Status: Slowly Writing...Bare With me.

I Love CupCakes

Painfull Break Up


Three Years Ago... Kate's Past

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Gemma: I think it was too soon for me to go into another relationship. :/
You: What do you mean?
Gemma: I just feel like I did with my ex, bored. Like I dunno, I just think I want to be single for longer. :|
You: :( ok
Gemma: ... sorry

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No Shit....

Helen's Interview 1.46pm

I lifted my head slowly from my hands and stared at the toilet in front of me. I could help but remember how much I had cried that night The pain had been unbearable. It was still unbearable.

-Bang Bang-

"Kate, come on out, Kate," my body guard screamed. "Come on. Please?"
Three Years Ago...Kate's Past

"Kate come on out. You can’t cry forever," my friend Teri called through the toilet door. "You can't hide forever."

"Go away!" I screamed.

"Come on Kate. She was a girl on the INTERNET, get over it!"




I kicked the door furiously and heard Teri cry out loud in annoyance.

"Fine, but you have classes."

"Fuck off!"

"You will go on referral Kate!"

"Fine!" I yelled; wrenching the door open and storming out, leaving Teri behind, the tears were still in my eyes.

I slowly opened my class door and the teacher looked at me, and so did the rest of the class; starring at the tears in my eyes.

"Are you OK?" several of my mates asked.

"Yea," I choked, sitting down. Luke, the teacher, stood up and walked over to me

"Follow me please Kate." I sighed and followed him out.

"Are you OK?" Luke asked. I thought about it for a second before speaking.

"Not particularly."

"What’s wrong?"

"My girl friend broke up with me,” I stuttered, feeling the tears coming back.

"That’s terrible," he answered in a really sensitive voice.

"Yea," I muttered and nodded, covering my face.

"I think you should go home."

"No thank you."

"I think it’s best if you’re this torn up about it."

"It happened two days ago, it just hit me harder today. That’s all."

"OK, well I still think you should go home,” he repeats.

"No thank you."


He turned and around and took me back to the class room. I followed without another word.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment please and I'm dyslexic, Sorry about the delay guys im having writers block its hard to remember old memories and make new ones.