
“You okay?” a deep voice chuckled from behind me, making me jump even though he hadn’t really scared me. I slung the bag over my shoulder, zipping it up noisily, before turning to face the tall boy. He had brown hair that was long enough to slip into his face and always cover his cerulean eyes. There was a kindness to the round shape of his features that I’d never seen in anybody of his stature. He stood a good foot over me, leaning effortlessly back on one leg, slouching didn’t stop him from towering over the rest of the student population.

Inhale. “Yeah.” Exhale. I gathered my wits as I shook my head and gently pushed past him. Maybe I could concentrate on him tomorrow, I told myself, not liking the idea a single bit. “I’m good,” I smiled up at the giant, trying to make my way down the hallway steadily. I knew his eyes were watching me retreat.

“See you tomorrow,” he called down the narrow hall, a cheerful echo to my otherwise boring and seemingly meaningless life. If only he knew the truth.

There is no tomorrow.