Status: Slowly Writing...Bare With me.

I Love CupCakes

Hollywoods, Hot, Hits Newest Entry.



Author Kate Maden is a liar?

Young author Kate Maden, who was recently interviewed by myself, Helen Kiddle, is now found to be lying, and has been for the past six months since her book was released. The nineteen year old hit Hollywood sensation has been lying to us all about her first book In Love with a Dream. The book tells us the story of a16 year old girl, Ellie, falling for a 17 year old girl called Kaylie. Kate, when questioned about the books storyline and whether or not it was real, simply replied “No Helen.” The same answer came after too many of our questions that we had in our short interview. We now have sufficient evidence that Kate's book is a true story based on an on-line relationship that she had when she was 16 with a young girl named Gemma, who as well as Kaylie lives in Glasgow. Turn to page four for more evidence and a diary entry taken from Kate's very own diary.

My eyes darted across the page in pure shock at what I was reading in the newest copy of Hollywood’s Hot Hits. I could feel my heart rate speed up and my fists clench, every bone in my body screamed in agony, and finally the hot white ray or anger that came from the inward turning of my eyes, burned a hole though the page, as I ripped page four open.

Kate Maden, Gay? Or straight? The question is yet to be answered but we know for certain that she is somewhere in the middle of these two categories. In the book, little Ellie gets her heart ripped out by the one she loves. In return she mistakenly rips little Kaylie’s out to. As it turns out, this did happen between a lady named Gemma and our own Kate Maden? This is what her Diary says…

I can't stop thinking about her; did I just make the biggest mistake of my life? I miss Gemma, her voice, the way she talks her humor I miss it all, and I wish I could have her back, but I can't she will never forgive me.

What does little Kate mean by this? Was there another chapter to this story that was never revealed? Keep reading and the next part of this tale will be with you shortly.

My mind exploded and I rip the magazine up and reached out for the phone immediately punching in Rachael's number. (Punching is the nicer word to what I was doing to the poor phone buttons).

“RACHAEL!” I screamed down the phone at her at 11 AM on a Monday morning.

“Jesus Christ Kate…” she groans.



“Read it quickly.” I heard Rachael open a door and a flickering of some pages. I then heard a pure gasp of horror. I guessed she had read the first sentence. A few minutes past and I heard something rip.
“HELEN!!!” I heard her scream. She was on her mobile “HOW DARE YOU WRITE THAT STORY, YOU HAD NO RIGHT!!!” I could barely hear anything as I was most likely lying on Rachael’s sofa turned upside down under the ripped up magazine

“DON'T YOU GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT.” There was a loud thud and Rachael was on the phone again, but this time to me.



“I'm going into talk to Helen want to come with?”


“Ok I’ll be around in ten to pick you up”

“Ok. Bye.”

I stood up after putting the phone down and screamed loudly. What have I done, I should have never written that book, and I should have never even considered it. I sank to the floor crying and saw shredded remains of Gemma's name on the floor

“I miss Gemma, her vo…”

The rest of it was somewhere else, she would never forgive me, my book was a lie there was more to that story it didn't just end there, there was another chapter, and that was the crucial chapter, the one that might save her. I had to tell people I had to tell them.

The door bell rang and Rachael was standing in the door.

“Let’s go” she muttered.
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Sorry guys Chapter Confusion lol, im dyslexic go easy on me