Status: Slowly Writing...Bare With me.

I Love CupCakes

Who Am I


Helen's Interview 1pm

Flashing lights erupted around me as I dived through the crowds; hands reached to touch me, cameras flashed and blinded me as I was pulled through the tightening crowds by three huge men, that had escorted me the whole day.

“Kate! Kate!” They screamed as I dived under the gates into the main doors. As I stood up slowly and brushed myself off, the bouncers looked at each other.

“Wow that was tough” the biggest one, whose name was Gary, said. The second one was Nick and the third, Simon. I smiled and walked through another door, pulling my jacket straight as I went. Yet again, to my dismay, I was greeted by more cameras flashing away.

You're probably thinking who am I but to be honest I'm not sure. My name is Kate Maden. I'm a writer who just wrote a highly popular book, hence the crowds. The only book Ive wrote sold out in just one week; it was amazing, climbing straight to the top of the NY Book List. It was nothing to me. But since Hollywood decided to make a Blockbuster movie from it, the book has become a huge hit. As a result, I can't go anywhere without being swarmed by reporters and fans. This was just for an interview. Its become something of normality, the attention of the paparazzi and the screaming fans trying to grab me In the beginning it was scary all those people trying to reach out and touch me. I didn't know what to do. I'm quite short for being nineteen, barely reaching five foot four. It was a huge responsibility for someone so tiny but I firmly believe short people can do anything they want. I have short Ginger Hair, and I'm quite tubby but working on loosing those pounds.

The reason I was being swarmed by the parasites commonly known as paparazzi was to do an interview with Hollywood, Hot, Hits (HHH). They had to come here because I refused to fly to America to do an interview.

Pushing my way across the room and through the crowd, I walk into a rather large holiday suite. It was actually quite nice. I half expected them to do this interview in some cheap motel. Even though there were several people in the room, all waiting for me, only one caught my eye. She was wearing a bright pink fluffy blouse and tight black denim jeans. Her hair was pulled back in a tight bun and her face was very pointy. It did not come off as a good impression. She beamed at me excitedly as I came in through the door. I smiled briefly, trying to not freak out from nervousness, and sat down in to a chair opposite her. She nodded to her partner, who hit record on a tape player which was positioned in front of us.

“Hello Kate,” the bubbly, rather weird looking lady said to me, or rather, practically screamed at me

“Hi Helen,” I replied slowly

“Ok you're here today to talk about your new book In Love With A Dream. Is that right?” she continued.

“Only if you ask me about it Helen,” I muttered with a smile. She smiled back at me, whilst holding her little blue clip board.

"So I've heard theres a lot of speculation, to whether the book is real or not, we have been told you are getting a lot of issues with that particular subject"

"Indeed I have been"


"No Clue" [l]...Silence...[/l]

“Ok, so this is your first book?”


“How old where you when you first started writing it?”

“I was about 16, going on 17. I think.”

“That's quite young for a writer”

“I guess.”

“How old are you now?”

“I'm 19.”

“It took you 2 years to write the book?”

“No, I started writing it, then stopped and started again.”

“Why did you stop?” I paused before answering, looking at her slowly.

“Issues, personal.”

“Oh. OK.” she glared at me slightly, I guess it was because I was depriving her from the juicy gossip. “So…. Your book is based on a girl named Ellie falling for another girl on the Internet, am I right?”

“Indeed you are Helen.”

“So what made you think of this idea?” I didn't answer right away. Instead I stopped and looked in to her big brown eyes. Her rather large pink fluffy blouse kept catching my eyes; it was as if it had a huge sign on it that screamed “burn me”, and yet her question, through all of this other distraction, made me think, what had my book been about.

“I can't remember Helen.”

“Well it was a long time ago...”

“Yea… It was.” I drifted off in to thought. I'd written this huge hit of a book, and now I couldn't even remember why.

“So,” Helen said, waving her hand in front of me to get my attention. “The book starts with Ellie at her computer waiting for Msn to load.”


“So Kate I have to ask why this beginning?”

“I just picked it randomly.”

“So there no personal experience there at all?”


If I was Pinocchio, my nose would be a foot long....
♠ ♠ ♠
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