When It All Comes Down To A Sunrise On The East Side

The end, but not for long.

*Two hours later*
“How many was that?” Zack asks, rolling off of me.
“Uh, six, I think.”
“I counted five.”
“That’s because we didn’t really stop between the second and third ones, but they were two different positions and you came after the second one, so they’re separate.”
He lies there, thinking for a moment. “Yeah, that makes sense. So I came six times…should I even ask how many you had?”
“Well, there were a lot, I can tell you that much…I think I lost count after seventeen, and that was halfway through the second one…so that’s an average of eleven per round, so…at least seventy, if I round up.” I know that’s a lot, but Zack is an animal in bed.
“Damn, baby. Are you okay?” Zack asks, laughing. I’m sure that inflated his ego.
“My legs feel like Jell-O. I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to walk for the next week.”
“I’m sorry. Next time I’ll be gentler.”
“You were plenty gentle. Round One was perfectly soft and slow, but then I got curious and wanted to try new things. My curiosity combined with your power cock means no walking for me.”
He laughs and we just lay there for a little while before someone opens the door. Thankfully it’s Alex, who takes one look at the clothes on the floor, our shoulders peeking out from under the sheet, my undoubtedly outrageous sex hair, and the look on Zack’s face before he walks in and closes the door.
He looks at me. “You just got laid, didn’t you?”
“For the first time?”
“And how many times after that?”
Alex had something to say, but that is lost when I tell him how many times Zack and I fucked. Yeah, the first time was making love, but all the times after that one were far from it. Alex doesn’t say anything; he just goes up to Zack and shakes his hand, says, “Well done, my friend,” then leaves the room.
Alex coming in reminded me of something Zack said before all this nonsense went down, so I decide to ask him about it again, hoping that his post-orgasmic state will help to jog his memory.
“Hey, Zack? Do you remember what you said earlier about Alex having a plan?”
I know that he does, because he can’t fool me. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, really? So, if I were to just put some clothes on, walk out the door, and ask Alex what it is, he wouldn’t have anything to tell me?”
“Okay,” I say, moving to get out of the bed and put clothes on to do just what I said. Zack doesn’t seem to agree with my plan, because he moves from the spot where he was lying to grab me around my waist and pull me back down on the bed. We wrestle for a minute, eventually ending up standing but I still in Zack’s clutches. I decide to distract him by teasing him, running my hands up and down his sides because I know what that does to him now. “Baby,” I ask, pouting and putting on the biggest damsel in distress face I have ever put on, “please let me go.”
He takes one look at my face and melts. Score one for me. I start to put some shorts and a t-shirt on, knowing that he thinks I’m not going anywhere. I move to open the door, but he wraps his arms around me again, though not as tight this time. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“I’m going to figure out Alex’s plan,” I say, wiggling out of his grasp.

Zack just stands there for a minute, taking in what I said and the fact that I’m now halfway to the door. I look back at him, watching it register on his face and closing the door before he can catch me.

“Alexander William Gaskarth! Come here right now!”

Alex comes running and sees me trying to keep the door shut and knows what’s going on, but doesn’t help.

“What do you want?” he asks, laughing at me because he knows that I’m not going to be able to hold the door for very long. Zack’s strength is no match for me, and both he and Alex know that.

“Zack might have let it slip that you have a plan. Would you mind terribly telling me what it is?”

“Yeah, you’re gonna move in with Zack in L.A. so you can help with the record.”

“WHAT?!” I yell, stopping my efforts and letting go of the door handle, making the door swing open and Zack land on top of me.

I hear Rian call from the living room: “I take it you just told her the plan?”

“Yeah,” Alex says back.

“How’d she take it?”

“Just like you said she would.”

Rian then walks up. “I told you she would end up on the floor.”

“Yeah, but you also said that she would pass out and, as you can see, she is still conscious.”

“Yes, she is conscious, but is she coherent?”

“Jesus, Rian,” Alex exasperates, then leans down to my level. “What did I just tell you?” he asks me, rolling his eyes.

“You told me that I’m going to live with Zack in L.A. so I can be closer to help you work on the record,” I say, smiling.

“See, Rian? Completely coherent.”

“Yeah,” I say from the floor, “you thought I would fangirl again, didn’t you?”

“To be honest, yeah, I thought you would. I’m actually surprised that all you did was yell.”

“Well, it hasn’t completely sunk in yet, and I haven’t heard the details, but those will be sorted out on a plane ride, yes?”

“Yes. Although it will be a short plane ride, we will sort everything out then. Now, Zack, get off your girlfriend. I need her to help me pack,” Rian says, and Alex, Zack, and I all look at him strangely.

“What? She’s really good at packing and making everything fit like it’s supposed to.”

Zack gets off me and helps me up and I go off to help Rian pack. As Zack and I were getting up, I heard Alex mumble “He’s already been on top of her enough today.”

Three hours later, everyone is ready to check out of the hotel and go to the airport to go home to their families. I would say, “Except for me,” but I’m staying with my new band family. We all get checked out and head to the airport, get our tickets all together, and wait for planes to arrive and depart. We are in the back area of the airport because of crazy fans. It took us thirty minutes to get checked in and back here because the guys love their fans so much that they couldn’t resist taking a few pictures and signing a few autographs. The part that really shocked me was that a few people even asked for my autograph. I signed whatever they handed me, and more than once was told that I’m really lucky to be in the situation I’m in. They told me that I’m so pretty and they’re jealous of me because I’m with Zack. I told them that I understand, and that I was in their place a few months ago, doing anything for an autograph and fawning over the band. When Matt yelled at us that we needed to hurry up, I thanked the people for their compliments and told them to keep dreaming, or something cheesy like that. We all walked towards Matt, me holding Zack’s hand, and finally made it to where we are now.

A couple of hours later, Rian, Alex, Jack, Zack, and I are making our way toward the plane that will take us to Los Angeles. We got into our seats finally and gave some more autographs before having to fasten our seatbelts and keep our seats in the full upright position during takeoff. All I remember is Alex giving me a few details about what we were going to do, how he had already okayed the plan with my family, and a few more things, then waking up on Zack’s chest a little over an hour later.

“Baby,” he says, gently shaking me, “we’re here.”

I get off of his chest and stand up, getting all my stuff from the overhead luggage holder and make my way off the plane, where, you guessed it, there are fans waiting for us. Again, we all sign autographs, then make our way through the airport and outside, where there are cars waiting for us. Zack and I get into one, while Alex and Rian get into another and Jack gets into another. We’re all going to end up in the same neighborhood, but whatever. They have to drop their stuff off at their houses, I guess.

Within fifteen minutes, we are pulling into Zack’s driveway. I’m so excited because this is the start of the rest of my life, and I get to spend it with Zack and the rest of the band family. Yeah, I will miss my biological family, but I talked to some of them earlier and they know that I’m happy with Zack and the guys. Hell, I can even see myself settling down here and starting a family with Zack. I think that would make me the happiest; if we were to have kids. They would have Zack’s good looks and talent and my…well…my awkwardness. Oh, well, we can deal with that when the time comes, maybe in a couple years. For now, I’m happy in Zack’s arms, in his house, on the couch. I feel this is where I belong.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, this is the end. There is a sequel currently in the works, and I will try to dedicate some time every week to working on it. I honestly don't want it to turn out like this one and stop once I run out of pre-written chapters.

If you guys have things that you want to happen in the sequel, you can just put it in the comments on this story or leave a comment on my profile.

Also, if you would like, here's my tumblr and you can follow me if you have one, too: elizabethlovesyoulots.tumblr.com :D

Thank you for sticking with me through all of this if you have. I hope you liked it as much as I liked writing it. I lost a bit of interest in the middle, but it picked up by chance the other day and here we are.

I'll put a link to the sequel here once it's up.