained.

He ignored my complain and he started driving on the free road. I turned on the radio and I searched through the stations until I found my favorite station, 104.3. Seriously, who drives without the music on?

"You realize it's five in the morning, right?" he asked, his eyes scanning the road.

I nodded. "Yup!" I looked around the car and guess what I found. A pink bra with K written on it!

"Seriously! Did you suddenly decide to become gay or something?" I asked.

He laughed. He looked at me and he grinned. Oh my god! I know that grin! That's the "uhh...yea--about--that--I've--been--busy--lately" grin.

"Oh My God! You slept with Kendra?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Eeewww! Gross! How can you sleep with her? She's like a total bitch AND a slut!" I lectured. Everyone knows who she is. She slept with most of the guys in school! She probably slept with his uncle!... Well, that was what the rumor said! She also wears pink bras with Kendra written on it.

"So why did you want me to pick you up this early?"

"My parents are fuckin' annoying!"

"Oh...Yeah!" Was all he said. He probably feels sympathetic but he doesn't show it. Although, I can hear it in his voice.

We drove for thirty minutes. He stopped by Lind's Cafe. It's our favorite cafe. And It's open twenty-four/seven. We went in and guess who we see? Kendra!

Mark, yes that's my best-friend's name, went to meet her and I scanned the room until I found by other friends sitting on a table on the corner, staring at Kendra...and now Mark too!