Status: Slowly Writing...Bare With me.

I Love CupCakes

Online Love


In Love With A Dream Chapter 1

Before i start my story i must tell you that this is not one with a happy ending, or at least i don't think it is. I have avoided critics and interviewers for a long time now, and maybe, just maybe, Helen will crack me.

-Bing- You have just logged in-
-Bing- CupCakes Has Just Logged On

CupCakes- Hia <3
You- Heya
CupCakes- I Missed You...
You- I missed You Too :)
CupCakes- So...Good day?
You- Not Really :(
CupCakes- Why?!?
You- Been waiting for you to come online :)
CupCakes- Na'wh. hehe.
You- I love you...
CupCakes- I love you to... :')


Kate's Home 10pm

I lifted my eyes from the pages, and a tear dropped from my eyes.

I remember it so well it had only been three years and it felt like it had happened yesterday.

-Bing- You have just logged in-
-Bing- Gemma Has Just Logged On

The familiar bing echoed in my head. The sound that i often heard when she logged on, when Gemma logged on. I had named her Cupcakes in my book. I closed my eyes and shut the book, tossing it to the floor. I shouldn't have done this. I shouldn't have written this. It's a huge mistake, one I couldn't take back. One she'd never forgive me for. More tears followed the one that had already dropped and I curled back up into a ball on the sofa, holding a letter in my hands, gripping it with all my might.
Helen's Interview 1.14pm

I imagined myself with a Pinocchio nose, and smiled to myself. Helen looked confused but pressed on with the questions.

"So Kate, your character Ellie, she's 16 years old and is bisexual. is this correct?"


"So why bisexual?"

"I don't really know. I guess because someone needed to write a book about that type of situation a girl could be in."

"That's very useful.... Can you relate to this?"

"No, I don't think I can..."

My Pinocchio nose just grew to two feet.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments are appreciated so please, help me out tell me what you think...