Status: Slowly Writing...Bare With me.

I Love CupCakes

Running Away


Kate’s Past Three years ago 3rd-6th October 2010

I remember the day she left me ever so well. It was a Sunday, Sunday the 3rd of October 2010. It was about five p.m. when I got the text though. I was in a car on my way home from a fun day out with some members of my family that I hadn’t seen in a while. A pure look of shock came over my face as I read the text and even my seven year old cousin felt something was wrong.

“Are you ok Kate?” little Nicky asked.

I nodded slowly and looked back at my phone, replying simply “What do you mean?” but you already know all this. As I arrived home I unlocked the door and bounded up the stairs to my computer to which I turned it on and awaited her reply, or rather, I sat there fearing her reply. I sat at my computer desk almost shaking with fear that she would leave and never come back. There and then in thirty minutes or less my heart was thrown from the moon on to concrete flooring with nothing to protect the impact. I kept a strong face and smiled.

“Friends though, forever,” I replied.

“Yea.” I smiled once again and screamed inside, so loudly that I felt my heart break. Monday was fine, and I was a little numb. Tuesday was when it hit. It was about ten pm and I was Djing on a kid’s site called Habbcrazy. I don’t remember what our conversation had been specifically about, but it was something like this

Gemma-Where’s the paragraph I wrote about you?

You - What?

Gemma - On your profile, it’s gone, like I never even meant it

You - Oh no lol, it’s on another word document

Gemma - Whatever

You - Gemma, come on, what now?

Gemma - Leave me alone

My heart stopped, melted even, rooted on my chair a single tear dropped from my eye, and I screamed so loudly not in fear or physical pain but metal, I reached for my chest as though I was in a dramatic drama production and almost fell to the floor. My mother came bounding in and held me tightly as I rocked back and forth on the chair, as my song finished I cried into the microphone for cover DJ and no one came, I got replies such as ‘what's wrong? Why are you crying?’ I ignored them and pleaded for a cover DJ, one finally did come, but I was too much of a wreck to say thanks. I don't remember sleeping that day, but I know Wednesday was when it hit hardest, leading to the talk with Luke, so now you know. The most memorable thing so far in my life, is the pain I felt as my heart broke. It’s funny how three words such as “I love you” can be turned in to three words such as “Leave Me alone”, but that's all in the past, and this story might just get better.

-------------------Wednesday 6th October 2010------------------

After my talk with Luke, I kept my head down most of the day and said hi to the few people that greeted me; most of my class eyed me up as I walked down the corridors to see if the tears were there or whether they had gone. They were there, but hidden behind a few layers of mascara and foundation (First time I have really worn makeup) I smiled and sat down. My friend Rachael slid down next to me and hugged me.

“I saw your Facebook.” I nodded and looked down.


“You ok?”


“You’re not ok, but I’ll take your answer.”

I smiled at her and gave her a hug. She stood up and walked to the end of the corridor, where a small bubbly girl practically jumped her, the first hug was followed by a taller blonde girl and shorter brunette and a boy with long blonde hair. Rachael had friends that I could never have and I envied her. The day passed and little happened. I followed Rachael most of the day and met her friends, the small bubbly girl was called Natasha, the tall blond girl was called Sophie, the brunette haired girl was called Tracy and the blonde boy was Peter. All the girls in that group were Bisexuals, Peter was straight. Tracy and Natasha were dating and looked happy enough. There was another boy there to his name was Toby and he had a big mouth. So big that the day I met him, he got expelled from the college, it was quite funny.

-------------------Thursday 7th October 2010-------------------

Thursday was the hardest of all days I have ever gone through. I added Natasha on Skype and had invited her in to a conversation with a boy named Darren and Gemma was there to. I smiled and said hello. Natasha mentioned Toby’s mistake and I started laughing. Gemma started to talk over the top of me. I let her. I still loved her after all. Then she said the three words to Darren that made my heart lurch “I love You”. I coughed a little hoping she would say I love you Kate, but she didn’t. The worst part was she kept saying it, and every time she did it was another bullet to my chest… She didn’t even know. I got bored and left the convocation, to which Gemma messaged me and asked why I had left.

Gemma - Why did you go?

You – No reason.

Gemma – Come back.

You – No thank you.

Gemma – Why?

You – I can’t sit there and listen to you announce your love for Darren, and not even say that you love me.

Gemma – Oh so what I can’t say I love you to friends anymore?

You – I didn’t mean it like that, I just mean you could have said I love you Kate as well…

Gemma – I would of but you were too busy laughing your head off with Natasha.

You – What? There were plenty of times.

Gemma – you know what, I’m going to do what I should have done to start with.

You – what??

Gemma - Run. Goodbye.


-This User Is No Longer Your Friend, Your Message Could Not Be Sent-

Another crack in my heart appeared and I head butted the screen and ran to the sanctuary of my covers, thinking ‘what have I done.’
♠ ♠ ♠
Dyslexic What Do You Think??

Ediotr's Note:
Cupcakes to all commenters?