

The next morning, I woke up and ran straight out of the house without eating breakfast or even checking the time. I got to the end of the street and looked at my phone and realized it was 10:00am and I thought to myself, "wow I'm lazy."

I knocked on the door and out came my saviour, he reached out his hand for me to shake and then introduced himself as Terrence. We were talking on his front porch for what felt like eternity, then he invited me in for a drink.

We got talking about how he had heard the car, and it turns out he was just stepping out the door on his way to work, which explains the dissaperence afterwards. We both laughed, and we soon found out there was so much in common between us. Whether it be colour, subject, race car, number it was nearly all the same.

I looked at the clock trying not to look rude while doing it, and it showed 5:00pm. I quickly got to my feet and said goodbye and thank you once again. When we got to the doorway, he reached for my hand and ever so slightly kissed it.

When he did so, I blushed and turned my head so he wouldn't see. I said goodbye and headed home walking fast, but trying to not skip or run. I felt like this was all just a dream that I never wanted to wake up from. I got to my house, walked inside and - like I always do - asked what's for dinner? Mum responded, "it's make your own dinner night, remember?"

I groaned and went straight to the fridge, looked around to see what we had and found myself staring at a bottle of orange juice thinking about my day. I grabbed two pieces of bread, and made a sandwich, ran up to my room and closed to the door.

I quicky grabbed a notebook and pen and wrote down facts about Terrence for he was all I could think about at the time. I eventually found myself asleep on the bed with only a bite taken out of my dinner, still holding the book and pen, I was sound.
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I know it's short, but I'm doing the best I can. Comments please?