When Two Different Worlds Collide

Come Down With Love

The day was here. The day Stereo Skyline flies to Virginia for some of the BIGGEST press conferences we will have in our careers. And, the day I get to see Hannah.

It's been a few weeks since I last saw her, and I can't stop thinking about her.

"Delta Airlines. Now Boarding flight #15, LAX to NORF."

There was the flight that will change everything.

"Ready to roll?" Kevin said to me
"Yeah. Let's go."

We headed onto our plane. First class seats, not too bad.
The long ten-hour flight to Virginia was boring. I was so anxious to be there.

"Attention passengers: We will now be landing. Remain seated until the plane has come to a complete stop and the doors have opened. Then grab your belongings and head out." The flight attendent spoke.

Rob was the first one off the plane. Followed by Kevin and Clayton. I was the last one off.

"We're in Virginia!" I exclaimed to the guys
"Glad to be here. I missed this place" Rob spoke.
"Me too. Antigravity was one of our best shows" Clayton said.
"I agree" I said

We all walked through the gates. And there she was.
That beautiful, long brown hair. And those gorgeous green eyes that I've missed.

"Hannah!" I shouted
"Brian!" She said as she ran towards me and gave me a hug. I have missed this soo much.
"Awww! Look at the happy couple!" Kevin said. "Let's go get the luggage and wait for Brian in the car."

"I missed you" Hannah spoke
"Me too" I broke away from the hug to give her a long kiss. "I really did."
"I'm glad you are here."
"Me too. How is the band?"
"Doing good! We have a show tomorrow night with a local band called Holly Would..."
"Mind if we come?"
"Not at all. Please do!"

I grabbed her hand and headed to baggage claim. We then headed to the car where Kevin and the others were waiting.

"Hey Hannah! How's it going?" Clayton asked
"Going good! Long days with everything going on, but good."
"How's the band?" Kevin asked
"Great. We have a show tomorrow night with another local band. Wanna come out to see it?"
"Of course!" Rob added in

We all piled into the car, and headed to Hannah's house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Few things:
1) Filler, but a much needed chapter. Long time no write!
School, 6 day Crew practices (sometimes two practices a day), and church have been taking over my life! I'll get to writing as soon as I can :)
2) The song title, could not really think of one. Just chose a song that I was listening to
3) Speaking of #1, someone want to co-write either this or my other two stories? It will take a load off me, and I would love you bunches!
4) Two Songs I cannot stop listening to: Candles-Hey Monday and Sing-Glee Cast (My Chemical Romance Cover)
5) Go check out the band Holly Would... on facebook, twitter, myspace, and vote for them to play on Vans Warped Tour!