Status: Slowly Writing...Bare With me.

I Love CupCakes

Missing Chapter


Helens Interview 2.00pm

There was silence as I stopped talking to Rachael, I heard her sigh and then finally speak

“Soo, what happened?”

“Nothing we just didn't get on.” I think she could tell I was lying.

“When was that?”

“About a day after she started talking to me.”

“So that was it?”


“Are you sure?”

“Yea…” My voice quavered, she sighed again.

“Do you want to finish this interview?”


“Want to do it next week?”


“Ok, I’ll ring Helen.” There was silence and I wiped a tear. “Kate?”

“Get up of the floor.”

“How can I get out? The door is filled with fans and paparazzi.”

“Look up.” I looked up and saw an air vent.

“The air vent? Are you crazy?”

“Hell no Kate, you moron, the window above you!”

“Oh…” I frowned. “How did you know there s window above me?”

“Because I’m peering into it and I can see you feet.”

“Oh.” I stood up and turned to see Rachael waving at me. That explained why she knew everything.

“Come on” she muttered pushing it open and holding her hand out. I took it and climbed out after her.

It wasn't that hard getting out of the square. Most of the paps were around the front waiting for Gary to escort me out, but Gary was still forcing his way in to the ladies toilets. Rachael's hand was warm and comforting. I’d known her three years and she had always been there when I needed her, but just because she was there, it didn't mean I told her everything.

11th October 2010

You – I Love You
Gemma – I Love You Too.
You – I Love You More
Gemma – Nien
You - Ja
Gemma – Nien
You – Ja. If the world was to end in two days time, I’d run to Glasgow to be with you
Gemma – :} <3
You – How many kisses can you fit in two days?
Gemma – We’ll see :}
You – I wish the world will end in two days now, just so I could see you. Then turn into a Hollywood film and Nicholas Cage save the day.

Helens Interview 2.10pm

I looked up from my hands as Rachael hustled me into the car, under the cover of her coat.

“Oh my god, its Kate!” we heard someone scream. We then heard thuds of footsteps but rushed of in the car before they could reach us.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys sorry about my dyslexia