Too Complicated

Chapter 9

"Who was that cute guy? You never told us----" Blair and Clair asked at the same time.

"Guys, seriously! That is freaky!...Anyway...haven't you been listening? His nam---"

"We all know his name, but when did you guys meet? He looks like a model! Did you finally decide to become a model or something?" Courtney asked.

I rolled my eyes and said yes sarcastically.

"Look, we were just askin..."

"I know, but to tell you the truth..."

"Tell us already! The suspense is killing us!" they all yelled.

"I don't like him...I like someone else!" I blurted out. Oopsie! I shouldn't have said that! They will bug me until they find out who the guy is. The last time this happened was when Clair said she like someone and we all bugged her for three months until we saw her locking lips with Sean (he was cute, but he wasn't hot). I still can't believe she went out with him because Blair liked him too, but she forgave her.

"I'm not tellin' and you guys will forget I said that!" I warned looking at them with my evil glare. I could've sworn I heard a ching or something like in cartoons.

"Just tell us! We won't tell! Pinky swear!" Clair pleaded.

"NO! Now come on! The guys are probably wondering what's taking us so long," I said before opening the door. When I was on the hallway, Mark was walking so fast I thought he could win the how fast can you walk in one minute or something.

"What happened? Why are you in such a hurry? Do you really need to go that bad?" I asked stopping him on his track.

He shook his head.

"Gotta talk to you later, but for now, can't. Kendra has been on my tail since this morning and I can't seem to lose her," he said before running to the guys bathroom.

I shook my head and started to walk towards the table.

"Have you seen Mark?" Kendra asked, her fake boobs showing through her tank top.

"You should wear something over your tank top!" I said. I saw her make a face before I left.

"Hey! You still---"

"I didn't see him okay so leave me alone!"

Ugh! Annoying little slut! I thought as I continued walking.