Status: Slowly Writing...Bare With me.

I Love CupCakes

Be Prepared


Ok, so half of you are probably thinking ‘what the hell is this crazy bisexual git talking about?’ (Well I guess only if you're English you'll be thing like that. The rest of the world is probably more like ‘WTF?’) Well, if you are one of the people thinking that, let me explain. Three years ago I fell in love with a girl over the Internet, like real love. The head over heels, if-you’re-in-pain-I-can-feel-it-also love. I loved her so badly, Hell I still love her that bad, but one day I made the wrong decision and lost her forever.

I did the only thing I could do to get the emotion I was feeling out. I wrote a book about it.

Now I just have to deal with this crazy assed interviewer, Helen, who is bound and determined to get every little answer out of me and screw up my books true meaning.

She had just asked me about Internet dating. I instantly froze, unable to think of anything to say.

I was so scared. I never thought I would lie, especially not to an interviewer but I did what I had to. Even if every answer coming out of my mouth was a lie. I couldn't answer with the truth. If she was watching she would know my book is about her.

In Love With A Dream Chapter Five

-Bing- You have just logged in-
-Bing- CupCakes Has Just Logged On

CupCakes- Hia <3
You- Heya
CupCakes- I Missed You...
You- I missed You Too :)
CupCakes- I broke up with my bf a few days ago :/
You: are you ok?
CupCakes: yea :)
You: good... I wanted to ask you something?
CupCakes: what?
You: well i asked you before, but what are we... i mean we hug we love each other and yea we well kiss, but what are we?
CupCakes: What do you want us to be?
You:... Gf's :) Blushes-
You: i don't want to pressure you into anything, but this is the last time ill ask untill, i let you ask :)
CupCakes: Yes
You: really
CupCakes: Yes :)
You: YAY! Kisses-
CupCakes: Kisses Bk- :)

Helen's Interview 1.30pm

My left eye was twitching. Helen was glaring at me. I never did well under pressure.
"Are you OK?" she inquired. I paused and sighed heavily
"Yea," I muttered, giving a fake smile in her direction. It must have been believable, because she looked back down at her clipboard and continued on with her brutal interrogation.
♠ ♠ ♠
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